Exploiting morphological, grammatical, and semantic correlates for improved text difficulty assessment
We present a low-resource, language-independent system for text difficulty assessment. We replicate and improve upon a baseline by Shen et al. (2013) on the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) scale. Our work demonstrates that the addition of morphological, information theoretic, and language modeling features to a traditional readability baseline greatly benefits...
Audio-visual identity grounding for enabling cross media search
Automatically searching for media clips in large heterogeneous datasets is an inherently difficult challenge, and nearly impossibly so when searching across distinct media types (e.g. finding audio clips that match an image). In this paper we introduce the exploitation of identity grounding for enabling this cross media search and exploration...
A new multiple choice comprehension test for MT
We present results from a new machine translation comprehension test, similar to those developed in previous work (Jones et al., 2007). This test has documents in four conditions: (1) original English documents; (2) human translations of the documents into Arabic; conditions (3) and (4) are machine translations of the Arabic...
Standardized ILR-based and task-based speech-to-speech MT evaluation
This paper describes a new method for task-based speech-to-speech machine translation evaluation, in which tasks are defined and assessed according to independent published standards, both for the military tasks performed and for the foreign language skill levels used. We analyze task success rates and automatic MT evaluation scores (BLEU and...
Development and use of a comprehensive humanitarian assessment tool in post-earthquake Haiti
This paper describes a comprehensive humanitarian assessment tool designed and used following the January 2010 Haiti earthquake. The tool was developed under Joint Task Force -- Haiti coordination using indicators of humanitarian needs to support decision making by the United States Government, agencies of the United Nations, and various non-governmental...
Robust keys from physical unclonable functions
Weak physical unclonable functions (PUFs) can instantiate read-proof hardware tokens (Tuyls et al. 2006, CHES) where benign variation, such as changing temperature, yields a consistent key, but invasive attempts to learn the key destroy it. Previous approaches evaluate security by measuring how much an invasive attack changes the derived key...
Spectral subgraph detection with corrupt observations
Recent work on signal detection in graph-based data focuses on classical detection when the signal and noise are both in the form of discrete entities and their relationships. In practice, the relationships of interest may not be directly observable, or may be observed through a noisy mechanism. The effects of...
Adaptive attacker strategy development against moving target cyber defenses
A model of strategy formulation is used to study how an adaptive attacker learns to overcome a moving target cyber defense. The attacker-defender interaction is modeled as a game in which a defender deploys a temporal platform migration defense. Against this defense, a population of attackers develop strategies specifying the...
LuminoCity: a 3D printed, illuminated city generated from LADAR data
In this work, we describe LuminoCity, a novel three-dimensional data display. A 3D printed model of Cambridge, MA was generated from LADAR data. A translucent plastic model was then cast from a mold of the 3D printed model. We developed a display system to project data onto the translucent model...
Strategic evolution of adversaries against temporal platform diversity active cyber defenses
Adversarial dynamics are a critical facet within the cyber security domain, in which there exists a co-evolution between attackers and defenders in any given threat scenario. While defenders leverage capabilities to minimize the potential impact of an attack, the adversary is simultaneously developing countermeasures to the observed defenses. In this...