Automatic dysphonia recognition using biologically-inspired amplitude-modulation features
A dysphonia, or disorder of the mechanisms of phonation in the larynx, can create time-varying amplitude fluctuations in the voice. A model for band-dependent analysis of this amplitude modulation (AM) phenomenon in dysphonic speech is developed from a traditional communications engineering perspective. This perspective challenges current dysphonia analysis methods that...
Estimating and evaluating confidence for forensic speaker recognition
Estimating and evaluating confidence has become a key aspect of the speaker recognition problem because of the increased use of this technology in forensic applications. We discuss evaluation measures for speaker recognition and some of their properties. We then propose a framework for confidence estimation based upon scores and metainformation...
New measures of effectiveness for human language technology
The field of human language technology (HLT) encompasses algorithms and applications dedicated to processing human speech and written communication. We focus on two types of HLT systems: (1) machine translation systems, which convert text and speech files from one human language to another, and (2) speech-to-text (STT) systems, which produce...
Parallel MATLAB for extreme virtual memory
Many DoD applications have extreme memory requirements, often with data sets larger than memory on a single computer. Such data sets can be addressed with out-of-core methods, which use memory as a "window" to view a section of the data stored on disk at a time. The Parallel Matlab for...
Technology requirements for supporting on-demand interactive grid computing
It is increasingly being recognized that a large pool of High Performance Computing (HPC) users requires interactive, on-demand access to HPC resources. How to provide these resources is a significant technical challenge that can be addressed from two directions. The first approach is to adapt existing batch queue based HPC...
Parallel VSIPL++: an open standard software library for high-performance parallel signal processing
Real-time signal processing consumes the majority of the world's computing power. Increasingly, programmable parallel processors are used to address a wide variety of signal processing applications (e.g., scientific, video, wireless, medical, communication, encoding, radar, sonar, and imaging). In programmable systems, the major challenge is no longer hardware but software. Specifically...
Application of a Relative Development Time Productivity Metric to Parallel Software Development
Evaluation of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems should take into account software development time productivity in addition to hardware performance, cost, and other factors. We propose a new metric for HPC software development time productivity, defined as the ratio of relative runtime performance to relative programmer effort. This formula has...
The MIT Lincoln Laboratory RT-04F diarization systems: applications to broadcast audio and telephone conversations
Audio diarization is the process of annotating an input audio channel with information that attributes (possibly overlapping) temporal regions of signal energy to their specific sources. These sources can include particular speakers, music, background noise sources, and other signal source/channel characteristics. Diarization has utility in making automatic transcripts more readable...
Two new experimental protocols for measuring speech transcript readability for timed question-answering tasks
This paper reports results from two recent psycholinguistic experiments that measure the readability of four types of speech transcripts for the DARPA EARS Program. The two key questions in these experiments are (1) how much speech transcript cleanup aids readability and (2) how much the type of cleanup matters. We...
Robust collaborative multicast service for airborne command and control environment
RCM (Robust Collaborative Multicast) is a communication service designed to support collaborative applications operating in dynamic, mission-critical environments. RCM implements a set of well-specified message ordering and reliability properties that balance two conflicting goals: a)providing low-latency, highly-available, reliable communication service, and b) guaranteeing global consistency in how different participants perceive...