Building Resource Adaptive Software Systems (BRASS): objectives and system evaluation
As modern software systems continue inexorably to increase in complexity and capability, users have become accustomed to periodic cycles of updating and upgrading to avoid obsolescence—if at some cost in terms of frustration. In the case of the U.S. military, having access to well-functioning software systems and underlying content is...
Scalability of VM provisioning systems
Virtual machines and virtualized hardware have been around for over half a century. The commoditization of the x86 platform and its rapidly growing hardware capabilities have led to recent exponential growth in the use of virtualization both in the enterprise and high performance computing (HPC). The startup time of a...
Computing on masked data: a high performance method for improving big data veracity
The growing gap between data and users calls for innovative tools that address the challenges faced by big data volume, velocity and variety. Along with these standard three V's of big data, an emerging fourth "V" is veracity, which addresses the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data. Traditional cryptographic...
Scalable cryptographic authentication for high performance computing
High performance computing (HPC) uses supercomputers and computing clusters to solve large computational problems. Frequently HPC resources are shared systems and access to restricted data sets or resources must be authenticated. These authentication needs can take multiple forms, both internal and external to the HPC cluster. A computational stack that...
Fundamental Questions in the Analysis of Large Graphs
Graphs are a general approach for representing information that spans the widest possible range of computing applications. They are particularly important to computational biology, web search, and knowledge discovery. As the sizes of graphs increase, the need to apply advanced mathematical and computational techniques to solve these problems is growing...
Visualizing Large Kronecker Graphs
Kronecker graphs have been shown to be one of the most promising models for real-world networks. Visualization of Kronecker graphs is an important challenge. This chapter describes an interactive framework to assist scientists and engineers in generating, analyzing, and visualizing Kronecker graphs with as little effort as possible.
A knowledge-based operator for a genetic algorithm which optimizes the distribution of sparse matrix data
We present the Hogs and Slackers genetic algorithm (GA) which addresses the problem of improving the parallelization efficiency of sparse matrix computations by optimally distributing blocks of matrices data. The performance of a distribution is sensitive to the non-zero patterns in the data, the algorithm, and the hardware architecture. In...
Linear algebraic notation and definitions
This chapter presents notation, definitions, and conventions for graphs, matrices, arrays, and operations upon them.
Subgraph Detection
Detecting subgraphs of interest in larger graphs is the goal of many graph analysis techniques. The basis of detection theory is computing the probability of a “foreground” with respect to a model of the “background” data. Hidden Markov Models represent one possible foreground model for patterns of interaction in a...
The Kronecker theory of power law graphs
An analytical theory of power law graphs is presented based on the Kronecker graph generation technique. Explicit, stochastic, and instance Kronecker graphs are used to highlight different properties. The analysis uses Kronecker exponentials of complete bipartite graphs to formulate the substructure of such graphs. The Kronecker theory allows various high-level...