Parallel approach surveillance
This report investigates the requirements imposed on a surveillance system for supporting independent approaches to closely spaced parallel runways. Based on a proposed procedure for monitoring aircraft approach paths and controlling deviations from proper approach paths, the required spacing between runway centerlines is derived as a function of surveillance system...
Surveillance aspects of the Advanced Air Traffic Management System
Three topics with impact on the performance of Air-to Satellite-to-Ground Systems for Air Traffic Control Surveillance are addressed in detail: 1) vulnerability to intentional jamming; 2) performance degradation due to the multiple access noise which results from uncoordinated aircraft transmissions, and 3) tracking techniques for improved surveillance accuracy and reduced...
Final Report: Transponder Test Program
Performance parameters of transponders installed in aircraft were measured to determine their degree of compliance with current specifications. A mobile van was outfitted with electronic test equipment which simulated the transmitter and receiver sections of a ground interrogator and which allowed measurement of transponder parameters. A horn antenna located near...
A theory for optimal MTI digital signal processing, part I. receiver synthesis
A classical problem in radar theory is the detection of moving targets in a ground clutter plus receiver noise background. Improvements in clutter rejection have recently been made by replacing analog MTI processors by their digital equivalents as this eliminates many of the problems associated with the maintenance of the...
Interrogation scheduling for the discrete address beacon system
This report is an attempt to define the interrogation scheduling problem which arised in the implementation of the discrete address beacon idea. The interfaces of this problem with other parts of the beacon system design are discussed, and several specific algorithms for scheduling are analyzed for arrays and rotating antennas.
An optimum surveillance radar for ATC
The role of surveillance radar will change as the evolving ATC system relies more heavily upon cooperative beacons, but radars will still remain as an important system element. Today's radars have major limitations for an automated ATC environment because they report unwanted targets (ground, bird, and weather clutter) and because...
Interim report transponder test program
This report covers the work done under the first phase of a continuing program of field tests on ATCRBS transponders. Characteristic transponder parameters were measured to determine their degree of compliance with the current specifications. A mobile van was outfitted with electronic test equipment which simulated the transmitter and receiver...
Concept formulation studies of the surveillance apects of the fourth generation air traffic control system
This report presents a first order feasibility study of four particular candidate surveillance systems for the fourth generation air traffic control system. No attempts has been made to compare these systems, rather we have chosen to examine in detail the most crucial aspects of each. This analysis has brought to...
Concept formulation studies of the control aspects of the fourth generation air traffic control system, final report
A concept formulation study of the control aspects of the fourth generation air traffic control system is presented. The results of this study are not strongly influenced by present-day equipment. They are influenced by certain aspects of present airspace utilization and procedures which appear necessary for the design of an...
Technical development plan for a discrete address beacon system, vol. II [draft]
The Technical Development Plan for a Discrete Address Beacon System is published in two volumes. Volume I is the basic plan, while this volume (Volume II) contains a more detailed description of the 46 tasks recommended for accomplishment during Phase 1 of the development cycle. It also includes cost estimates...