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From NoSQL Accumulo to NewSQL Graphulo: design and utility of graph algorithms inside a BigTable database
Google BigTable's scale-out design for distributed key-value storage inspired a generation of NoSQL databases. Recently the NewSQL paradigm emerged in response to analytic workloads that demand distributed computation local to data storage. Many such analytics take the form of graph algorithms, a trend that motivated the GraphBLAS initiative to standardize...
Julia implementation of the Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model
Julia is a new language for writing data analysis programs that are easy to implement and run at high performance. Similarly, the Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model (D4M) aims to clarify data analysis operations while retaining strong performance. D4M accomplishes these goals through a composable, unified data model on associative...
Designing a new high performance computing education strategy for professional scientists and engineers
For decades the High Performance Computing (HPC) community has used web content, workshops and embedded HPC scientists to enable practitioners to harness the power of parallel and distributed computing. The most successful approaches, face-to-face tutorials and embedded professionals, don't scale. To create scalable, flexible, educational experiences for practitioners in all...
LLMapReduce: multi-level map-reduce for high performance data analysis
The map-reduce parallel programming model has become extremely popular in the big data community. Many big data workloads can benefit from the enhanced performance offered by supercomputers. LLMapReduce provides the familiar map-reduce parallel programming model to big data users running on a supercomputer. LLMapReduce dramatically simplifies map-reduce programming by providing...
Scalability of VM provisioning systems
Virtual machines and virtualized hardware have been around for over half a century. The commoditization of the x86 platform and its rapidly growing hardware capabilities have led to recent exponential growth in the use of virtualization both in the enterprise and high performance computing (HPC). The startup time of a...
Sampling operations on big data
The 3Vs -- Volume, Velocity and Variety -- of Big Data continues to be a large challenge for systems and algorithms designed to store, process and disseminate information for discovery and exploration under real-time constraints. Common signal processing operations such as sampling and filtering, which have been used for decades...
Sampling large graphs for anticipatory analytics
The characteristics of Big Data - often dubbed the 3V's for volume, velocity, and variety - will continue to outpace the ability of computational systems to process, store, and transmit meaningful results. Traditional techniques for dealing with large datasets often include the purchase of larger systems, greater human-in-the-loop involvement, or...
Improving big data visual analytics with interactive virtual reality
For decades, the growth and volume of digital data collection has made it challenging to digest large volumes of information and extract underlying structure. Coined 'Big Data', massive amounts of information has quite often been gathered inconsistently (e.g from many sources, of various forms, at different rates, etc.). These factors...
Enabling on-demand database computing with MIT SuperCloud database management system
The MIT SuperCloud database management system allows for rapid creation and flexible execution of a variety of the latest scientific databases, including Apache Accumulo and SciDB. It is designed to permit these databases to run on a High Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC) platform as seamlessly as any other HPCC job...
Big data strategies for data center infrastructure management using a 3D gaming platform
High Performance Computing (HPC) is intrinsically linked to effective Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM). Cloud services and HPC have become key components in Department of Defense and corporate Information Technology competitive strategies in the global and commercial spaces. As a result, the reliance on consistent, reliable Data Center space is...