Provisional message formats for the DABS/NAS interface, revision 1
This document defines formats for messages which are to be transmitted between DABS and NAS facilities (en route or terminal). These messages include one-way Surveillance Reports to NAS and two-way Communications Messages. The latter support data link functions between NAS and DABS equipped aircraft, as well as aiding in the...
Simulation of the DABS sensor for evaluating reply processor performance
This report describes the elements of a simulations program that was designed to perform a realistic evaluation of a variety of reply processing techniques, antenna design parameters and receiver characteristics for a DABS sensor. The reply processing techniques are limited to the generation of information bit and monopulse off-boresight azimuth...
New techniques applied to air-traffic control radars
During the past two years a program has been carried out to show how new techniques can greatly improve the performance of radars used for air-traffic control. A survey of problems associated with presently used radars was undertaken. This survey indicates that primary radar in an automated air-traffic control system...
Provisional message formats and protocols for the DABS IPC/PWI display
This document specifies provisional formats for the data link portion of the ?signals-in-space? which are part of the DABS interrogations and replies. Also included is a discussion of the characteristics that these signals assume while transmitted from the transponder proper to the instrument which delivers the messages to the pilot...
Morphology of ionospheric scintillation
This report is directed toward providing information to communication systems designers first about scintillation as observed in a single experiment, second about the adequacy of the existing models used to interpret scintillation data, and finally about the variation of scintillation with geophysical parameters.
Provisional message formats and protocols for the DABS 32-character alphanumeric display
Formats and protocols are described for tactical ATC displays to be driven by the Standard Message interface of a DABS transponder and capable of handling a succession of data transmissions, each of which is individually acknowledged via a transponder reply before the transmission of the succeeding segment. Specific codes are...
Improved satellite constellations for CONUS ATC coverage
This report examines the problem of designing a constellation of orbiting satellites capable of supporting an aircraft navigation/surveillance service over CONUS. It is assumed that the aircraft positions are determined by hyperbolic multilateration using all satellites visible at elevation angles exceeding a minimum angle. Comprehensive analyses are presented of three...
Provisional Signal Formats for the Discrete Address Beacon System, Revision I
This document specified provisional DABS signal formats, i.e., the characteristics of the "signals-in-space" which form the DABS interrogations and replies. Also included is a discussion of the utilization of the described formats to effect the surveillance and data link communication functions for which DABS has been designed. These signal formats...
Provisional data link interface standard for the DABS transponder
This document specifies provisional data link interface standards for the DABS transponder. It describes the function, timing, and electrical properties of the signals flowing to and from both the Standard Message Interface and the Extended Length Message Interface.
Provisional message formats for the DABS/NAS interface
This document defines formats for messages which are to be transmitted between DABS and NAS facilities (en route or terminal). These messages include one-way Surveillance Reports to NAS and two-way Communications Messages. The latter support data link functions between NAS and DABS equipped aircraft, as well as aiding in the...