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Person authentication by voice: a need for caution

Published in:
8th European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology, EUROSPEECH, 1-4 September 2003.


Because of recent events and as members of the scientific community working in the field of speech processing, we feel compelled to publicize our views concerning the possibility of identifying or authenticating a person from his or her voice. The need for a clear and common message was indeed shown by the diversity of information that has been circulating on this matter in the media and general public over the past year. In a press release initiated by the AFCP and further elaborated in collaboration with the SpLC ISCA-SIG, the two groups herein discuss and present a summary of the current state of scientific knowledge and technological development in the field of speaker recognition, in accessible wording for nonspecialists. Our main conclusion is that, despite the existence of technological solutions to some constrained applications, at the present time, there is no scientific process that enables one to uniquely characterize a person's voice or to identify with absolute certainty an individual from his or her voice.


Because of recent events and as members of the scientific community working in the field of speech processing, we feel compelled to publicize our views concerning the possibility of identifying or authenticating a person from his or her voice. The need for a clear and common message was indeed shown...


Integration of speaker recognition into conversational spoken dialogue systems


In this paper we examine the integration of speaker identification/verification technology into two dialogue systems developed at MIT: the Mercury air travel reservation system and the Orion task delegation system. These systems both utilize information collected from registered users that is useful in personalizing the system to specific users and that must be securely protected from imposters. Two speaker recognition systems, the MIT Lincoln Laboratory text independent GMM based system and the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science text-constrained speaker-adaptive ASR-based system, are evaluated and compared within the context of these conversational systems.


In this paper we examine the integration of speaker identification/verification technology into two dialogue systems developed at MIT: the Mercury air travel reservation system and the Orion task delegation system. These systems both utilize information collected from registered users that is useful in personalizing the system to specific users and...


Model compression for GMM based speaker recognition systems

Published in:
EUROSPEECH 2003, 1-4 September 2003.


For large-scale deployments of speaker verification systems models size can be an important issue for not only minimizing storage requirements but also reducing transfer time of models over networks. Model size is also critical for deployments to small, portable devices. In this paper we present a new model compression technique for Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) based speaker recognition systems. For GMM systems using adaptation from a background model, the compression technique exploits the fact that speaker models are adapted from a single speaker-independent model and not all parameters need to be stored. We present results on the 2002 NIST speaker recognition evaluation cellular telephone corpus and show that the compression technique provides a good tradeoff of compression ratio to performance loss. We are able to achieve a 56:1 compression (624KB -> 11KB) with only a 3.2% relative increase in EER (9.1% -> 9.4%).


For large-scale deployments of speaker verification systems models size can be an important issue for not only minimizing storage requirements but also reducing transfer time of models over networks. Model size is also critical for deployments to small, portable devices. In this paper we present a new model compression technique...


Measuring the readability of automatic speech-to-text transcripts


This paper reports initial results from a novel psycholinguistic study that measures the readability of several types of speech transcripts. We define a four-part figure of merit to measure readability: accuracy of answers to comprehension questions, reaction-time for passage reading, reaction-time for question answering and a subjective rating of passage difficulty. We present results from an experiment with 28 test subjects reading transcripts in four experimental conditions.


This paper reports initial results from a novel psycholinguistic study that measures the readability of several types of speech transcripts. We define a four-part figure of merit to measure readability: accuracy of answers to comprehension questions, reaction-time for passage reading, reaction-time for question answering and a subjective rating of passage...


Combining cross-stream and time dimensions in phonetic speaker recognition

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vol. 4, 6-10 April 2003, pp. IV-800 - IV-803.


Recent studies show that phonetic sequences from multiple languages can provide effective features for speaker recognition. So far, only pronunciation dynamics in the time dimension, i.e., n-gram modeling on each of the phone sequences, have been examined. In the JHU 2002 Summer Workshop, we explored modeling the statistical pronunciation dynamics across streams in multiple languages (cross-stream dimensions) as an additional component to the time dimension. We found that bigram modeling in the cross-stream dimension achieves improved performance over that in the time dimension on the NIST 2001 Speaker Recognition Evaluation Extended Data Task. Moreover, a linear combination of information from both dimensions at the score level further improves the performance, showing that the two dimensions contain complementary information.


Recent studies show that phonetic sequences from multiple languages can provide effective features for speaker recognition. So far, only pronunciation dynamics in the time dimension, i.e., n-gram modeling on each of the phone sequences, have been examined. In the JHU 2002 Summer Workshop, we explored modeling the statistical pronunciation dynamics...


Channel robust speaker verification via feature mapping

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vol. II, 6-10 April 2003, pp. II-53 - II-56.


In speaker recognition applications, channel variability is a major cause of errors. Techniques in the feature, model and score domains have been applied to mitigate channel effects. In this paper we present a new feature mapping technique that maps feature vectors into a channel independent space. The feature mapping learns mapping parameters from a set of channel-dependent models derived for a channel-dependent models derived from a channel-independent model via MAP adaptation. The technique is developed primarily for speaker verification, but can be applied for feature normalization in speech recognition applications. Results are presented on NIST landline and cellular telephone speech corpora where it is shown that feature mapping provides significant performance improvements over baseline systems and similar performance to Hnorm and Speaker-Model-Synthesis (SMS).


