300x faster Matlab using MatlabMPI
The true costs of high performance computing are currently dominated by software. Addressing these costs requires shifting to high productivity languages such as Matlab. MatlabMPI is a Matlab implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard and allows any Matlab program to exploit multiple processors. MatlabMPI currently implements the basic...
Detecting clusters of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. Monte Carlo comparison of cluster detection algorithms
We present a comparison of three cluster-finding algorithms from imaging data using Monte Carlo simulations of clusters embedded in a 25 deg(2) region of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) imaging data: the matched filter (MF), the adaptive matched filter (AMF), and a color-magnitude filtered Voronoi tessellation technique (VTT). Among the...
PVL: An Object Oriented Software Library for Parallel Signal Processing (Abstract)
Real-time signal processing consumes the majority of the world's computing power Increasingly, programmable parallel microprocessors are used to address a wide variety of signal processing applications (e.g. scientific, video, wireless, medical, communication, encoding, radar, sonar and imaging). In programmable systems the major challenge is no longer hardware but software. Specifically...
Parallel programming with MatlabMPI
MatlabMPI is a Matlab implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard and allows any Matlab program to exploit multiple processors. MatlabMPI currently implements the basic six functions that are the core of the MPI point-to-point communications standard. The key technical innovation of MatlabMPI is that it implements the widely...
High Speed Interconnects and Parallel Software Libraries: Enabling Technologies for NVO
The National Virtual Observatory (NVO) will directly or indirectly touch upon all steps in the process of transforming raw observational data into "meaningful" results. These steps include: (1) Acquisition and storage of raw data. (2) Data reduction (i.e. translating raw data into source detections). (3) Aquisition and storage of detected...
Exploiting VSIPL and OpenMP for Parallel Image Processing
VSIPL and OpenMP are two open standards for portable high performance computing. VSIPL delivers optimized single processor performance while OpenMP provides a low overhead mechanism for executing thread based parallelism on shared memory systems. Image processing is one of the main areas where VSIPL and OpenMP can have a large...
Cluster Computing for Embedded/Real-Time Systems
Cluster computing is not a new area of computing. It is, however, evident that there is agrowing interest in its usage in all areas where applications have traditionally used parallelor distributed computing platforms. The mounting interest has been fuelled in part by theavailability of powerful microprocessors and high-speed networks as...
The Vector, Signal, and Image Processing Library (VSIPL): an Open Standard for Astronomical Data Processing
The Vector/Signal/Image Processing Library (VSIPL) is a DARPA initiated effort made up of industry, government and academic representatives who have defined an industry standard API for vector, signal, and image processing primitives for real-time signal processing on high performance systems. VSIPL supports a wide range of data types (int, float...