
Resilient Mission Computer
We've developed an architecture and program plan for a moonshot to build a computer system that is secure to large classes of cyberattacks.

Data-Centric Secure Computing
A suite of technologies protects data both at rest and in transit by providing access to secure computation nodes distributed throughout a network.

Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Series
The Laboratory's long-term collaboration with NOAA and NASA on environmental monitoring satellites has led to revolutionized weather imagery and products and improved detection for space and solar phenomena.

Secure Small Satellite Processing Platform
A secure reference architecture enables satellites to recover from cyberattacks and carry on their missions.

Tactical Key Management
Cryptographic keys can now be created and securely distributed in real time during a mission.

High Assurance Design Environment
A new tool enables mission system designers to design for functionality and security together and provide evidence for how design choices affect a mission’s security posture.

Seismic-Metamaterial Cloaking to Protect Infrastructure
Novel metamaterials deployed to provide a barrier around critical structures are designed to redirect and attenuate hazardous seismic waves.

Transparency by Design Network
A new neural network model reveals some of the mystery behind the decision-making capability of artificial intelligence systems.

Haystack Ultrawideband Satellite Imaging Radar
Lincoln Laboratory created the world's highest-resolution radar for imaging of space objects in support of space situational awareness.

Advanced ASIC System on Chip for CLASS
A power-efficient application-specific integrated circuit system on chip that performs up to 2 trillion computations per second has potential for use in mobile communication systems.