Multi-Objective Graph Matching via Signal Filtering
In this white paper we propose a new method which exploits tools from graph signal processing to solve the graph matching problem, the problem of estimating the correspondence between the vertex sets of two graphs. We recast the graph matching problem as matching multiple similarity matrices where the similarities are...
An Eye on the Storm: Tracking Power Outages via the Internet of Things
Assessing the extent of power outages in the wake of disasters is a crucial but daunting challenge. We developed a prototype to estimate and map the severity and location of power outages throughout an event by taking advantage of IoT as a non-traditional power-sensing network. We present results used by...
Uncovering human trafficking networks through text analysis
Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery affecting an estimated 40 million victims worldwide, primarily through the commercial sexual exploitation of women and children. In the last decade, the advertising of victims has moved from the streets to websites on the Internet, providing greater efficiency and anonymity for sex...
Security Design of Mission-Critical Embedded Systems
This tutorial explains a systematic approach of co-designing functionality and security into mission-criticalembedded systems. The tutorial starts by reviewing common issues in embedded applications to define mission objectives,threat models, and security/resilience goals. We then introduce an overview of security technologies toachieve goals of confidentiality, integrity, and availability given design criteria...
Hypersparse neural network analysis of large-scale internet traffic
The Internet is transforming our society, necessitating a quantitative understanding of Internet traffic. Our team collects and curates the largest publicly available Internet traffic data containing 50 billion packets. Utilizing a novel hypersparse neural network analysis of "video" streams of this traffic using 10,000 processors in the MIT SuperCloud reveals...
Large scale parallelization using file-based communications
In this paper, we present a novel and new file-based communication architecture using the local filesystem for large scale parallelization. This new approach eliminates the issues with filesystem overload and resource contention when using the central filesystem for large parallel jobs. The new approach incurs additional overhead due to inter-node...
Sparse Deep Neural Network graph challenge
The MIT/IEEE/Amazon encourages community approaches to developing new solutions for analyzing graphs and sparse data. Sparse AI analytics present unique scalability difficulties. The proposed Sparse Deep Neural Network (DNN) Challenge draws upon prior challenges from machine learning, high performance computing, and visual analytics to create a challenge that is...
Optimizing the visualization pipeline of a 3-D monitoring and management system
Monitoring and managing High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and environments generate an ever growing amount of data. Making sense of this data and generating a platform where the data can be visualized for system administrators and management to proactively identify system failures or understand the state of the system requires...
Survey and benchmarking of machine learning accelerators
Advances in multicore processors and accelerators have opened the flood gates to greater exploration and application of machine learning techniques to a variety of applications. These advances, along with breakdowns of several trends including Moore's Law, have prompted an explosion of processors and accelerators that promise even greater computational and...
Streaming 1.9 billion hyperspace network updates per second with D4M
The Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model (D4M) library implements associative arrays in a variety of languages (Python, Julia, and Matlab/Octave) and provides a lightweight in-memory database implementation of hypersparse arrays that are ideal for analyzing many types of network data. D4M relies on associative arrays which combine properties of spreadsheets...