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Design validation of the network management function

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-54


This document presents the results of a major design validation effort of the Network Management function described in the DABS Engineering Requirements document. The design validation is based on simulation of a DABS network of three sensors interacting with airborne traffic of approximately 800 aircraft


This document presents the results of a major design validation effort of the Network Management function described in the DABS Engineering Requirements document. The design validation is based on simulation of a DABS network of three sensors interacting with airborne traffic of approximately 800 aircraft


Airport survey for MLS multipath issues

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-58


Eight major U.S. civilian airports were visited and data on the surface material of all sizable buildings visible from the runways were obtained. This information is catalogued herein. It is only with the aid of such information that we can address issues such as the likelihood of a system performance changes due to polarization, pattern control and coverage control. A total of 93 buildings and 123 surfaces are included and the breakdown between the various surfaces is as follows: 74 surfaces were corrugated 17 surfaces were cinder block 16 surfaces were brick 9 surfaces were concrete 5 surfaces were metal. Of the 74 corrugated surfaces 18 were of the "flat" variety, 34 were one of five sub-categories and the remaining 22 needed 15 sub-categories for classification.


Eight major U.S. civilian airports were visited and data on the surface material of all sizable buildings visible from the runways were obtained. This information is catalogued herein. It is only with the aid of such information that we can address issues such as the likelihood of a system performance...


Logan MLS multipath experiment

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-55


The National Plan for a Microwave Landing System (MLS) has specified a carrier frequency for the system in the vicinity of 5.1 GHz. At that frequency, no multipath data taken at a major civilian airport existed. The purpose of this experiment was to obtain such data at Logan International Airport in order to ascertain: 1) which objects are the major causes of measurable multipath reflections and their levels relative to the direct signal (MID level), 2) whether or not the reflections from these objects can be satisfactorily simulated by the Lincoln computer model and, if so, how complicated must that model be, and 3) if the characteristics of multipath provide a significant discriminant between the Doppler and scanning beam techniques. It was found in the experiment that regions where reflections were noted could be predicted from ray optics and diffraction. No measurable reflections were noted elsewhere. For the purpose of modeling for multipath, building surfaces could be characterized as a flat plate with a reflection coefficient determined by measurement if it were a complicated surface, or by the dielectric properties of the surface material, if a simple surface. The airplane reflection model was also found to agree well with measurements.


The National Plan for a Microwave Landing System (MLS) has specified a carrier frequency for the system in the vicinity of 5.1 GHz. At that frequency, no multipath data taken at a major civilian airport existed. The purpose of this experiment was to obtain such data at Logan International Airport...


Plan for flight testing intermittent positive control


Intermittent Positive Control is an automated aircraft collision avoidance system requiring the participation of the aircraft pilots involved. The operational interface between pilots and the IPC system is being evaluated in a series of live flight tests. The Lincoln Laboratory DABS Experimental Facility, augmented to include the IPC function, is the test bed for these evaluation flights. This document described the objectives and methods of the IPC flight testing being conducted by Lincoln Laboratory.


Intermittent Positive Control is an automated aircraft collision avoidance system requiring the participation of the aircraft pilots involved. The operational interface between pilots and the IPC system is being evaluated in a series of live flight tests. The Lincoln Laboratory DABS Experimental Facility, augmented to include the IPC function, is...


Network management

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-45


This report provides a discussion of the design of the DABS network management function. Network management is responsible for the interaction between the local sensor and the adjacent connected sensors. Based on a dynamic interpretation of the coverage map and the status of the network, network management determines (a) the coverage responsibility of the local sensor, (b) which other sensors are covering the same area, and (c) which of the sensors has principal data link responsibility. Interaction is effected through message exchange over ground communication links connecting the DABS sensors.


This report provides a discussion of the design of the DABS network management function. Network management is responsible for the interaction between the local sensor and the adjacent connected sensors. Based on a dynamic interpretation of the coverage map and the status of the network, network management determines (a) the...


