A key-centric processor architecture for secure computing
We describe a novel key-centric processor architecture in which each piece of data or code can be protected by encryption while at rest, in transit, and in use. Using embedded key management for cryptographic key handling, our processor permits mutually distrusting software written by different entities to work closely together...
Cryptography for Big Data security
This chapter focuses on state-of-the-art provably secure cryptographic techniques for protecting big data applications. We do not focus on more established, and commonly available cryptographic solutions. The goal is to inform practitioners of new techniques to consider as they develop new big data solutions rather than to summarize the current...
SoK: privacy on mobile devices - it's complicated
Modern mobile devices place a wide variety of sensors and services within the personal space of their users. As a result, these devices are capable of transparently monitoring many sensitive aspects of these users' lives (e.g., location, health, or correspondences). Users typically trade access to this data for convenient applications...
D4M and large array databases for management and analysis of large biomedical imaging data
Advances in medical imaging technologies have enabled the acquisition of increasingly large datasets. Current state-of-the-art confocal or multi-photon imaging technology can produce biomedical datasets in excess of 1 TB per dataset. Typical approaches for analyzing large datasets rely on downsampling the original datasets or leveraging distributed computing resources where small...
Secure embedded systems
Developers seek to seamlessly integrate cyber security within U.S. military system software. However, added security components can impede a system's functionality. System developers need a well-defined approach for simultaneously designing functionality and cyber security. Lincoln Laboratory's secure embedded system co-design methodology uses a security coprocessor to cryptographically ensure system confidentiality...
Secure and resilient cloud computing for the Department of Defense
Cloud computing offers substantial benefits to its users: the ability to store and access massive amounts of data, on-demand delivery of computing services, the capability to widely share information, and the scalability of resource usage. Lincoln Laboratory is developing technology that will strengthen the security and resilience of cloud computing...
Building Resource Adaptive Software Systems (BRASS): objectives and system evaluation
As modern software systems continue inexorably to increase in complexity and capability, users have become accustomed to periodic cycles of updating and upgrading to avoid obsolescence—if at some cost in terms of frustration. In the case of the U.S. military, having access to well-functioning software systems and underlying content is...
Spyglass: demand-provisioned Linux containers for private network access
System administrators are required to access the privileged, or "super-user," interfaces of computing, networking, and storage resources they support. This low-level infrastructure underpins most of the security tools and features common today and is assumed to be secure. A malicious system administrator or malware on the system administrator's client system...
Sampling operations on big data
The 3Vs -- Volume, Velocity and Variety -- of Big Data continues to be a large challenge for systems and algorithms designed to store, process and disseminate information for discovery and exploration under real-time constraints. Common signal processing operations such as sampling and filtering, which have been used for decades...
Percolation model of insider threats to assess the optimum number of rules
Rules, regulations, and policies are the basis of civilized society and are used to coordinate the activities of individuals who have a variety of goals and purposes. History has taught that over-regulation (too many rules) makes it difficult to compete and under-regulation (too few rules) can lead to crisis. This...