Detecting pathogen exposure during the non-symptomatic incubation period using physiological data
Early pathogen exposure detection allows better patient care and faster implementation of public health measures (patient isolation, contact tracing). Existing exposure detection most frequently relies on overt clinical symptoms, namely fever, during the infectious prodromal period. We have developed a robust machine learning based method to better detect asymptomatic states...
Bringing physical construction and real-world data collection into a massively open online course (MOOC)
This Work-In-Progress paper details the process and lessons learned when converting a hands-on engineering minicourse to a scalable, self-paced Massively Open Online Course (MOOC). Online courseware has been part of academic and industry training and learning for decades. Learning activities in online courses strive to mimic in-person delivery by including...
Streaming graph challenge: stochastic block partition
An important objective for analyzing real-world graphs is to achieve scalable performance on large, streaming graphs. A challenging and relevant example is the graph partition problem. As a combinatorial problem, graph partition is NP-hard, but existing relaxation methods provide reasonable approximate solutions that can be scaled for large graphs. Competitive...
A linear algebra approach to fast DNA mixture analysis using GPUs
Analysis of DNA samples is an important step in forensics, and the speed of analysis can impact investigations. Comparison of DNA sequences is based on the analysis of short tandem repeats (STRs), which are short DNA sequences of 2-5 base pairs. Current forensics approaches use 20 STR loci for analysis...
Benchmarking data analysis and machine learning applications on the Intel KNL many-core processor
Knights Landing (KNL) is the code name for the second-generation Intel Xeon Phi product family. KNL has generated significant interest in the data analysis and machine learning communities because its new many-core architecture targets both of these workloads. The KNL many-core vector processor design enables it to exploit much higher...
Static graph challenge: subgraph isomorphism
The rise of graph analytic systems has created a need for ways to measure and compare the capabilities of these systems. Graph analytics present unique scalability difficulties. The machine learning, high performance computing, and visual analytics communities have wrestled with these difficulties for decades and developed methodologies for creating challenges...
Performance measurements of supercomputing and cloud storage solutions
Increasing amounts of data from varied sources, particularly in the fields of machine learning and graph analytics, are causing storage requirements to grow rapidly. A variety of technologies exist for storing and sharing these data, ranging from parallel file systems used by supercomputers to distributed block storage systems found in...
Detecting virus exposure during the pre-symptomatic incubation period using physiological data
Early pathogen exposure detection allows better patient care and faster implementation of public health measures (patient isolation, contact tracing). Existing exposure detection most frequently relies on overt clinical symptoms, namely fever, during the infectious prodromal period. We have developed a robust machine learning method to better detect asymptomatic states during...
Learning by doing, High Performance Computing education in the MOOC era
The High Performance Computing (HPC) community has spent decades developing tools that teach practitioners to harness the power of parallel and distributed computing. To create scalable and flexible educational experiences for practitioners in all phases of a career, we turn to Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs). We detail the design...
Benchmarking SciDB data import on HPC systems
SciDB is a scalable, computational database management system that uses an array model for data storage. The array data model of SciDB makes it ideally suited for storing and managing large amounts of imaging data. SciDB is designed to support advanced analytics in database, thus reducing the need for extracting...