Experimental validation of PALM - a system for precise aircraft location


A ground based system to precisely locate aircraft in three dimensions based on transponder replies has been designed. Field tests have been conducted to validate the design of the elevation performance. This document reports on the principle of operation, experimental hardware and field test of the Precision Altitude and Landing Monitor (PALM). The key features incorporated in the PALM design include: (a) no new avionics required, i.e., uses standard aircraft transponder; (b) high accuracy position data, i.e., a 1-mrad (0.06 degree) rms error in elevation and in azimuth; (c) broad airspace coverage, e.g., 40 degrees in elevation, 120 degrees in azimuth (expandable to 360 degrees) and several 10s of miles in range; and (d) low life cycle equipment cost. The high accuracy in the difficult airport multipath environment is a direct result of (a) newly developed antenna synthesis procedure, (b) the development of adaptive multipath suppression techniques, and (c) the use of digital signal processing. The program, to date, has focused on an experimental evaluation of the elevation performance. The electronics required for the tests have been built into a self-powered van to facilitate experiments at remote airports. The actual flight test data demonstrated experimental errors on the order of 1 mrad; moreover, as predicted by theory, the resulting errors were essentially independent of elevation angle. Potential applications for the PALM position data include parallel approach monitoring, independent altitude monitoring, and/or performance assurance monitoring of landing guidance systems.


A ground based system to precisely locate aircraft in three dimensions based on transponder replies has been designed. Field tests have been conducted to validate the design of the elevation performance. This document reports on the principle of operation, experimental hardware and field test of the Precision Altitude and Landing...


DABS uplink encoder

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-40


This report explains the operation of the DABS uplink encoder and provides information useful in diagnosing its performance. Several techniques which may be useful in analyzing encoder operation are presented. One technique involves only the use of address-parity tables and modulo-2 addition. The address-parity tables included are based upon the encoding polynomial prescribed in "Provisional Signal Formats for the Discrete Address Beacon System," Lincoln Laboratory Project Report ATC-30 Rev. 1, dated 25 April 1974. The error detection and correction properties of polynomial encoding schemes are not the subject of this report.


This report explains the operation of the DABS uplink encoder and provides information useful in diagnosing its performance. Several techniques which may be useful in analyzing encoder operation are presented. One technique involves only the use of address-parity tables and modulo-2 addition. The address-parity tables included are based upon the...


DABS timing: clocks, synchronization and restart

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-29


The DABS sensor timing subsystem, which consists of two clocks driven from a common station standard, is the subject of this paper. The subsystem configuration is described and the rationale for this design briefly given. Emphasis is on the techniques for sychronization to an external standard, coordination with other sensors and system restart after a failure or deliberate shut-down.


The DABS sensor timing subsystem, which consists of two clocks driven from a common station standard, is the subject of this paper. The subsystem configuration is described and the rationale for this design briefly given. Emphasis is on the techniques for sychronization to an external standard, coordination with other sensors...


Maximum-likelihood detection of unresolved radar targets and multipath

Published in:
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., Vol. AES-10, No. 6, November 1974, pp. 821-9.


Interference in the form of multipath or uncooperative targets can seriously degrade the angle-of-arrival estimation accuracy of mutiple beam processors. In this paper, the generalized likelihood ratio test is used to derive a test to detect the presence of interference for multiple beam processors. The detector performance is then analyzed in detail with respect to its dependence on signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), signal-to-interference ration (SIR), and on the relative phase between the target and interfering signals. It is shown that good detection performance can be obtained unless the phase difference between the target and interference signals is either in or out of phase.


Interference in the form of multipath or uncooperative targets can seriously degrade the angle-of-arrival estimation accuracy of mutiple beam processors. In this paper, the generalized likelihood ratio test is used to derive a test to detect the presence of interference for multiple beam processors. The detector performance is then analyzed...


Provisional message formats for the DABS/NAS interface, revision 1

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-33,I


This document defines formats for messages which are to be transmitted between DABS and NAS facilities (en route or terminal). These messages include one-way Surveillance Reports to NAS and two-way Communications Messages. The latter support data link functions between NAS and DABS equipped aircraft, as well as aiding in the monitoring and control of DABS sensors. These message formats will be used in the design and construction of interface equipment and ground data links for prototype system test and evaluation at NAFEC during Phase II of the DABS Development Program; and, with modifications resulting from this test and evaluation effort, will form the basis for the operational implementation of DABS. This document supersedes FAA-RD-74-63, dated 25 April 1974.


This document defines formats for messages which are to be transmitted between DABS and NAS facilities (en route or terminal). These messages include one-way Surveillance Reports to NAS and two-way Communications Messages. The latter support data link functions between NAS and DABS equipped aircraft, as well as aiding in the...