Establishing wind information needs for four dimensional trajectory-based operations
Accurate wind information is of fundamental importance to the delivery of benefits from future air traffic concepts. A Wind Information Analysis Framework is described in this paper and its utility for assessing wind information needs for a four-dimensional trajectory based operations application is demonstrated.
Towards the detection of aircraft icing conditions using operational dual-polarimetric radar
In anticipation of the dual-polarimetric upgrade to the National Weather Service operational radar network (WSR-88D) research is being conducted to utilize this extensive new data source for remote aircraft icing detection. The first challenge is to accurately locate the melting layer. A new image-processing-based algorithm is proposed and demonstrated. The...
NextGen surveillance and weather radar capability (NSWRC) siting analysis
As the current radars that perform weather and aircraft surveillance over the United States age, they must be sustained through service life extension programs or replaced. In the latter case, the radars can be replaced by multiple types of radars with different missions or they can be replaced by scalable...
Evaluation of the Integrated Departure Route Planning (IDRP) Tool 2011 prototype
The Integrated Departure Route Planning (IDRP) tool combines convective weather impact forecasts from the Route Availability Planning Tool (RAPT) with departure demand forecasts from the MITRE tfmCore system to aid traffic managers in formulating plans to mitigate volume congestion in fair weather and during convective weather impacts. An initial prototype...
Estimation of New York departure fix capacities in fair and convective weather
When convective weather impacts the New York Metro airspace, traffic managers may employ several tactics to mitigate weather impacts and maintain manageable and efficient flow of traffic to and from the airports. These tactics, which include maneuvering individual flights through weather, merging and redirecting traffic flows to avoid storms, and...
A tree-based ensemble method of the prediction and uncertainty quantification of aircraft landing times
Accurate aircraft landing time predictions provide situational awareness for air traffic controllers, enable decision support algorithms and gate management planning. This paper presents a new approach for estimation of landing times using a tree-based ensemble method, namely Quantile Regression Forests. This method is suitable for real-time applications, provides robust and...
Evaluation of Consolidated Storm Prediction for Aviation (CoSPA) 0-8 hour convective weather forecast using the airspace flow program blockage-based capacity forecast ("The Matrix")
The CoSPA 0-8 hour convective weather forecast provides deterministic forecast products that can be used by strategic traffic management planners, and can be readily translated into forecasts of aviation capacity impacts for use in automated decision support tools. An operational CoSPA prototype was evaluated at several FAA Air Traffic Control...
Estimating the likelihood of success in departure management strategies during convective weather
The presence of convective weather (thunderstorms) in terminal and nearby en route airspace of major metroplex areas can have significant impacts on departure operations. Traffic on departure routes impacted by convective weather may be constrained by miles-in-trail (MIT) restrictions, to allow controllers the time needed to maneuver individual flights around...
Initial validation of a convective weather avoidance model (CWAM) in departure airspace
The Convective Weather Avoidance Model (CWAM) translates gridded, deterministic weather observations and forecasts into Weather Avoidance Fields (WAF). The WAF gives the probability, at each point in the grid, that a pilot will choose to deviate around convective weather at that location. CWAM have been developed and validated for en...
The Tower Flight Data Manager prototype system
The Tower Flight Data Manager (TFDM) will serve as the next generation air traffic control tower automation platform for surface and local airspace operations. TFDM provides three primary enhancements over current systems: consolidation of diverse data and information sources into a single platform; electronic data exchange, including flight data entries...