A subband approach to time-scale expansion of complex acoustic signals
A new approach to time-scale expansion of short-duration complex acoustic signals is introduced. Using a subband signal representation, channel phases are selected to preserve a desired time-scaled temporal envelope. The phase representation is derived from locations of events that occur within filter bank outputs. A frame-based generalization of the method...
Time-scale modification with inconsistent constraints
A set theoretic estimation approach is introduced for timescale modification of complex acoustic signals. The method determines a signal that meets, in a least-squared error sense, desired temporal and spectral envelope constraints that are inconsistent. These constraints are generalized within the set theoretic framework to include other signal characteristics such...
Sine-wave amplitude coding using a mixed LSF/PARCOR representation
An all-pole model of the speech spectral envelope is used to code the sine-wave amplitudes in the Sinusoidal Transform Coder. While line spectral frequencies (LSFs) are currently used to represent this all-pole model, it is shown that a mixture of line spectral frequencies and partial correlation (PARCOR) coefficients can be...
Measuring fine structure in speech: application to speaker identification
The performance of systems for speaker identification (SID) can be quite good with clean speech, though much lower with degraded speech. Thus it is useful to search for new features for SID, particularly features that are robust over a degraded channel. This paper investigates features that are based on amplitude...
The effects of telephone transmission degradations on speaker recognition performance
The two largest factors affecting automatic speaker identification performance are the size of the population an the degradations introduced by noisy communication, channels (e.g., telephone transmission). To examine experimentally these two factors, this paper presents text-independent speaker identification results for varying speaker population sizes up to 630 speakers for both...
Sinusoidal coding
This chapter summarizes the sinewave-based pitch extractor, and the high-order all-pole modelling techniques that provided the basis for the multirate Sinusoidal Transform Coder and its application to multi-speaker conferencing.
Energy onset times for speaker identification
Onset times of resonant energy pulses are measured with the high-resolution Teager operator and used as features in the Reynolds Gaussian-mixture speaker identification algorithm. Feature sets are constructed with primary pitch and secondary pulse locations derived from low and high speech formants. Preliminary testing was performed with a confusable 40-speaker...
Formant AM-FM for speaker identification
The performance of systems for speaker identification (SID) can be quite good with clean speech, though much lower with degraded speech. Thus it is useful to search for new features for SID, particularly features that are robust over a degraded channel. This paper investigates features that are robust over a...
Energy separation in signal modulations with application to speech analysis
Oscillatory signals that have both an amplitude-modulation (AM) and a frequency-modulation (FM) structure are encountered in almost all communication systems. We have also used these structures recently for modeling speech resonances, being motivated by previous work on investigating fluid dynamics phenomena during speech production that provide evidence for the existence...
Detection of transient signals using the energy operator
A function of the Teager-Kaiser energy operator is introduced as a method for detecting transient signals in the presence of amplitude-modulated and frequency-modulated tonal interference. This function has excellent time resolution and is robust in the presence of white noise. The output of the detection function is also independent of...