The MITLL NIST LRE 2011 language recognition system
This paper presents a description of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory (MITLL) language recognition system developed for the NIST 2011 Language Recognition Evaluation (LRE). The submitted system consisted of a fusion of four core classifiers, three based on spectral similarity and one based on tokenization. Additional system improvements were achieved following...
Automatic detection of depression in speech using Gaussian mixture modeling with factor analysis
Of increasing importance in the civilian and military population is the recognition of Major Depressive Disorder at its earliest stages and intervention before the onset of severe symptoms. Toward the goal of more effective monitoring of depression severity, we investigate automatic classifiers of depression state, that have the important property...
Language recognition via i-vectors and dimensionality reduction
In this paper, a new language identification system is presented based on the total variability approach previously developed in the field of speaker identification. Various techniques are employed to extract the most salient features in the lower dimensional i-vector space and the system developed results in excellent performance on the...
Informative dialect recognition using context-dependent pronunciation modeling
We propose an informative dialect recognition system that learns phonetic transformation rules, and uses them to identify dialects. A hidden Markov model is used to align reference phones with dialect specific pronunciations to characterize when and how often substitutions, insertions, and deletions occur. Decision tree clustering is used to find...
The MIT LL 2010 speaker recognition evaluation system: scalable language-independent speaker recognition
Research in the speaker recognition community has continued to address methods of mitigating variational nuisances. Telephone and auxiliary-microphone recorded speech emphasize the need for a robust way of dealing with unwanted variation. The design of recent 2010 NIST-SRE Speaker Recognition Evaluation (SRE) reflects this research emphasis. In this paper, we...
The MITLL NIST LRE 2009 language recognition system
This paper presents a description of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory language recognition system submitted to the NIST 2009 Language Recognition Evaluation (LRE). This system consists of a fusion of three core recognizers, two based on spectral similarity and one based on tokenization. The 2009 LRE differed from previous ones in...
Discriminative N-gram selection for dialect recognition
Dialect recognition is a challenging and multifaceted problem. Distinguishing between dialects can rely upon many tiers of interpretation of speech data - e.g., prosodic, phonetic, spectral, and word. High-accuracy automatic methods for dialect recognition typically rely upon either phonetic or spectral characteristics of the input. A challenge with spectral system...
A comparison of subspace feature-domain methods for language recognition
Compensation of cepstral features for mismatch due to dissimilar train and test conditions has been critical for good performance in many speech applications. Mismatch is typically due to variability from changes in speaker, channel, gender, and environment. Common methods for compensation include RASTA, mean and variance normalization, VTLN, and feature...
Eigen-channel compensation and discriminatively trained Gaussian mixture models for dialect and accent recognition
This paper presents a series of dialect/accent identification results for three sets of dialects with discriminatively trained Gaussian mixture models and feature compensation using eigen-channel decomposition. The classification tasks evaluated in the paper include: 1)the Chinese language classes, 2) American and Indian accented English and 3) discrimination between three Arabic...
The MITLL NIST LRE 2007 language recognition system
This paper presents a description of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory language recognition system submitted to the NIST 2007 Language Recognition Evaluation. This system consists of a fusion of four core recognizers, two based on tokenization and two based on spectral similarity. Results for NIST?s 14-language detection task are presented for...