In speaker recognition applications, channel variability is a major cause of errors. Techniques in the feature, model and score domains have been applied to mitigate channel effects. In this paper we present a new feature mapping technique that maps feature vectors into a channel independent space. The feature mapping learns...


Conditional pronunciation modeling in speaker detection

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP, 6-10 April 2003.


In this paper, we present a conditional pronunciation modeling method for the speaker detection task that does not rely on acoustic vectors. Aiming at exploiting higher-level information carried by the speech signal, it uses time-aligned streams of phones and phonemes to model a speaker's specific Pronunciation. Our system uses phonemes drawn from a lexicon of pronunciations of words recognized by an automatic speech recognition system to generate the phoneme stream and an open-loop phone recognizer to generate a phone stream. The phoneme and phone streams are aligned at the frame level and conditional probabilities of a phone, given a phoneme, are estimated using co-occurrence counts. A likelihood detector is then applied to these probabilities. Performance is measured using the NIST Extended Data paradigm and the Switchboard-I corpus. Using 8 training conversations for enrollment, a 2.1% equal error rate was achieved. Extensions and alternatives, as well as fusion experiments, are presented and discussed.


In this paper, we present a conditional pronunciation modeling method for the speaker detection task that does not rely on acoustic vectors. Aiming at exploiting higher-level information carried by the speech signal, it uses time-aligned streams of phones and phonemes to model a speaker's specific Pronunciation. Our system uses phonemes...


Phonetic speaker recognition using maximum-likelihood binary-decision tree models

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vol. 4, 6-10 April 2003.


Recent work in phonetic speaker recognition has shown that modeling phone sequences using n-grams is a viable and effective approach to speaker recognition, primarily aiming at capturing speaker-dependent pronunciation and also word usage. This paper describes a method involving binary-tree-structured statistical models for extending the phonetic context beyond that of standard n-grams (particularly bigrams) by exploiting statistical dependencies within a longer sequence window without exponentially increasing the model complexity, as is the case with n-grams. Two ways of dealing with data sparsity are also studied, namely, model adaptation and a recursive bottom-up smoothing of symbol distributions. Results obtained under a variety of experimental conditions using the NIST 2001 Speaker Recognition Extended Data Task indicate consistent improvements in equal-error rate performance as compared to standard bigram models. The described approach confirms the relevance of long phonetic context in phonetic speaker recognition and represents an intermediate stage between short phone context and word-level modeling without the need for any lexical knowledge, which suggests its language independence.


Recent work in phonetic speaker recognition has shown that modeling phone sequences using n-grams is a viable and effective approach to speaker recognition, primarily aiming at capturing speaker-dependent pronunciation and also word usage. This paper describes a method involving binary-tree-structured statistical models for extending the phonetic context beyond that of...


The SuperSID project : exploiting high-level information for high-accuracy speaker recognition

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vol. 4, 6-10 April 2003, pp. IV-784 - IV-787.


The area of automatic speaker recognition has been dominated by systems using only short-term, low-level acoustic information, such as cepstral features. While these systems have indeed produced very low error rates, they ignore other levels of information beyond low-level acoustics that convey speaker information. Recently published work has shown examples that such high-level information can be used successfully in automatic speaker recognition systems and has the potential to improve accuracy and add robustness. For the 2002 JHU CLSP summer workshop, the SuperSID project was undertaken to exploit these high-level information sources and dramatically increase speaker recognition accuracy on a defined NIST evaluation corpus and task. This paper provides an overview of the structures, data, task, tools, and accomplishments of this project. Wide ranging approaches using pronunciation models, prosodic dynamics, pitch and duration features, phone streams, and conversational interactions were explored and developed. In this paper we show how these novel features and classifiers indeed provide complementary information and can be fused together to drive down the equal error rate on the 2001 NIS extended data task to 0.2% - a 71% relative reduction in error over the previous state of the art.


The area of automatic speaker recognition has been dominated by systems using only short-term, low-level acoustic information, such as cepstral features. While these systems have indeed produced very low error rates, they ignore other levels of information beyond low-level acoustics that convey speaker information. Recently published work has shown examples...


Using prosodic and conversational features for high-performance speaker recognition : report from JHU WS'02

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vol. IV, 6-10 April 2003, pp. IV-792 - IV-795.


While there has been a long tradition of research seeking to use prosodic features, especially pitch, in speaker recognition systems, results have generally been disappointing when such features are used in isolation and only modest improvements have been set when used in conjunction with traditional cepstral GMM systems. In contrast, we report here on work from the JHU 2002 Summer Workshop exploring a range of prosodic features, using as testbed NIST's 2001 Extended Data task. We examined a variety of modeling techniques, such as n-gram models of turn-level prosodic features and simple vectors of summary statistics per conversation side scored by kth nearest-neighbor classifiers. We found that purely prosodic models were able to achieve equal error rates of under 10%, and yielded significant gains when combined with more traditional systems. We also report on exploratory work on "conversational" features, capturing properties of the interaction across conversion sides, such as turn-taking patterns.


While there has been a long tradition of research seeking to use prosodic features, especially pitch, in speaker recognition systems, results have generally been disappointing when such features are used in isolation and only modest improvements have been set when used in conjunction with traditional cepstral GMM systems. In contrast...