Secure input validation in Rust with parsing-expression grammars
Accepting input from the outside world is one of the most dangerous things a system can do. Since type information is lost across system boundaries, systems must perform type-specific input handling routines to recover this information. Adversaries can carefully craft input data to exploit any bugs or vulnerabilities in these...
Security and performance analysis of custom memory allocators
Computer programmers use custom memory allocators as an alternative to built-in or general-purpose memory allocators with the intent to improve performance and minimize human error. However, it is difficult to achieve both memory safety and performance gains on custom memory allocators. In this thesis, we study the relationship between memory...
Rulemaking for insider threat mitigation
This chapter continues the topic we started to discuss in the previous chapter – the human factors. However, it focuses on a specific method of enhancing cyber resilience via establishing appropriate rules for employees of an organization under consideration. Such rules aim at reducing threats from, for example, current or...
Detecting food safety risks and human trafficking using interpretable machine learning methods
Black box machine learning methods have allowed researchers to design accurate models using large amounts of data at the cost of interpretability. Model interpretability not only improves user buy-in, but in many cases provides users with important information. Especially in the case of the classification problems addressed in this thesis...
Detection and characterization of human trafficking networks using unsupervised scalable text template matching
Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery affecting an estimated 40 million victims worldwide, primarily through the commercial sexual exploitation of women and children. In the last decade, the advertising of victims has moved from the streets to websites on the Internet, providing greater efficiency and anonymity for sex...
Leveraging Intel SGX technology to protect security-sensitive applications
This paper explains the process by which Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) can be leveraged into an existing codebase to protect a security-sensitive application. Intel SGX provides user-level applications with hardware-enforced confidentiality and integrity protections and incurs manageable impact on performance. These protections apply to all three phases of the...
OS independent and hardware-assisted insider threat detection and prevention framework
Governmental and military institutions harbor critical infrastructure and highly confidential information. Although institutions are investing a lot for protecting their data and assets from possible outsider attacks, insiders are still a distrustful source of information leakage. As malicious software injection is one among many attacks, turning innocent employees into malicious...
Cross-app poisoning in software-defined networking
Software-defined networking (SDN) continues to grow in popularity because of its programmable and extensible control plane realized through network applications (apps). However, apps introduce significant security challenges that can systemically disrupt network operations, since apps must access or modify data in a shared control plane state. If our understanding of...
Designing secure and resilient embedded avionics systems
With an increased reliance on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) as mission assets and the dependency of UAS on cyber resources, cyber security of UAS must be improved by adopting sound security principles and relevant technologies from the computing community. On the other hand, the traditional avionics community, being aware of...
Hyperscaling internet graph analysis with D4M on the MIT SuperCloud
Detecting anomalous behavior in network traffic is a major challenge due to the volume and velocity of network traffic. For example, a 10 Gigabit Ethernet connection can generate over 50 MB/s of packet headers. For global network providers, this challenge can be amplified by many orders of magnitude. Development of...