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The thundering herd: Amplifying kernel interference to attack response times

Published in:
2022 IEEE 28th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symp., RTAS, 4-6 May 2022.


Embedded and real-time systems are increasingly attached to networks. This enables broader coordination beyond the physical system, but also opens the system to attacks. The increasingly complex workloads of these systems include software of varying assurance levels, including that which might be susceptible to compromise by remote attackers. To limit the impact of compromise, u-kernels focus on maintaining strong memory protection domains between different bodies of software, including system services. They enable limited coordination between processes through Inter-Process Communication (IPC). Real-time systems also require strong temporal guarantees for tasks, and thus need temporal isolation to limit the impact of malicious software. This is challenging as multiple client threads that use IPC to request service from a shared server will impact each other's response times. To constrain the temporal interference between threads, modern u-kernels often build priority and budget awareness into the system. Unfortunately, this paper demonstrates that this is more challenging than previously thought. Adding priority awareness to IPC processing can lead to significant interference due to the kernel's prioritization logic. Adding budget awareness similarly creates opportunities for interference due to the budget tracking and management operations. In both situations, a Thundering Herd of malicious threads can significantly delay the activation of mission-critical tasks. The Thundering Herd effects are evaluated on seL4 and results demonstrate that high-priority threads can be delayed by over 100,000 cycles per malicious thread. This paper reveals a challenging dilemma: the temporal protections u-kernels add can, themselves, provide means of threatening temporal isolation. Finally, to defend the system, we identify and empirically evaluate possible mitigations, and propose an admission-control test based upon an interference-aware analysis.


Embedded and real-time systems are increasingly attached to networks. This enables broader coordination beyond the physical system, but also opens the system to attacks. The increasingly complex workloads of these systems include software of varying assurance levels, including that which might be susceptible to compromise by remote attackers. To limit...


Practical principle of least privilege for secure embedded systems

Published in:
2021 IEEE 27th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symp., RTAS. 18-21 May 2021.


Many embedded systems have evolved from simple bare-metal control systems to highly complex network-connected systems. These systems increasingly demand rich and feature-full operating-systems (OS) functionalities. Furthermore, the network connectedness offers attack vectors that require stronger security designs. To that end, this paper defines a prototypical RTOS API called Patina that provides services common in featurerich OSes (e.g., Linux) but absent in more trustworthy u-kernel-based systems. Examples of such services include communication channels, timers, event management, and synchronization. Two Patina implementations are presented, one on Composite and the other on seL4, each of which is designed based on the Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP) to increase system security. This paper describes how each of these u-kernels affect the PoLP-based design, as well as discusses security and performance tradeoffs in the two implementations. Results of comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that the performance of the PoLP-based implementation of Patina offers comparable or superior performance to Linux, while offering heightened isolation.


Many embedded systems have evolved from simple bare-metal control systems to highly complex network-connected systems. These systems increasingly demand rich and feature-full operating-systems (OS) functionalities. Furthermore, the network connectedness offers attack vectors that require stronger security designs. To that end, this paper defines a prototypical RTOS API called Patina that...


A hardware root-of-trust design for low-power SoC edge devices

Published in:
2020 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conf., HPEC, 22-24 September 2020.


In this work, we introduce a hardware root-of-trust architecture for low-power edge devices. An accelerator-based SoC design that includes the hardware root-of-trust architecture is developed. An example application for the device is presented. We examine attacks based on physical access given the significant threat they pose to unattended edge systems. The hardware root-of-trust provides security features to ensure the integrity of the SoC execution environment when deployed in uncontrolled, unattended locations. E-fused boot memory ensures the boot code and other security critical software is not compromised after deployment. Digitally signed programmable instruction memory prevents execution of code from untrusted sources. A programmable finite state machine is used to enforce access policies to device resources even if the application software on the device is compromised. Access policies isolate the execution states of application and security-critical software. The hardware root-of-trust architecture saves energy with a lower hardware overhead than a separate secure enclave while eliminating software attack surfaces for access control policies.


In this work, we introduce a hardware root-of-trust architecture for low-power edge devices. An accelerator-based SoC design that includes the hardware root-of-trust architecture is developed. An example application for the device is presented. We examine attacks based on physical access given the significant threat they pose to unattended edge systems...


Control-flow integrity for real-time embedded systems

Published in:
31st Euromicro Conf. on Real-Time Systems, ECRTS, 9-12 July 2019.


Attacks on real-time embedded systems can endanger lives and critical infrastructure. Despite this, techniques for securing embedded systems software have not been widely studied. Many existing security techniques for general-purpose computers rely on assumptions that do not hold in the embedded case. This paper focuses on one such technique, control-flow integrity (CFI), that has been vetted as an effective countermeasure against control-flow hijacking attacks on general-purpose computing systems. Without the process isolation and fine-grained memory protections provided by a general-purpose computer with a rich operating system, CFI cannot provide any security guarantees. This work proposes RECFISH, a system for providing CFI guarantees on ARM Cortex-R devices running minimal real-time operating systems. We provide techniques for protecting runtime structures, isolating processes, and instrumenting compiled ARM binaries with CFI protection. We empirically evaluate RECFISH and its performance implications for real-time systems. Our results suggest RECFISH can be directly applied to binaries without compromising real-time performance; in a test of over six million realistic task systems running FreeRTOS, 85% were still schedulable after adding RECFISH.


