An evaluation of audio-visual person recognition on the XM2VTS corpus using the Lausanne protocols
A multimodal person recognition architecture has been developed for the purpose of improving overall recognition performance and for addressing channel-specific performance shortfalls. This multimodal architecture includes the fusion of a face recognition system with the MIT/LLGMM/UBM speaker recognition architecture. This architecture exploits the complementary and redundant nature of the face...
Robust speaker recognition with cross-channel data: MIT-LL results on the 2006 NIST SRE auxiliary microphone task
One particularly difficult challenge for cross-channel speaker verification is the auxiliary microphone task introduced in the 2005 and 2006 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluations, where training uses telephone speech and verification uses speech from multiple auxiliary microphones. This paper presents two approaches to compensate for the effects of auxiliary microphones on...
Multisensor dynamic waveform fusion
Speech communication is significantly more difficult in severe acoustic background noise environments, especially when low-rate speech coders are used. Non-acoustic sensors, such as radar sensors, vibrometers, and bone-conduction microphones, offer significant potential in these situations. We extend previous work on fixed waveform fusion from multiple sensors to an optimal dynamic...
The MIT-LL/IBM 2006 speaker recognition system: high-performance reduced-complexity recognition
Many powerful methods for speaker recognition have been introduced in recent years--high-level features, novel classifiers, and channel compensation methods. A common arena for evaluating these methods has been the NIST speaker recognition evaluation (SRE). In the NIST SRE from 2002-2005, a popular approach was to fuse multiple systems based upon...
Triage framework for resource conservation in a speaker identification system
We present a novel framework for triaging (prioritizing and discarding) data to conserve resources for a speaker identification (SID) system. Our work is motivated by applications that require a SID system to process an overwhelming volume of audio data. We design a triage filter whose goal is to conserve recognizer...
PMatlab: parallel Matlab library for signal processing applications
MATLAB is one of the most commonly used languages for scientific computing with approximately one million users worldwide. At MIT Lincoln Laboratory, MATLAB is used by technical staff to develop sensor processing algorithms. MATLAB'S popularity is based on availability of high-level abstractions leading to reduced code development time. Due to...
Coverage maximization using dynamic taint tracing
We present COMET, a system that automatically assembles a test suite for a C program to improve line coverage, and give initial results for a prototype implementation. COMET works dynamically, running the program under a variety of instrumentations in a feedback loop that adds new inputs to an initial corpus...
Auditory modeling as a basis for spectral modulation analysis with application to speaker recognition
This report explores auditory modeling as a basis for robust automatic speaker verification. Specifically, we have developed feature-extraction front-ends that incorporate (1) time-varying, level-dependent filtering, (2) variations in analysis filterbank size,and (3) nonlinear adaptation. Our methods are motivated both by a desire to better mimic auditory processing relative to traditional...
Automatic language recognition via spectral and token based approaches
Automatic language recognition from speech consists of algorithms and techniques that model and classify the language being spoken. Current state-of-the-art language recognition systems fall into two broad categories: spectral- and token-sequence-based approaches. In this chapter, we describe algorithms for extracting features and models representing these types of language cues and...
Practical attack graph generation for network defense
Attack graphs are a valuable tool to network defenders, illustrating paths an attacker can use to gain access to a targeted network. Defenders can then focus their efforts on patching the vulnerabilities and configuration errors that allow the attackers the greatest amount of access. We have created a new type...