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Building Resource Adaptive Software Systems (BRASS): objectives and system evaluation


As modern software systems continue inexorably to increase in complexity and capability, users have become accustomed to periodic cycles of updating and upgrading to avoid obsolescence—if at some cost in terms of frustration. In the case of the U.S. military, having access to well-functioning software systems and underlying content is critical to national security, but updates are no less problematic than among civilian users and often demand considerable time and expense. To address these challenges, DARPA has announced a new four-year research project to investigate the fundamental computational and algorithmic requirements necessary for software systems and data to remain robust and functional in excess of 100 years. The Building Resource Adaptive Software Systems, or BRASS, program seeks to realize foundational advances in the design and implementation of long-lived software systems that can dynamically adapt to changes in the resources they depend upon and environments in which they operate. MIT Lincoln Laboratory will provide the test framework and evaluation of proposed software tools in support of this revolutionary vision.


As modern software systems continue inexorably to increase in complexity and capability, users have become accustomed to periodic cycles of updating and upgrading to avoid obsolescence—if at some cost in terms of frustration. In the case of the U.S. military, having access to well-functioning software systems and underlying content is...


Scalability of VM provisioning systems


Virtual machines and virtualized hardware have been around for over half a century. The commoditization of the x86 platform and its rapidly growing hardware capabilities have led to recent exponential growth in the use of virtualization both in the enterprise and high performance computing (HPC). The startup time of a virtualized environment is a key performance metric for high performance computing in which the runtime of any individual task is typically much shorter than the lifetime of a virtualized service in an enterprise context. In this paper, a methodology for accurately measuring the startup performance on an HPC system is described. The startup performance overhead of three of the most mature, widely deployed cloud management frameworks (OpenStack, OpenNebula, and Eucalyptus) is measured to determine their suitability for workloads typically seen in an HPC environment. A 10x performance difference is observed between the fastest (Eucalyptus) and the slowest (OpenNebula) framework. This time difference is primarily due to delays in waiting on networking in the cloud-init portion of the startup. The methodology and measurements presented should facilitate the optimization of startup across a variety of virtualization environments.


Virtual machines and virtualized hardware have been around for over half a century. The commoditization of the x86 platform and its rapidly growing hardware capabilities have led to recent exponential growth in the use of virtualization both in the enterprise and high performance computing (HPC). The startup time of a...


Computing on masked data: a high performance method for improving big data veracity

Published in:
HPEC 2014: IEEE Conf. on High Performance Extreme Computing, 9-11 September 2014.


The growing gap between data and users calls for innovative tools that address the challenges faced by big data volume, velocity and variety. Along with these standard three V's of big data, an emerging fourth "V" is veracity, which addresses the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data. Traditional cryptographic techniques that ensure the veracity of data can have overheads that are too large to apply to big data. This work introduces a new technique called Computing on Masked Data (CMD), which improves data veracity by allowing computations to be performed directly on masked data and ensuring that only authorized recipients can unmask the data. Using the sparse linear algebra of associative arrays, CMD can be performed with significantly less overhead than other approaches while still supporting a wide range of linear algebraic operations on the masked data. Databases with strong support of sparse operations, such as SciDB or Apache Accumulo, are ideally suited to this technique. Examples are shown for the application of CMD to a complex DNA matching algorithm and to database operations over social media data.


The growing gap between data and users calls for innovative tools that address the challenges faced by big data volume, velocity and variety. Along with these standard three V's of big data, an emerging fourth "V" is veracity, which addresses the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data. Traditional cryptographic...


Scalable cryptographic authentication for high performance computing


High performance computing (HPC) uses supercomputers and computing clusters to solve large computational problems. Frequently HPC resources are shared systems and access to restricted data sets or resources must be authenticated. These authentication needs can take multiple forms, both internal and external to the HPC cluster. A computational stack that uses web services among nodes in the HPC may need to perform authentication between nodes of the same job or a job may need to reach out to data sources outside the HPC. Traditional authentication mechanisms such as passwords or digital certificates encounter issues with the distributed and potentially disconnected nature of HPC systems. Distributing and storing plain-text passwords or cryptographic keys among nodes in a HPC system without special protection is a poor security practice. Systems that reach back to the user's terminal for access to the authenticator are possible, but only in fully interactive supercomputing where connectivity to the user's terminal can be guaranteed. Point solutions can be enabled for these use cases, such as software-based role or self-signed certificates, however they require significant expertise in digital certificates to configure. A more general solution is called for that is both secure and easy to use. This paper presents an overview of a solution implemented on the interactive, on-demand LLGrid computing system at MIT Lincoln Laboratory and its use to solve one such authentication problem.


