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Positive charge in the stratiform cloud of a mesoscale convective system
A balloon sounding of electric field in the trailing stratiform cloud of a bow echo mesoscale convective system reveals only two substantial in-cloud positive charge regions. These charge regions are located at altitudes of 5.1-5.6 km and 6.4-6.8 km, above the level of 0 degree C at 4.2 km. The...
Sprites, elves, and glow discharge tubes
In the 1920's, the Scottish physicist C.T.R. Wilson predicted the existence of brief flashes of light above large thunderstorms. Almost 70 years later, Bernard Vonnegut of SUNY Albany realized that evidence for Wilson's then-unconfirmed predictions might appear in video imagery of Earth's upper atmosphere recorded by space-shuttle astronauts. He encouraged...
A statistical analysis of approach winds at capacity-restricted airports
A study was conducted on six major U.S. airports with closely-spaced parallel (CSP) runways that become capacity-restricted during times of lowered cloud ceilings and visibilities. These airports were SFO, BOS, EWR, PHL, SEA, and STL. Efforts are underway to develop a feasible system for simultaneous CSP approaches, which would increase...
WSP utility libraries
The ASR-9 Weather Systems Processor (WSP) augments the weather detection capability of existing ASR-9 radars to include low-level wind shear warnings, storm cell tracking and prediction, and improved immunity to false weather echoes due to anomalous propagation (AP). To economically develop and field an operational system at the 34 WSP...
Weather sensing and data fusion to improve safety and reduce delays at major west coast airports
The objective of this study was to analyze the weather sensing and data fusion required to improve safety and reduce delays at a number of west coast airports that are not currently scheduled to receive an Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS). This report considers the Los Angeles (LAX), San Francisco...
Criteria for sprites and elves based on Schumann resonance observations
Ground flashes with positive polarity associated with both sprites and elves excite the Earth's Schumann resonances to amplitudes several times greater than the background resonances. Theoretical predictions for dielectric breakdown in the mesosphere are tested using ELF methods to evaluate vertical charge moments of positive ground flashes. Comparisons of the...
The behavior of total lightning activity in severe Florida thunderstorms
The development of a new observational system called LISDAD (Lightning Imaging Sensor Demonstration and Display) has enabled a study of severe weather in central Florida. The total flash rates for storms verified to be severe are found to exceed 60 fpm, with some values reaching 500 fpm. Similar to earlier...
Schumann Resonances and the temporal-spatial dynamics of global thunderstorm activity
A two-dimensional computational ELF technique has been applied to interpret variations of peak frequencies of Schumann resosnances (SR) observed at the MIT experimental site (West Greenwich, Rhode Island). The spatial-temporal dynamics of global thunderstorm activity has been simulated on the basis of general meteorological data. It is shown that the...
The relationship between the background and transient signals in Schumann resonances
Two distinct measures of the Earth's Schumann resonances -- the background and the transients -- are studied through comparisons at the mesoscale and at the continental scale. A rough proportionality is shown between the far more abundant afternoon lightning activity and the larger positive mesoscale discharges that make sprites and...
Total lightning activity associated with tornadic storms
Severe storms often have high flash rates (in excess of one flash per second) and are dominated by intracloud lightning activity. In addition to the extraordinary flash rates, there is a second distinguishing lightning characteristic of severe storms that seems to be important. When the total lightning history is examined...