Toward signal processing theory for graphs and non-Euclidean data
Graphs are canonical examples of high-dimensional non-Euclidean data sets, and are emerging as a common data structure in many fields. While there are many algorithms to analyze such data, a signal processing theory for evaluating these techniques akin to detection and estimation in the classical Euclidean setting remains to be...
A linguistically-informative approach to dialect recognition using dialect-discriminating context-dependent phonetic models
We propose supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms to extract dialect discriminating phonetic rules and use these rules to adapt biphones to identify dialects. Despite many challenges (e.g., sub-dialect issues and no word transcriptions), we discovered dialect discriminating biphones compatible with the linguistic literature, while outperforming a baseline monophone system by...
High-pitch formant estimation by exploiting temporal change of pitch
This paper considers the problem of obtaining an accurate spectral representation of speech formant structure when the voicing source exhibits a high fundamental frequency. Our work is inspired by auditory perception and physiological studies implicating the use of pitch dynamics in speech by humans. We develop and assess signal processing...
3-d graph processor
Graph algorithms are used for numerous database applications such as analysis of financial transactions, social networking patterns, and internet data. While graph algorithms can work well with moderate size databases, processors often have difficulty providing sufficient throughput when the databases are large. This is because the processor architectures are poorly...
Query-by-example spoken term detection using phonetic posteriorgram templates
This paper examines a query-by-example approach to spoken term detection in audio files. The approach is designed for low-resource situations in which limited or no in-domain training material is available and accurate word-based speech recognition capability is unavailable. Instead of using word or phone strings as search terms, the user...
ASE: authenticated statement exchange
Applications often re-transmit the same data, such as digital certificates, during repeated communication instances. Avoiding such superfluous transmissions with caching, while complicated, may be necessary in order to operate in low-bandwidth, high-latency wireless networks or in order to reduce communication load in shared, mobile networks. This paper presents a general...
Modeling modern network attacks and countermeasures using attack graphs
By accurately measuring risk for enterprise networks, attack graphs allow network defenders to understand the most critical threats and select the most effective countermeasures. This paper describes substantial enhancements to the NetSPA attack graph system required to model additional present-day threats (zero-day exploits and client-side attacks) and countermeasures (intrusion prevention...
Speaker comparison with inner product discriminant functions
Speaker comparison, the process of finding the speaker similarity between two speech signals, occupies a central role in a variety of applications - speaker verification, clustering, and identification. Speaker comparison can be placed in a geometric framework by casting the problem as a model comparison process. For a given speech...
The MIT-LL/AFRL IWSLT-2008 MT System
This paper describes the MIT-LL/AFRL statistical MT system and the improvements that were developed during the IWSLT 2008 evaluation campaign. As part of these efforts, we experimented with a number of extensions to the standard phrase-based model that improve performance for both text and speech-based translation on Chinese and Arabic...
A multi-sensor compressed sensing receiver: performance bounds and simulated results
Multi-sensor receivers are commonly tasked with detecting, demodulating and geolocating target emitters over very wide frequency bands. Compressed sensing can be applied to persistently monitor a wide bandwidth, given that the received signal can be represented using a small number of coefficients in some basis. In this paper we present...