A comparison of subspace feature-domain methods for language recognition
Compensation of cepstral features for mismatch due to dissimilar train and test conditions has been critical for good performance in many speech applications. Mismatch is typically due to variability from changes in speaker, channel, gender, and environment. Common methods for compensation include RASTA, mean and variance normalization, VTLN, and feature...
A hybrid SVM/MCE training approach for vector space topic identification of spoken audio recordings
The success of support vector machines (SVMs) for classification problems is often dependent on an appropriate normalization of the input feature space. This is particularly true in topic identification, where the relative contribution of the common but uninformative function words can overpower the contribution of the rare but informative content...
Dialect recognition using adapted phonetic models
In this paper, we introduce a dialect recognition method that makes use of phonetic models adapted per dialect without phonetically labeled data. We show that this method can be implemented efficiently within an existing PRLM system. We compare the performance of this system with other state-of-the-art dialect recognition methods (both...
Eigen-channel compensation and discriminatively trained Gaussian mixture models for dialect and accent recognition
This paper presents a series of dialect/accent identification results for three sets of dialects with discriminatively trained Gaussian mixture models and feature compensation using eigen-channel decomposition. The classification tasks evaluated in the paper include: 1)the Chinese language classes, 2) American and Indian accented English and 3) discrimination between three Arabic...
The MITLL NIST LRE 2007 language recognition system
This paper presents a description of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory language recognition system submitted to the NIST 2007 Language Recognition Evaluation. This system consists of a fusion of four core recognizers, two based on tokenization and two based on spectral similarity. Results for NIST?s 14-language detection task are presented for...
Two protocols comparing human and machine phonetic discrimination performance in conversational speech
This paper describes two experimental protocols for direct comparison on human and machine phonetic discrimination performance in continuous speech. These protocols attempt to isolate phonetic discrimination while controlling for language and segmentation biases. Results of two human experiments are described including comparisons with automatic phonetic recognition baselines. Our experiments suggest...
Beyond frame independence: parametric modelling of time duration in speaker and language recognition
In this work, we address the question of generating accurate likelihood estimates from multi-frame observations in speaker and language recognition. Using a simple theoretical model, we extend the basic assumption of independent frames to include two refinements: a local correlation model across neighboring frames, and a global uncertainty due to...
Proficiency testing for imaging and audio enhancement: guidelines for evaluation
Proficiency tests in the forensic sciences are vital in the accreditation and quality assurance process. Most commercially available proficiency testing is available for examiners in the traditional forensic disciplines, such as latent prints, drug analysis, DNA, questioned documents, etc. Each of these disciplines is identification based. There are other forensic...
PVTOL: providing productivity, performance, and portability to DoD signal processing applications on multicore processors
PVTOL provides an object-oriented C++ API that hides the complexity of multicore architectures within a PGAS programming model, improving programmer productivity. Tasks and conduits enable data flow patterns such as pipelining and round-robining. Hierarchical maps concisely describe how to allocate hierarchical arrays across processor and memory hierarchies and provide a...
Multicore programming in pMatlab using distributed arrays
Matlab is one of the most commonly used languages for scientific computing with approximately one million users worldwide. Many of the programs written in matlab can benefit from the increased performance offered by multicore processors and parallel computing clusters. The Lincoln pMatlab library ( allows high performance parallel programs to...