Attacks on real-time embedded systems can endanger lives and critical infrastructure. Despite this, techniques for securing embedded systems software have not been widely studied. Many existing security techniques for general-purpose computers rely on assumptions that do not hold in the embedded case. This paper focuses on one such technique, control-flow...


Functionality and security co-design environment for embedded systems

Published in:
IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conf., HPEC, 25-27 September 2018.


For decades, embedded systems, ranging from intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) sensors to electronic warfare and electronic signal intelligence systems, have been an integral part of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) mission systems. These embedded systems are increasingly the targets of deliberate and sophisticated attacks. Developers thus need to focus equally on functionality and security in both hardware and software development. For critical missions, these systems must be entrusted to perform their intended functions, prevent attacks, and even operate with resilience under attacks. The processor in a critical system must thus provide not only a root of trust, but also a foundation to monitor mission functions, detect anomalies, and perform recovery. We have developed a Lincoln Asymmetric Multicore Processing (LAMP) architecture, which mitigates adversarial cyber effects with separation and cryptography and provides a foundation to build a resilient embedded system. We will describe a design environment that we have created to enable the co-design of functionality and security for mission assurance.


For decades, embedded systems, ranging from intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) sensors to electronic warfare and electronic signal intelligence systems, have been an integral part of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) mission systems. These embedded systems are increasingly the targets of deliberate and sophisticated attacks. Developers thus need to focus...


Next-generation embedded processors: an update

Published in:
GOMACTech Conf., 12-15 March 2018.


For mission assurance, Department of Defense (DoD) embedded systems should be designed to mitigate various aspects of cyber risks, while maintaining performance (size, weight, power, cost, and schedule). This paper reports our latest research effort in the development of a next-generation System-on-Chip (SoC) for DoD applications, which we first presented in GOMACTech 2014. This paper focuses on our ongoing work to enhance the mission assurance of its programmable processor. We will explain our updated processor architecture, justify the use of resources, and assess the processor's suitability for mission assurance.


For mission assurance, Department of Defense (DoD) embedded systems should be designed to mitigate various aspects of cyber risks, while maintaining performance (size, weight, power, cost, and schedule). This paper reports our latest research effort in the development of a next-generation System-on-Chip (SoC) for DoD applications, which we first presented...


Designing agility and resilience into embedded systems


Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) such as Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) sense and actuate their environment in pursuit of a mission. The attack surface of these remotely located, sensing and communicating devices is both large, and exposed to adversarial actors, making mission assurance a challenging problem. While best-practice security policies should be followed, they are rarely enough to guarantee mission success as not all components in the system may be trusted and the properties of the environment (e.g., the RF environment) may be under the control of the attacker. CPS must thus be built with a high degree of resilience to mitigate threats that security cannot alleviate. In this paper, we describe the Agile and Resilient Embedded Systems (ARES) methodology and metric set. The ARES methodology pursues cyber security and resilience (CSR) as high level system properties to be developed in the context of the mission. An analytic process guides system developers in defining mission objectives, examining principal issues, applying CSR technologies, and understanding their interactions.


Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) such as Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) sense and actuate their environment in pursuit of a mission. The attack surface of these remotely located, sensing and communicating devices is both large, and exposed to adversarial actors, making mission assurance a challenging problem. While best-practice security policies should be...


Secure embedded systems

Published in:
Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2016, pp. 110-122.


Developers seek to seamlessly integrate cyber security within U.S. military system software. However, added security components can impede a system's functionality. System developers need a well-defined approach for simultaneously designing functionality and cyber security. Lincoln Laboratory's secure embedded system co-design methodology uses a security coprocessor to cryptographically ensure system confidentiality and integrity while maintaining functionality.


Developers seek to seamlessly integrate cyber security within U.S. military system software. However, added security components can impede a system's functionality. System developers need a well-defined approach for simultaneously designing functionality and cyber security. Lincoln Laboratory's secure embedded system co-design methodology uses a security coprocessor to cryptographically ensure system confidentiality...


Secure architecture for embedded systems


Devices connected to the internet are increasingly the targets of deliberate and sophisticated attacks. Embedded system engineers tend to focus on well-defined functional capabilities rather than "obscure" security and resilience. However, "after-the-fact" system hardening could be prohibitively expensive or even impossible. The co-design of security and resilience with functionality has to overcome a major challenge; rarely can the security and resilience requirements be accurately identified when the design begins. This paper describes an embedded system architecture that decouples secure and functional design aspects.


Devices connected to the internet are increasingly the targets of deliberate and sophisticated attacks. Embedded system engineers tend to focus on well-defined functional capabilities rather than "obscure" security and resilience. However, "after-the-fact" system hardening could be prohibitively expensive or even impossible. The co-design of security and resilience with functionality has...


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