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An airborne traffic situation display system
An airborne traffic situation display system which could be used as an adjunct to the evolving National Airspace System/Automatic Radar Control Terminal System (NAS/ARTS) is described. In the proposed system, a contemporary realization of an old concept, the NAS/ARTS data are broadcast. A small digital computer in an aircraft then...
A cockpit situation display of selected NAS/ARTS data
By the mid-1970's, the evolving NAS/ARTS ground environment will provide the air traffic controllers with high quality computer-processed traffic situation displays. We believe it would be useful, particularly in busy terminal areas, to display some of this data in the cockpit. Systems with this objective have been constructed and flight...
Air Traffic Control quarterly technical summary, May 1970
This is the first report in the Quarterly Technical Summary series covering the Air Traffic Control activities at Lincoln Laboratory. The previous work on ATC was included in the General Research Quarterly Technical Summary. Because the allowable effort on ATC is comparatively small, it has been focused on only one...