Mission resilience experimentation and evaluation testbed
As the complexity of DoD systems increases exponentially, the DoD continues to struggle with understanding and improving the resilience of its mission software. The Applied Resilience for Mission Systems (ARMS) Testbed is an environment that enables resilience improvement by experimentation and assessment of different mission system architectures and approaches. This...
On randomization in MTD systems
Randomization is one of the main strategies in providing security in moving-target-defense (MTD) systems. However, randomization has an associated cost and estimating this cost and its impact on the overall system is crucial to ensure adoption of the MTD strategy. In this paper we discuss our experience in attempting to...
The tale of discovering a side channel in secure message transmission systems
Secure message transmission (SMT) systems provide information theoretic security for point-to-point message transmission in networks that are partially controlled by an adversary. This is the story of a research project that aimed to implement a flavour of SMT protocols that uses "path hopping" with the goal of quantifying the real-life...
Advances in cross-lingual and cross-source audio-visual speaker recognition: The JHU-MIT system for NIST SRE21
We present a condensed description of the joint effort of JHUCLSP/HLTCOE, MIT-LL and AGH for NIST SRE21. NIST SRE21 consisted of speaker detection over multilingual conversational telephone speech (CTS) and audio from video (AfV). Besides the regular audio track, the evaluation also contains visual (face recognition) and multi-modal tracks. This...
Advances in speaker recognition for multilingual conversational telephone speech: the JHU-MIT system for NIST SRE20 CTS challenge
We present a condensed description of the joint effort of JHUCLSP/HLTCOE and MIT-LL for NIST SRE20. NIST SRE20 CTS consisted of multilingual conversational telephone speech. The set of languages included in the evaluation was not provided, encouraging the participants to develop systems robust to any language. We evaluated x-vector architectures...
Toward improving EN adoption: Bridging the gap between stated intention and actual use
As the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe in the spring of 2020, technologists looked to enlist technology to assist public health authorities (PHAs) and help stem the tide of infections. As part of this technology push, experts in health care, cryptography, and other related fields developed the Private Automated Contact...
The thundering herd: Amplifying kernel interference to attack response times
Embedded and real-time systems are increasingly attached to networks. This enables broader coordination beyond the physical system, but also opens the system to attacks. The increasingly complex workloads of these systems include software of varying assurance levels, including that which might be susceptible to compromise by remote attackers. To limit...
Cross-language attacks
Memory corruption attacks against unsafe programming languages like C/C++ have been a major threat to computer systems for multiple decades. Various sanitizers and runtime exploit mitigation techniques have been shown to only provide partial protection at best. Recently developed ‘safe’ programming languages such as Rust and Go hold the promise...
Preventing Kernel Hacks with HAKCs
Commodity operating system kernels remain monolithic for practical and historical reasons. All kernel code shares a single address space, executes with elevated processor privileges, and has largely unhindered access to all data, including data irrelevant to the completion of a specific task. Applying the principle of least privilege, which limits...
Quantifying bias in face verification system
Machine learning models perform face verification (FV) for a variety of highly consequential applications, such as biometric authentication, face identification, and surveillance. Many state-of-the-art FV systems suffer from unequal performance across demographic groups, which is commonly overlooked by evaluation measures that do not assess population-specific performance. Deployed systems with bias...