High-sensitivity detection of trace gases using dynamic photoacoustic spectroscopy
Lincoln Laboratory of Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a technique known as dynamic photoacoustic spectroscopy (DPAS) that could enable remote detection of trace gases via a field-portable laser-based system. A fielded DPAS system has the potential to enable rapid, early warning of airborne chemical threats. DPAS is a new...
Dynamic photoacoustic spectroscopy for trace gas detection
We present a method of photoacoustic spectroscopy in which a laser beam tuned to an absorption feature of a gas is swept through its plume at the speed of sound. The resulting coherent addition of acoustic waves leads to an amplification of the signal without the need for a resonant...
Noncontact optical detection of explosive particles via photodissociation followed by laser-induced fluorescence
High-sensitivity (ng/cm2) optical detection of the explosive 2,4,6- trinitrotoluene (TNT) is demonstrated using photodissociation followed by laser-induced fluorescence (PD-LIF). Detection occurs rapidly, within 6 laser pulses (~7 ns each) at a range of 15 cm. Dropcasting is used to create calibrated samples covering a wide range of TNT concentrations; and...
Noncontact detection of homemade explosive constituents via photodissociation followed by laser-induced fluorescence
Noncontact detection of the homemade explosive constituents urea nitrate, nitromethane and ammonium nitrate is achieved using photodissociation followed by laser-induced fluorescence (PD-LIF). Our technique utilizes a single ultraviolet laser pulse (~7 ns) to vaporize and photodissociate the condensed-phase materials, and then to detect the resulting vibrationally-excited NO fragments via laser-induced...
A novel method for remotely detecting trace explosives
The development of a technique with the ability to detect trace quantities of explosives at a distance is of critical importance. In numerous situations when explosive devices are prepared, transported, or otherwise handled, quantifiable amounts of the explosive material end up on surfaces. Rapid detection of these chemical residues in...
Detection of condensed-phase explosives via laser-induced vaporization, photodissociation, and resonant excitation
We investigate the remote detection of explosives via a technique that vaporizes and photodissociates the condensed-phase material and detects the resulting vibrationally excited NO fragments via laser-induced fluorescence. The technique utilizes a single 7 ns pulse of a tunable laser near 236:2nm to perform these multiple processes. The resulting blue-shifted...
Experimental demonstration of remote optical detection of trace explosives.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory has developed a concept that could enable remote (10s of meters) detection of trace explosives' residues via a field-portable laser system. The technique relies upon laser-induced photodissociation of nitro-bearing explosives into vibrationally excited nitric oxide (NO) fragments. Subsequent optical probing of the first vibrationally excited state at...
All silicon infrared photodiodes: photo response and effects of processing temperature
CMOS compatible infrared waveguide Si photodiodes are made responsive from 1100 to 1750 nm by Si+ implantation and annealing. This article compares diodes fabricated using two annealing temperatures, 300 and 475C. 0.25-mm-long diodes annealed to 300C have a response to 1539 nm radiation of 0.1 A W-1 at a reverse...
Impact of photoacid generator leaching on optics photocontamination in 193-nm immersion lithography
Leaching of resist components into water has been reported in several studies. Even low dissolution levels of photoacid generator (PAG) may lead to photocontamination of the last optical surface of the projection lens. To determine the impact of this phenomenon on optics lifetime, we initiate a set of controlled studies...
Marathon evaluation of optical materials for 157-nm lithography
We present the methodology and recent results on the longterm evaluation of optical materials for 157-nm lithographic applications. We review the unique metrology capabilities that have been developed for accurately assessing optical properties of samples both online and offline, utilizing VUV spectrophotometry with in situlamp-based cleaning. We describe ultraclean marathon...