Creating a cyber moving target for critical infrastructure applications
Despite the significant amount of effort that often goes into securing critical infrastructure assets, many systems remain vulnerable to advanced, targeted cyber attacks. This paper describes the design and implementation of the Trusted Dynamic Logical Heterogeneity System (TALENT), a framework for live-migrating critical infrastructure applications across heterogeneous platforms. TALENT permits...
USSS-MITLL 2010 human assisted speaker recognition
The United States Secret Service (USSS) teamed with MIT Lincoln Laboratory (MIT/LL) in the US National Institute of Standards and Technology's 2010 Speaker Recognition Evaluation of Human Assisted Speaker Recognition (HASR). We describe our qualitative and automatic speaker comparison processes and our fusion of these processes, which are adapted from...
Information security for situational awareness in computer network defense
Situational awareness - the perception of "what's going on" - is crucial in every field of human endeavor, especially so in the cyber world where most of the protections afforded by physical time and distance are taken away. Since ancient times, military science emphasized the importance of preserving your awareness...
Using United States government language proficiency standards for MT evaluation
The purpose of this section is to discuss a method of measuring the degree to which the essential meaning of the original text is communicated in the MT output. We view this test to be a measurement of the fundamental goal of MT; that is, to convey information accurately from...
Topic identification
In this chapter we discuss the problem of identifying the underlying topics beings discussed in spoken audio recordings. We focus primarily on the issues related to supervised topic classification or detection tasks using labeled training data, but we also discuss approaches for other related tasks including novel topic detection and...
Direct and latent modeling techniques for computing spoken document similarity
Document similarity measures are required for a variety of data organization and retrieval tasks including document clustering, document link detection, and query-by-example document retrieval. In this paper we examine existing and novel document similarity measures for use with spoken document collections processed with automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology. We compare...
Subgraph detection using eigenvector L1 norms
When working with network datasets, the theoretical framework of detection theory for Euclidean vector spaces no longer applies. Nevertheless, it is desirable to determine the detectability of small, anomalous graphs embedded into background networks with known statistical properties. Casting the problem of subgraph detection in a signal processing context, this...
The MIT-LL/AFRL IWSLT-2010 MT system
This paper describes the MIT-LUAFRL statistical MT system and the improvements that were developed during the IWSLT 2010 evaluation campaign. As part of these efforts, we experimented with a number of extensions to the standard phrase-based model that improve performance on the Arabic and Turkish to English translation tasks. We...
Design, implementation and evaluation of covert channel attacks
Covert channel attacks pose a threat to the security of critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR). To design defenses and countermeasures against this threat, we must understand all classes of covert channel attacks along with their properties. Network-based covert channels have been studied in great detail in previous work, although...
Temporally oblivious anomaly detection on large networks using functional peers
Previous methods of network anomaly detection have focused on defining a temporal model of what is "normal," and flagging the "abnormal" activity that does not fit into this pre-trained construct. When monitoring traffic to and from IP addresses on a large network, this problem can become computationally complex, and potentially...