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A vocal model to predict readiness under sleep deprivation
A variety of factors can affect cognitive readiness and influence human performance in tasks that are mission critical. Sleep deprivation is one of the most prevalent factors that degrade performance. One risk-mitigation approach is to use vocal biomarkers to detect cognitive fatigue and resulting performance decrements. In this study, a...
Daily activity profiles and activity fluctuations correlate with BMI
The rising levels of obesity have been declared a global epidemic by the World Health Organization, with obesity rates surpassing 50% in many countries. Between the late 1970s and the early 2000s in the U.S., the prevalence of obesity doubled while the prevalence of severe obesity more than tripled. One...
Noninvasive monitoring of simulated hemorrhage and whole blood resuscitation
Hemorrhage is the leading cause of preventable death from trauma. Accurate monitoring of hemorrhage and resuscitation can significantly reduce mortality and morbidity but remains a challenge due to the low sensitivity of traditional vital signs in detecting blood loss and possible hemorrhagic shock. Vital signs are not reliable early indicators...
Predicting ankle moment trajectory with adaptive weighted ensemble of LSTM network
Estimations of ankle moments can provide clinically helpful information on the function of lower extremities and further lead to insight on patient rehabilitation and assistive wearable exoskeleton design. Current methods for estimating ankle moments leave room for improvement, with most recent cutting-edge methods relying on machine learning models trained on...
Relationships between cognitive factors and gait strategy during exoskeleton-augmented walking
Individual variation in exoskeleton-augmented gait strategy may arise from differences in cognitive factors, e.g., ability to respond quickly to stimuli or complete tasks under divided attention. Gait strategy is defined as different approaches to achieving gait priorities (e.g., walking without falling) and is observed via changes in gait characteristics like...
Geographic source estimation using airborne plant environmental DNA in dust
Information obtained from the analysis of dust, particularly biological particles such as pollen, plant parts, and fungal spores, has great utility in forensic geolocation. As an alternative to manual microscopic analysis of dust components, we developed a pipeline that utilizes the airborne plant environmental DNA (eDNA) in settled dust to...
Human balance models optimized using a large-scale, parallel architecture with applications to mild traumatic brain injury
Static and dynamic balance are frequently disrupted through brain injuries. The impairment can be complex and for mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) can be undetectable by standard clinical tests. Therefore, neurologically relevant modeling approaches are needed for detection and inference of mechanisms of injury. The current work presents models of...
COVID-19: famotidine, histamine, mast cells, and mechanisms [eprint]
SARS-CoV-2 infection is required for COVID-19, but many signs and symptoms of COVID-19 differ from common acute viral diseases. Currently, there are no pre- or post-exposure prophylactic COVID-19 medical countermeasures. Clinical data suggest that famotidine may mitigate COVID-19 disease, but both mechanism of action and rationale for dose selection remain...
Medical countermeasures analysis of 2019-nCoV and vaccine risks for antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)
Background: In 80% of patients, COVID-19 presents as mild disease. 20% of cases develop severe (13%) or critical (6%) illness. More severe forms of COVID-19 present as clinical severe acute respiratory syndrome, but include a T-predominant lymphopenia, high circulating levels of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines, accumulation of neutrophils and macrophages...
Detecting pathogen exposure during the non-symptomatic incubation period using physiological data
Early pathogen exposure detection allows better patient care and faster implementation of public health measures (patient isolation, contact tracing). Existing exposure detection most frequently relies on overt clinical symptoms, namely fever, during the infectious prodromal period. We have developed a robust machine learning based method to better detect asymptomatic states...