Improving convective weather operations in highly congested airspace with the Corridor Integrated Weather System (CIWS)
Reducing thunderstorm-related air traffic delays in congested airspace has become a major objective of the FAA, especially given the recent growth in convective delays. In 2000 and 2001, the key new initiative for reducing these convective weather delays was "strategic" traffic flow management (TFM). Users were given 2-, 4-, and...
Quantifying delay reduction benefits for aviation convective weather decision support systems
In this paper, we summarize contemporary approaches to quantifying convective weather delay reduction benefits. We outline a program to develop a significantly improved capability that can be used to assess benefits of specific systems. This program may potentially accomplish weather impact normalization for studies of National Airspace System (NAS) performance...
Tactical 0-2 hour convective weather forecasts for FAA
Major airlines and FAA Traffic Flow Managers alike would prefer to plan their flight routes around convective weather and thereby avoid the tactical maneuvering that results when unforecasted thunderstorms occur. Strategic planning takes place daily and 2-6 hr forecasts are utilized, but these early plans remain unaltered in only the...
Wind prediction to support reduced wake separation standards for closely spaced parallel runway departures
Wake vortices are a by-product of lift generated by aircraft. The vortices from the wings and other lift surfaces such as flaps spin off and trail behind an aircraft (see Figure 1). These vortices can be a hazard to other aircraft, especially lighter aircraft that are following at low altitude...
Corridor integrated weather system operation benefits 2002-2003 : initial estimates of convective weather delay reduction : executive summary
The Corridor Integrated Weather System (CIWS) seeks to improve safety and reduce delay by providing accurate, automated, rapidly updated information on storm locations and echo tops along with two-hour high-resolution animated growth and decay convective storm forecasts. An operational benefits assessment was conducted using on-site observations of CIWS usage at...
Corridor Integrated Weather System operation benefits 2002-2003 : initial estimates of convective weather delay reduction
The Corridor Integrated Weather System (CIWS) seeks to improve safety and reduce delay by providing accurate, automated, rapidly updated information on storm locations and echo tops along with two-hour high-resolution animated growth and decay convective storm forecasts. An operational benefits assessment was conducted using on-site observations of CIWS usage at...
Utilizing local terrain to determine targeted weather observation locations
Many of the recent conflicts where the United States (US) military forces have been deployed are regions that contain complex terrain (i.e. Korea, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and northern Iraq). Accurate weather forecasts are critical to the success of operations in these regions and are typically supplied by numerical weather prediction (NWP)...
An examination of wind shear alert integration at the Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport (DFW)
The Dallas / Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) is one of the four demonstration system sites for the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS). One of the primary benefits of the ITWS is a suite of algorithms that utilize data from the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) to generate wind shear...
Range-velocity ambiguity mitigation schemes for the enhanced Terminal Doppler Weather Radar
The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) radar data acquisition (RDA) subsystem is being replaced as part of a broader FAA program to improve the supportability of the system. An engineering prototype RDA is under development that will provide a modern, open-systems hardware platform and standards-compliant software. The new platform also...
Reducing severe weather delays in congested airspace with weather decision support for tactical air traffic management
Reducing congested airspace delays due to thunderstorms has become a major objective of the FAA due to the recent growth in convective delays. In 2000 and 2001 the key new initiative for reducing these convective weather delays was "strategic" traffic flow management (TFM) at time scales between 2 and 6...