Safe predictors for enforcing input-output specifications [e-print]
We present an approach for designing correct-by-construction neural networks (and other machine learning models) that are guaranteed to be consistent with a collection of input-output specifications before, during, and after algorithm training. Our method involves designing a constrained predictor for each set of compatible constraints, and combining them safely via...
AI data wrangling with associative arrays [e-print]
The AI revolution is data driven. AI "data wrangling" is the process by which unusable data is transformed to support AI algorithm development (training) and deployment (inference). Significant time is devoted to translating diverse data representations supporting the many query and analysis steps found in an AI pipeline. Rigorous mathematical...
The JHU-MIT System Description for NIST SRE19 AV
This document represents the SRE19 AV submission by the team composed of JHU-CLSP, JHU-HLTCOE and MIT Lincoln Labs. All the developed systems for the audio and videoconditions consisted of Neural network embeddings with some flavor of PLDA/cosine back-end. Primary fusions obtained Actual DCF of 0.250 on SRE18 VAST eval, 0.183...
Graph matching via multi-scale heat diffusion
We propose a novel graph matching algorithm that uses ideas from graph signal processing to match vertices of graphs using alternative graph representations. Specifically, we consider a multi-scale heat diffusion on the graphs to create multiple weighted graph representations that incorporate both direct adjacencies as well as local structures induced...
Prototype and analytics for discovery and exploitation of threat networks on social media
Identifying and profiling threat actors are high priority tasks for a number of governmental organizations. These threat actors may operate actively, using the Internet to promote propaganda, recruit new members, or exert command and control over their networks. Alternatively, threat actors may operate passively, demonstrating operational security awareness online while...
Identification and detection of human trafficking using language models
In this paper, we present a novel language model-based method for detecting both human trafficking ads and trafficking indicators. The proposed system leverages language models to learn language structures in adult service ads, automatically select a list of keyword features, and train a machine learning model to detect human trafficking...
Characterization of disinformation networks using graph embeddings and opinion mining
Global social media networks' omnipresent access, real time responsiveness and ability to connect with and influence people have been responsible for these networks' sweeping growth. However, as an unintended consequence, these defining characteristics helped create a powerful new technology for spread of propaganda and false information. We present a novel...
FirmFuzz: automated IOT firmware introspection and analysis
While the number of IoT devices grows at an exhilarating pace their security remains stagnant. Imposing secure coding standards across all vendors is infeasible. Testing individual devices allows an analyst to evaluate their security post deployment. Any discovered vulnerabilities can then be disclosed to the vendors in order to assist...
Cultivating professional technical skills and understanding through hands-on online learning experiences
Life-long learning is necessary for all professions because the technologies, tools and skills required for success over the course of a career expand and change. Professionals in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields face particular challenges as new multi-disciplinary methods, e.g. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, mature to replace...
Investigation of the relationship of vocal, eye-tracking, and fMRI ROI time-series measures with preclinical mild traumatic brain injury
In this work, we are examining correlations between vocal articulatory features, ocular smooth pursuit measures, and features from the fMRI BOLD response in regions of interest (ROI) time series in a high school athlete population susceptible to repeated head impact within a sports season. Initial results have indicated relationships between...