Feedback-based social media filtering tool for improved situational awareness
This paper describes a feature-rich model of data relevance, designed to aid first responder retrieval of useful information from social media sources during disasters or emergencies. The approach is meant to address the failure of traditional keyword-based methods to sufficiently suppress clutter during retrieval. The model iteratively incorporates relevance feedback...
Assessing functional neural connectivity as an indicator of cognitive performance
Studies in recent years have demonstrated that neural organization and structure impact an individual's ability to perform a given task. Specifically, individuals with greater neural efficiency have been shown to outperform those with less organized functional structure. In this work, we compare the predictive ability of properties of neural connectivity...
Improved hidden clique detection by optimal linear fusion of multiple adjacency matrices
Graph fusion has emerged as a promising research area for addressing challenges associated with noisy, uncertain, multi-source data. While many ad-hoc graph fusion techniques exist in the current literature, an analytical approach for analyzing the fundamentals of the graph fusion problem is lacking. We consider the setting where we are...
Residuals-based subgraph detection with cue vertices
A common problem in modern graph analysis is the detection of communities, an example of which is the detection of a single anomalously dense subgraph. Recent results have demonstrated a fundamental limit for this problem when using spectral analysis of modularity. In this paper, we demonstrate the implication of these...
Sampling operations on big data
The 3Vs -- Volume, Velocity and Variety -- of Big Data continues to be a large challenge for systems and algorithms designed to store, process and disseminate information for discovery and exploration under real-time constraints. Common signal processing operations such as sampling and filtering, which have been used for decades...
Very large graphs for information extraction (VLG) - detection and inference in the presence of uncertainty
In numerous application domains relevant to the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, data of interest take the form of entities and the relationships between them, and these data are commonly represented as graphs. Under the Very Large Graphs for Information Extraction effort--a one year proof-of-concept study--MIT LL developed...
Sampling large graphs for anticipatory analytics
The characteristics of Big Data - often dubbed the 3V's for volume, velocity, and variety - will continue to outpace the ability of computational systems to process, store, and transmit meaningful results. Traditional techniques for dealing with large datasets often include the purchase of larger systems, greater human-in-the-loop involvement, or...
A spectral framework for anomalous subgraph detection
A wide variety of application domains is concerned with data consisting of entities and their relationships or connections, formally represented as graphs. Within these diverse application areas, a common problem of interest is the detection of a subset of entities whose connectivity is anomalous with respect to the rest of...
Temporal and multi-source fusion for detection of innovation in collaboration networks
A common problem in network analysis is detecting small subgraphs of interest within a large background graph. This includes multi-source fusion scenarios where data from several modalities must be integrated to form the network. This paper presents an application of novel techniques leveraging the signal processing for graphs algorithmic framework...
Planted clique detection below the noise floor using low-rank sparse PCA
Detection of clusters and communities in graphs is useful in a wide range of applications. In this paper we investigate the problem of detecting a clique embedded in a random graph. Recent results have demonstrated a sharp detectability threshold for a simple algorithm based on principal component analysis (PCA). Sparse...