Improved hidden Markov model speech recognition using radial basis function networks
A high performance speaker-independent isolated-word hybrid speech recognizer was developed which combines Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks. In recognition experiments using a speaker-independent E-set database, the hybrid recognizer had an error rate of 11.5% compared to 15.7% for the robust unimodal Gaussian HMM recognizer...
Neural network classifiers estimate Bayesian a posteriori probabilities
Many neural network classifiers provide outputs which estimate Bayesian a posteriori probabilities. When the estimation is accurate, network outputs can be treated as probabilities and sum to one. Simple proofs show that Bayesian probabilities are estimated when desired network outputs are 1 of M (one output unity, all others zero)...
Opportunities for advanced speech processing in military computer-based systems
This paper presents a study of military applications of advanced speech processing technology which includes three major elements: 1) review and assessment of current efforts in military applications of speech technology; 2) identification of opportunities for future military applications of advanced speech technology; and 3) identification of problem areas where...
Low-rate speech coding based on the sinusoidal model
One approach to the problem of representation of speech signals is to use the speech production model in which speech is viewed as the result of passing a glottal excitation waveform through a time-varying linear filter that models the resonant characteristics of the vocal tract. In many applications it suffices...
Speech nonlinearities, modulations, and energy operators
In this paper, we investigate an AM-FM model for representing modulations in speech resonances. Specifically, we propose a frequency modulation (FM) model for the time-varying formants whose amplitude varies as the envelope of an amplitude-modulated (AM) signal. To detect the modulations we apply the energy operator (psi)(x) = (x)^2 -...
Peak-to-rms reduction of speech based on a sinusoidal model
In a number of applications, a speech waveform is processed using phase dispersion and amplitude compression to reduce its peak-to-rms ratio so as to increase loudness and intelligibility while minimizing perceived distortion. In this paper, a sinusoidal-based analysis/synthesis system is used to apply a radar design solution to the problem...
Short-time signal representation by nonlinear difference equations
The solution of a nonlinear difference equation can take on complicated deterministic behavior which appears to be random for certain values of the equation's coefficients. Due to the sensitivities to initial conditions of the output of such "chaotic" systems, it is difficult to duplicate the waveform structure by parameter analysis...
Noise reduction using a soft-decision sine-wave vector quantizer
The need for noise reduction arises in speech communication channels, such as ground-to-air transmission and ground-based cellular radio, to improve vocoder quality and speech recognition accuracy. In this paper, noise reduction is performed in the context of a high-quality harmonic serc-phase sine-wave analysis/synthesis system which is characterized by sine-wave amplitudes...
Automatic talker activity labeling for co-channel talker interference suppression
This paper describes a speaker activity detector taking co-channel speech as input and labeling intervals of the input as target-only, jammer-only, or two-speaker (target+jammer). The algorithms applied were borrowed primarily from speaker recognition, thereby allowing us to use speaker-dependent test-utterance-independent information in a front-end for co-channel talker interference suppression. Parameters...
Robust speech recognition using hidden Markov models: overview of a research program
This report presents an overview of a program of speech recognition research which was initiated in 1985 with the major goal of developing techniques for robust high performance speech recognition under the stress and noise conditions typical of a military aircraft cockpit. The work on recognition in stress and noise...