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Design and analysis of an axisymmetric phased array fed Gregorian reflector system for limited scanning
An axisymmetric phased array fed confocal parabolic Gregorian reflector system is explored. The antenna utilizes a planar phased array located near the vertex of the primary reflector. Numerical electromagnetic simulations based on the multilevel fast multipole method (MLFMM) were used to analyze and optimize the antenna parameters for limited scanning...
Biomimetic antenna array using non-foster network to enhance directional sensitivity over broad frequency band
Biologically inspired antenna arrays that mimic the hearing mechanism of insects are called biomimetic antenna arrays (BMAAs). They are attractive for microwave applications, such as compact direction finding systems. Earlier, the BMAAs were designed for narrow frequency band phase enhancement, whereas we now propose to design them for use with...
Multi-channel agile comb generator for antenna radiation pattern measurements
Antenna radiation patterns are typically measured using network analyzers, which are both expensive and physically large in size. These drawbacks can limit this test equipment's usage in universities that cannot afford to make such a purchase, as well as within applications that require mobile antenna measurements. An alternative approach is...
Single antenna in-band full-duplex isolation-improvement techniques
Many in-band full-duplex wireless systems transmit and receive on a single antenna to minimize redundancy and maintain compact form factors. For effective operation, all of these systems need to maximize transmit-to-receive isolation, which is limited by non-ideal antenna matching and non-zero circulator leakage. Several isolation-improvement techniques are investigated in this...
Switched antenna array tile for real-time microwave imaging aperture
A switched array tile which is part of a large aperture for near-field microwave imaging is presented. The tile is based on the Boundary Array (BA), a sparse array topology for hardware efficient realization of imaging apertures. The larger array formed with the tile samples a scene with no redundancy...
The evolution to modern phased array architectures
Phased array technology has been evolving steadily with advances in solid-state microwave integrated circuits, analysis and design tools, and reliable fabrication practices. With significant government investments, the technologies have matured to a point where phased arrays are widely used in military systems. Next-generation phased arrays will employ high levels of...
Vehicle-mounted STAR antenna isolation performance
Vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems promise enhanced safety for passengers, but require access to a crowded wireless spectrum to enable their data links. Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STAR) systems can facilitate this spectrum access by increasing the number of users within a given frequency band. Since high isolation is needed for STAR...
A modification of the two-antenna method to determine the phase center location as well as the gain of a wideband antenna
A technique is presented for determining the amplitude center or phase center location of a wideband Vivaldi antenna at measurement distances of a few wavelengths. It is based on the well known two-antenna gain measurement technique but makes the antenna separation a variable. The phase center separation is shown to...
Simultaneous transmit and receive antenna isolation improvement in scattering environments
Simultaneous transmit and receive (STAR) systems require high isolation between the transmitter and receiver to avoid self-interference. Antenna isolation degradation stems from errors in the physical construction and beamformer design, as well as reflections from scattering objects in the environment. An RF canceller subsystem can be inserted at the antenna...
Wideband antenna array for simultaneous transmit and receive (STAR) applications
A wideband antenna array for Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STAR) applications is presented. The design is comprised of a ring array of TEM horns, and a monocone at the array's center. When the array is phased with the first order circular mode, it is isolated from the monocone. Thus, the...