Driving big data with big compute
Big Data (as embodied by Hadoop clusters) and Big Compute (as embodied by MPI clusters) provide unique capabilities for storing and processing large volumes of data. Hadoop clusters make distributed computing readily accessible to the Java community and MPI clusters provide high parallel efficiency for compute intensive workloads. Bringing the...
Analyzing and interpreting automatically learned rules across dialects
In this paper, we demonstrate how informative dialect recognition systems such as acoustic pronunciation model (APM) help speech scientists locate and analyze phonetic rules efficiently. In particular, we analyze dialect-specific characteristics automatically learned from APM across two American English dialects. We show that unsupervised rule retrieval performs similarly to supervised...
Query-by-example using speaker content graphs
We describe methods for constructing and using content graphs for query-by-example speaker recognition tasks within a large speech corpus. This goal is achieved as follows: First, we describe an algorithm for constructing speaker content graphs, where nodes represent speech signals and edges represent speaker similarity. Speech signal similarity can be...
Supervector LDA - a new approach to reduced-complexity i-vector language recognition
In this paper, we extend our previous analysis of Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) subspace compensation techniques using Gaussian modeling in the supervector space combined with additive channel and observation noise. We show that under the modeling assumptions of a total-variability i-vector system, full Gaussian supervector scoring can also be performed...
Speech enhancement using sparse convolutive non-negative matrix factorization with basis adaptation
We introduce a framework for speech enhancement based on convolutive non-negative matrix factorization that leverages available speech data to enhance arbitrary noisy utterances with no a priori knowledge of the speakers or noise types present. Previous approaches have shown the utility of a sparse reconstruction of the speech-only components of...
Vocal-source biomarkers for depression - a link to psychomotor activity
A hypothesis in characterizing human depression is that change in the brain's basal ganglia results in a decline of motor coordination. Such a neuro-physiological change may therefore affect laryngeal control and dynamics. Under this hypothesis, toward the goal of objective monitoring of depression severity, we investigate vocal-source biomarkers for depression...
Individual and group dynamics in the reality mining corpus
Though significant progress has been made in recent years, traditional work in social networks has focused on static network analysis or dynamics in a large-scale sense. In this work, we explore ways in which temporal information from sociographic data can be used for the analysis and prediction of individual and...
Probabilistic reasoning for streaming anomaly detection
In many applications it is necessary to determine whether an observation from an incoming high-volume data stream matches expectations or is anomalous. A common method for performing this task is to use an Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA), which smooths out the minor variations of the data stream. While EWMA...
Toward matched filter optimization for subgraph detection in dynamic networks
This paper outlines techniques for optimization of filter coefficients in a spectral framework for anomalous subgraph detection. Restricting the scope to the detection of a known signal in i.i.d. noise, the optimal coefficients for maximizing the signal's power are shown to be found via a rank-1 tensor approximation of the...
Exploring the impact of advanced front-end processing on NIST speaker recognition microphone tasks
The NIST speaker recognition evaluation (SRE) featured microphone data in the 2005-2010 evaluations. The preprocessing and use of this data has typically been performed with telephone bandwidth and quantization. Although this approach is viable, it ignores the richer properties of the microphone data-multiple channels, high-rate sampling, linear encoding, ambient noise...