The leakage-resilience dilemma
Many control-flow-hijacking attacks rely on information leakage to disclose the location of gadgets. To address this, several leakage-resilient defenses, have been proposed that fundamentally limit the power of information leakage. Examples of such defenses include address-space re-randomization, destructive code reads, and execute-only code memory. Underlying all of these defenses is...
Guest editorial: special issue on hardware solutions for cyber security
A cyber system could be viewed as an architecture consisting of application software, system software, and system hardware. The hardware layer, being at the foundation of the overall architecture, must be secure itself and also provide effective security features to the software layers. In order to seamlessly integrate security hardware...
A compact end cryptographic unit for tactical unmanned systems
Under the Navy's Flexible Cyber-Secure Radio (FlexCSR) program, the Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratory are jointly developing a unique cybersecurity solution for tactical unmanned systems (UxS): the FlexCSR Security/Cyber Module (SCM) End Cryptographic Unit (ECU). To deal with possible loss of unmanned...
Supporting security sensitive tenants in a bare-metal cloud
Bolted is a new architecture for bare-metal clouds that enables tenants to control tradeoffs between security, price, and performance. Security-sensitive tenants can minimize their trust in the public cloud provider and achieve similar levels of security and control that they can obtain in their own private data centers. At the...
Control-flow integrity for real-time embedded systems
Attacks on real-time embedded systems can endanger lives and critical infrastructure. Despite this, techniques for securing embedded systems software have not been widely studied. Many existing security techniques for general-purpose computers rely on assumptions that do not hold in the embedded case. This paper focuses on one such technique, control-flow...
Security considerations for next-generation operating systems for cyber-physical systems
Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are increasingly targeted in high-profile cyber attacks. Examples of such attacks include Stuxnet, which targeted nuclear centrifuges; Crashoverride, and Triton, which targeted power grids; and the Mirai botnet, which targeted internet-of-things (IoT) devices such as cameras to carry out a large-scale distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. Such attacks...
Design and analysis framework for trusted and assured microelectronics
An in-depth understanding of microelectronics assurance in Department of Defense (DoD) missions is increasingly important as the DoD continues to address supply chain challenges. Many studies take a "bottom-up" approach, in which vulnerabilities are assessed in terms of general-purpose usage. This is beneficial in developing a general knowledge foundation. However...
HARDEN: A high assurance design environment
Systems resilient to cyber-attacks for mission assurance are difficult to develop, and the means of effectively evaluating them is even harder. We have developed a new architectural design and engineering environment, referred to as HARDEN (High AssuRance Design ENvironment), which supports an agile design methodology used to create secure and...
Understanding Mission-Driven Resiliency Workshop
“Understanding Mission-Driven Resiliency” on behalf of the US Air Force, on March 18, 2019 at MIT
Lincoln Laboratory Beaver Works in Cambridge, MA. Participants began to bridge the gap between
government and industry to improve the resiliency of government systems to cyber attacks. The
workshop focused on understanding and defining resiliency from different perspectives and included
five panels devoted to discussing how different industries view and manage resiliency within their
organizations, the sources of resiliency within organizations and software-intensive systems, measuring
resiliency, and building resiliency within an organization or technology stack.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory hosted an invitation-only, one-day interdisciplinary workshop entitled
“Understanding Mission-Driven Resiliency” on behalf of the US Air Force, on March 18, 2019 at MIT
Lincoln Laboratory Beaver Works in Cambridge, MA. Participants began to bridge the gap between
government and industry to improve the resiliency of government systems...
Guidelines for secure small satellite design and implementation: FY18 Cyber Security Line-Supported Program
We are on the cusp of a computational renaissance in space, and we should not bring past terrestrial missteps along. Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) processors -- much more powerful than traditional rad-hard devices -- are increasingly used in a variety of low-altitude, short-duration CubeSat class missions. With this new-found headroom, the...