High performance computing (HPC) uses supercomputers and computing clusters to solve large computational problems. Frequently HPC resources are shared systems and access to restricted data sets or resources must be authenticated. These authentication needs can take multiple forms, both internal and external to the HPC cluster. A computational stack that...


Fundamental Questions in the Analysis of Large Graphs


Graphs are a general approach for representing information that spans the widest possible range of computing applications. They are particularly important to computational biology, web search, and knowledge discovery. As the sizes of graphs increase, the need to apply advanced mathematical and computational techniques to solve these problems is growing dramatically. Examining the mathematical and computational foundations of the analysis of large graphs generally leads to more questions than answers. This book concludes with a discussion of some of these questions.


Graphs are a general approach for representing information that spans the widest possible range of computing applications. They are particularly important to computational biology, web search, and knowledge discovery. As the sizes of graphs increase, the need to apply advanced mathematical and computational techniques to solve these problems is growing...


Visualizing Large Kronecker Graphs

Published in:
Graph Algorithms in the Language of Linear Algebra, pp. 241-250.


Kronecker graphs have been shown to be one of the most promising models for real-world networks. Visualization of Kronecker graphs is an important challenge. This chapter describes an interactive framework to assist scientists and engineers in generating, analyzing, and visualizing Kronecker graphs with as little effort as possible.


Kronecker graphs have been shown to be one of the most promising models for real-world networks. Visualization of Kronecker graphs is an important challenge. This chapter describes an interactive framework to assist scientists and engineers in generating, analyzing, and visualizing Kronecker graphs with as little effort as possible.


A knowledge-based operator for a genetic algorithm which optimizes the distribution of sparse matrix data

Published in:
Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms


We present the Hogs and Slackers genetic algorithm (GA) which addresses the problem of improving the parallelization efficiency of sparse matrix computations by optimally distributing blocks of matrices data. The performance of a distribution is sensitive to the non-zero patterns in the data, the algorithm, and the hardware architecture. In a candidate distributions the Hogs and Slackers GA identifies processors with many operations – hogs, and processors with fewer operations – slackers. Its intelligent operation-balancing mutation operator then swaps data blocks between hogs and slackers to explore a new data distribution.We show that the Hogs and Slackers GA performs better than a baseline GA. We demonstrate Hogs and Slackers GA’s optimization capability with an architecture study of varied network and memory bandwidth and latency.


We present the Hogs and Slackers genetic algorithm (GA) which addresses the problem of improving the parallelization efficiency of sparse matrix computations by optimally distributing blocks of matrices data. The performance of a distribution is sensitive to the non-zero patterns in the data, the algorithm, and the hardware architecture. In...


Linear algebraic notation and definitions

Published in:
Graph Algorithms in the Language of Linear Algebra, pp. 13-18.


This chapter presents notation, definitions, and conventions for graphs, matrices, arrays, and operations upon them.


This chapter presents notation, definitions, and conventions for graphs, matrices, arrays, and operations upon them.


Subgraph Detection

Published in:
Graph Algorithms in the Language of Linear Algebra, pp. 115-133.


Detecting subgraphs of interest in larger graphs is the goal of many graph analysis techniques. The basis of detection theory is computing the probability of a “foreground” with respect to a model of the “background” data. Hidden Markov Models represent one possible foreground model for patterns of interaction in a graph. Likewise, Kronecker graphs are one possible model for power law background graphs. Combining these models allows estimates of the signal to noise ratio, probability of detection, and probability of false alarm for different classes of vertices in the foreground. These estimates can then be used to construct filters for computing the probability that a background graph contains a particular foreground graph. This approach is applied to the problem of detecting a partially labeled tree graph in a power law background graph. One feature of this method is the ability to a priori estimate the number of vertices that will be detected via the filter.


Detecting subgraphs of interest in larger graphs is the goal of many graph analysis techniques. The basis of detection theory is computing the probability of a “foreground” with respect to a model of the “background” data. Hidden Markov Models represent one possible foreground model for patterns of interaction in a...


The Kronecker theory of power law graphs

Published in:
Graph Algorithms in the Language of Linear Algebra, pp. 205-220.


An analytical theory of power law graphs is presented based on the Kronecker graph generation technique. Explicit, stochastic, and instance Kronecker graphs are used to highlight different properties. The analysis uses Kronecker exponentials of complete bipartite graphs to formulate the substructure of such graphs. The Kronecker theory allows various high-level quantities (e.g., degree distribution, betweenness centrality, diameter, eigenvalues, and iso-parametric ratio) to be computed directly from the model parameters.


An analytical theory of power law graphs is presented based on the Kronecker graph generation technique. Explicit, stochastic, and instance Kronecker graphs are used to highlight different properties. The analysis uses Kronecker exponentials of complete bipartite graphs to formulate the substructure of such graphs. The Kronecker theory allows various high-level...