Coherent processing across multi-PRI waveforms
Meteorological Doppler radars have typically utilized constant pulse-repetition intervals (PRI) to facilitate clutter filtering and estimation of weather echo spectral moments via pulse-pair or periodogram-based algorithms. Utilization of variable PRIs to support resolution of velocity ambiguities has been discussed, for example by Banjanin and Zrnic, but not implemented owing to...
Dual-Doppler measurements of microburst outflow strength asymmetry
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been sponsoring Lincoln Laboratory in its effort to develop and test weather detection algorithms for the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR). An automated microburst detection algorithm operates on the TDWR radial velocity data and, based on the shear and velocity difference along the radial...
Estimating a windshear hazard index from ground-based terminal Doppler radar
In the past decade, a great deal of effort has been invested in developing ground based wind shear detection systems for major U.S. airports. However, there has been a lack of research in developing a quantitative relationship between the wind shear hazards detected by ground based systems and the actual...
Quantifying airport terminal area weather surveillance requirements
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Terminal Area Surveillance System (TASS) research, engineering, and development program was initiated in part to address future weather sensing needs in the terminal area. By the early 21st century, planned systems such as the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) and Airport Surveillance Radar-9 (ASR-9) will...
Preliminary results of the weather testing component of the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar operational test and evaluation
The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system which has been developed by Raytheon Co. for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), provides automatic detection of microbursts and low-altitude wind shear. Microburst- and gust front-induced wind shear can result in a sudden, large change in airspeed which can have disastrous effect on...
Real-time multiple single Doppler analysis with NEXRAD data
As part of the Aviation Weather Development Program of the Federal Aviation Administration, a high resolution winds analysis system was demonstrated at Orlando International Airport (MCO) in the summer of 1992. The purpose of this demonstration was to illustrate the winds analysis capability possible from operational sensors in the mid...
The Memphis Precision Runway Monitor Program Instrument Landing System final approach study
This report documents the study of the lateral positions of aircraft on Instrument Landing System (ILS) approaches during the Memphis, Tennessee, Precision Runway Monitor (PRM) demonstration. The PRM is an advanced radar monitoring system that improved the arrival capacity of closely spaced parallel runways in poor weather conditions. The results...
GLONASS performance in 1992: a review
Researchers at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory reviewed GLONASS developments during 1992, focusing on the requirements of civil aviation and the issues related to position estimation. The results show that the overall performance remains substantially the same as observed in 1991.
Optimal mean velocity estimation for Doppler weather radars
Optimal Doppler velocity estimation is explored for a standard Gaussian signal measurement model and thematic maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayes estimation. Because the model considered depends on a vector parameter (velocity, spectrum width (SW), and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the exact formulation of an ML or Bayes solution involves a system...
Automated gust front detection using knowledge-based signal processing
For reasons of aviation safety and airport operations efficiency, gust front detection and tracking is an important product of Doppler weather radars developed for use in airport terminal areas. Previous gust front algorithms, which have relied on the detection of one or two conspicuous signatures in Doppler radar imagery, have...