Moving Target Detector (Mod II) summary report
Under FAA sponsorship, MIT/Lincoln Laboratory has developed a second generation, field operable Moving Target Detection System (MTD-II) which has been tested at operational FAA terminal and enroute radar sites, and serves as the basis for the ASR-9 MTD technical performance specifications. This summary report covers the period October, 1976 through...
ATCRBS uplink environment measurements near Jacksonville, Florida
Airborne measurements of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) 1030 MHz uplink environment are described. Measurements were made using the AMF, a special purpose airborne sensor-recorder, during a 23 May 1979 flight in the greater Jacksonville, Florida area. The 2-way flight covered the 450 nm coastline between Fayetteville...
Coordinated radar and aircraft observations of turbulence
Interim results of a program to measure and correlate radar- and aircraft-sensed turbulence in rainstorms are presented. The dissipation factor of a turbulence air mass can be measured by an aircraft and a weather radar. Comparisons are made between precipitation reflectivity and spectral width measurements as indicators of turbulence. The...
An improved technique for altitude tracking of aircraft
When simple linear recursive tracking techniques are applied to quantized altitude reports, certain errors in estimation of altitude and altitude rate can be attributed to the response of the tracker to transitions between quantization levels. These errors can be reduced by use of an estimation technique which explicitly recognizes the...
Radar Beacon Transponder (RBX) installation and siting criteria
The Radar BEacon Transponder (RBX) is a ground-based facility used in conjunction with other elements of the Active Beacon Collision Avoidance System (BCAS) to control the threat detection sensitivity level of BCAS aircraft and to convey displayed Resolution Advisories from the BCAS aircraft to the local ATC terminal facility. This...
Radar Beacon Transponder (RBX) functional description
The Radar Beacon Transponder (RBX) is a ground-based transponder used to control the threat-detection sensitivity level of BCAS aircraft operating in high density terminal airspace. THe RBX is also used to deliver displayed resolution advisories from BCAS to the ATC facility. The normal DABS interrogation waveforms and message formats are...
Electronic flight rules: an alternative separation assurance concept
This report presents results of a study of alternative concepts for tactically separating aircraft in low altitude en route airspace. It describes a concept designated Electronic Flight Rules (EFR) which allows aircraft to fly under instrument meteorological conditions in a manner that retains most of the freedom and flexibility of...
Active Beacon Collision Avoidance System (BCAS) functional overview
The Active Beacon Collision Avoidance System (BCAS) is a beacon-based airborne collision avoidance system that provides for cooperative threat resolution between BCAS and conflicting aircraft and coordination with the ground ATC control function through the DABS data link. All beacon-equipped aircraft in the vicinity of the BCAS are detected. ATCRBS-equipped...
Active BCAS: design and validation of the surveillance subsystem
Lincoln Laboratory, under FAA sponsorship, is developing an Active Beacon Collision Avoidance System (BCAS), concentrating primarily on the air-to-air surveillance subsystem. The surveillance functions required are to detect the presence of nearby aircraft (whether they are equipped with ATCRBS transponders or DABS transponders), and then generate a surveillance track on...
The DABS data link airborne intelligent display operator's manual
The Federal Aviation Administration is currently evaluating the Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS) which will provide increased air traffic safety in current and future air traffic conditions. In addition to improved surveillance accuracy and reliability, DABS provides a two-way data link between the DABS sensor and all DABS transponder equipped...