An active filter achieving 43.6dBm OIP3
An active filter with a 50 omega buffer suitable as an anti-alias filter to drive a highly linear ADC is implemented in 0.13 um SiGe BiCMOS. This 6th-order Chebyshev filter has a 3 dB cutoff frequency of 28.3 MHz and achieves 36.5 dBm OIP3. Nonlinear digital equalization further improves OIP3...
Virtuoso: narrowing the semantic gap in virtual machine introspection
Introspection has featured prominently in many recent security solutions, such as virtual machine-based intrusion detection, forensic memory analysis, and low-artifact malware analysis. Widespread adoption of these approaches, however, has been hampered by the semantic gap: in order to extract meaningful information about the current state of a virtual machine, detailed...
A time-warping framework for speech turbulence-noise component estimation during aperiodic phonation
The accurate estimation of turbulence noise affects many areas of speech processing including separate modification of the noise component, analysis of degree of speech aspiration for treating pathological voice, the automatic labeling of speech voicing, as well as speaker characterization and recognition. Previous work in the literature has provided methods...
Assessing the speaker recognition performance of naive listeners using Mechanical Turk
In this paper we attempt to quantify the ability of naive listeners to perform speaker recognition in the context of the NIST evaluation task. We describe our protocol: a series of listening experiments using large numbers of naive listeners (432) on Amazon's Mechanical Turk that attempts to measure the ability...
Informative dialect recognition using context-dependent pronunciation modeling
We propose an informative dialect recognition system that learns phonetic transformation rules, and uses them to identify dialects. A hidden Markov model is used to align reference phones with dialect specific pronunciations to characterize when and how often substitutions, insertions, and deletions occur. Decision tree clustering is used to find...
NAP for high level language identification
Varying channel conditions present a difficult problem for many speech technologies such as language identification (LID). Channel compensation techniques have been shown to significantly improve performance in LID for acoustic systems. For high-level token systems, nuisance attribute projection (NAP) has been shown to perform well in the context of speaker...
The MIT LL 2010 speaker recognition evaluation system: scalable language-independent speaker recognition
Research in the speaker recognition community has continued to address methods of mitigating variational nuisances. Telephone and auxiliary-microphone recorded speech emphasize the need for a robust way of dealing with unwanted variation. The design of recent 2010 NIST-SRE Speaker Recognition Evaluation (SRE) reflects this research emphasis. In this paper, we...
Towards reduced false-alarms using cohorts
The focus of the 2010 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation (SRE) was the low false alarm regime of the detection error trade-off (DET) curve. This paper presents several approaches that specifically target this issue. It begins by highlighting the main problem with operating in the low-false alarm regime. Two sets of...
Identification and compensation of Wiener-Hammerstein systems with feedback
Efficient operation of RF power amplifiers requires compensation strategies to mitigate nonlinear behavior. As bandwidth increases, memory effects become more pronounced, and Volterra series based compensation becomes onerous due to the exponential growth in the number of necessary coefficients. Behavioral models such as Wiener-Hammerstein systems with a parallel feedforward or...
Achieving cyber survivability in a contested environment using a cyber moving target
We describe two components for achieving cyber survivability in a contested environment: an architectural component that provides heterogeneous computing platforms and an assessment technology that complements the architectural component by analyzing the threat space and triggering reorientation based on the evolving threat level. Together, these technologies provide a cyber moving...