Implementation of 2-D digital filters by iterative methods
A two-dimensional (2-D) rational filter can be implemented by an iterative computation involving only finite-extent impulse response (FIR) filtering operations, provided a certain convergence criterion is met. In this paper, we generalize this procedure so that the convergence criterion is satisfied for any stable 2-D rational transfer function. One formulation...
Signal reconstruction from the short-time Fourier transform magnitude
In this paper, a signal is shown to be uniquely represented by the magnitude of its short-time Fourier transform (STFT) under mild restrictions on the signal and the analysis window of the STFT. Furthermore, various algorithms are developed which reconstruct signal from appropriate samples of the STFT magnitude. Several of...
Iterative techniques for minimum phase signal reconstruction from phase or magnitude
In this paper, we develop iterative algorithms for reconstructing a minimum phase sequence from pthhea se or magnitude of its Fourier transform. These iterative solutions involve repeatedly imposing a causality constraint in the time domain and incorporating the known phase or magnitude function in the frequency domain. This approach is...
Recursive two-dimensional signal reconstruction from linear system input and output magnitudes
A recursive algorithm is presented for reconstructing a two-dimensional complex signal from its magnitude and the magnitude of the output of a known linear shift-invariant system whose input is the desired signal. The recursion has a simple geometric interpretation, and is easily extended to causal, shift-varying systems.
The effects of microphones and facemasks on LPC vocoder performance
The effects of oxygen facemasks and noise cancelling microphones on LPC vocoder performance were analyzed and evaluated. Likely sources of potential vocoder performance degradation included the non-ideal frequency response characteristics of the microphone and the possible presence of additional resonances in the speech waveform due to the addition of the...
Voice communication in integrated digital voice and data networks
Voice communication networks have traditionally been designed to provide either analog signal paths or fixed-rate synchronous digital connections between individual subscribers. These designs were aimed at accommodating the "streamlike" character of speech, which has traditionally been considered to flow from source to destination at a more or less constant rate...
Convergence of iterative nonexpansive signal reconstruction algorithms
Iterative algorithms for signal reconstruction from partial time- and frequency-domain knowledge have proven useful in a number of application areas. In this paper, a general convergence proof, applicable to a general class of such iterative reconstruction algorithms, is presented. The proof relies on the concept of a nonexpansive mapping in...
Data traffic performance of an integrated circuit and packet-switched multiplex structure
Results are developed for data traffic performance in an integrated multiplex structure which includes circuit-switching for voice and packet-switching for data. The results are obtained both through simulation and analysis, and show that excessive data queues and delays will build up under heavy loading conditions. These large data delays occur...
A split band adaptive predictive coding (SBAPC) speech system
As developed by Atal and Schroeder [1], conventional Adaptive Predictive Coding (APC) of speech employs both vocal tract and pitch prediction to achieve a low energy, spectrally flattened residual. Errors in the pitch predictor can result in clipping errors which can propagate in the system for relatively long periods of...
The tradeoff between delay and TASI advantage in a packetized speech multiplexer
A packetized speech multiplexer differs from a circuit-switched TASI system in that the presence of a packet buffer allows a tradeoff where the TASI advantage can be increased at a cost in packet delay. This tradeoff is investigated via a simulation. Results are presented to show the relations between TASI...