Fine structure features for speaker identification
The performance of speaker identification (SID) systems can be improved by the addition of the rapidly varying "fine structure" features of formant amplitude and/or frequency modulation and multiple excitation pulses. This paper shows how the estimation of such fine structure features can be improved further by obtaining better estimates of...
Low rate coding of the spectral envelope using channel gains
A dual rate embedded sinusoidal transform coder is described in which a core 14th order allpole coder operating at 2400 b/s is augmented with a set of channel gain residuals in order to operate at the higher 4800 b/s rate. The channel gains are a set of non-uniformly spaced samples...
The effects of handset variability on speaker recognition performance: experiments on the switchboard corpus
This paper presents an empirical study of the effects of handset variability on text-independent speaker recognition performance using the Switchboard corpus. Handset variability occurs when training speech is collected using one type of handset, but a different handset is used for collecting test speech. For the Switchboard corpus, the calling...
Unsupervised topic clustering of switchboard speech messages
This paper presents a statistical technique which can be used to automatically group speech data records based on the similarity of their content. A tree-based clustering algorithm is used to generate a hierarchical structure for the corpus. This structure can then be used to guide the search for similar material...
Recognition by humans and machines: miles to go before we sleep
Bourlard and his colleagues note that much effort over the past few years has focused on creating large-vocabulary speech recognition systems and reducing error rates measured using clean speech materials. This has led to experimental talker-independent systems with vocabularies of 65,000 words capable of transcribing sentences on a limited set...
Comparison of four approaches to automatic language identification of telephone speech
We have compared the performance of four approaches for automatic language identification of speech utterances: Gaussian mixture model (GMM) classification; single-language phone recognition followed by language-dependent, interpolated n-gram language modeling (PRLM); parallel PRLM, which uses multiple single-language phone recognizers, each trained in a different language; and language dependent parallel phone...
A subband approach to time-scale expansion of complex acoustic signals
A new approach to time-scale expansion of short-duration complex acoustic signals is introduced. Using a subband signal representation, channel phases are selected to preserve a desired time-scaled temporal envelope. The phase representation is derived from locations of events that occur within filter bank outputs. A frame-based generalization of the method...
Time-scale modification with inconsistent constraints
A set theoretic estimation approach is introduced for timescale modification of complex acoustic signals. The method determines a signal that meets, in a least-squared error sense, desired temporal and spectral envelope constraints that are inconsistent. These constraints are generalized within the set theoretic framework to include other signal characteristics such...
Military and government applications of human-machine communication by voice
This paper describes a range of opportunities for military and government applications of human-machine communication by voice, based on visits and contacts with numerous user organizations in the United States. The applications include some that appear to be feasible by careful integration of current state-of-the-art technology and others that will...
Sine-wave amplitude coding using a mixed LSF/PARCOR representation
An all-pole model of the speech spectral envelope is used to code the sine-wave amplitudes in the Sinusoidal Transform Coder. While line spectral frequencies (LSFs) are currently used to represent this all-pole model, it is shown that a mixture of line spectral frequencies and partial correlation (PARCOR) coefficients can be...