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Using features aloft to improve timeliness of TDWR hazard warnings
The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) has an operational requirement to provide a one minute advance warning for aircraft encountering a hazardous wind shear. This paper describes the use of features aloft in the prototype TDWR microburst recognition algorithm to improve the timeliness of microburst hazard warnings. The use of...
Gust front detection algorithm for the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar: part 2, performance assessment
During the summer of 1988, the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) was conducted near Denver, CO. One of the objectives of this test was to assess the performance of the Gust Front Detection and Wind Shift Algorithms (Gust Front Algorithm) to be used in the...
The FAA Terminal Doppler Weather (TDWR) Program
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) initiated the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) program in the mid-1980s in response to overwhelming scientific evidence that low-altitude wind shear had caused a number of major air-carrier accidents. The program is designed to develop a reliable automated system for detecting low-altitude wind shear in...
Weather sensing with airport surveillance radars
Modern airport surveillance radars (ASR) are coherent, pulsed-Doppler radars used for detection and tracking of aircraft in terminal area air space. The Federal Aviation Agency (FAA is procuring over 100 next-generation ASR-9 radars for major US. airports while relocating existing ASR-8s to secondary terminals. Thus within the next five years...
Electrical characteristics of microburst-producing storms in Denver
Coordinated Doppler radar and electrical measurements of thunderstorm microbursts were initiated by Lincoln Laboratory and the MIT Weather Radar group in Huntsville, AL in 1987. These measurements were intended to identify electrical precursors to aviation hazards at ground level and to study the relationship between the state of cloud convective...
Multipath modeling for simulating the performance of the Microwave Landing System
The Microwave Landing System (MLS) will be deployed throughout the world in the 1990s to provide precision guidance to aircraft for approach and landing at airports. At Lincoln Laboratory, we have developed a computer-based simulation that models the performance of MLS and takes into account the multipath effects of buildings...
Using aircraft radar tracks to estimate winds aloft
In air traffic control, the wind is a critical factor because it affects, among other important variables, the amount of time an aircraft will take to reach its destination. The authors have developed a method for estimating winds aloft in which the radar tracks of aircraft are used; i.e., data...
Wind shear detection with pencil-beam radars
Abrupt changes in the winds near the ground pose serious hazards to aircraft during approach or departure operations. Doppler weather radars can measure regions of winds and precipitation around airports, and automatically provide air traffic controllers and pilots with important warnings of hazardous weather events. Lincoln Laboratory, as one of...
Characteristics of microbursts observed in the Continental U.S.
The topic of microbursts is explored in this paper through a historical perspective and review of the studies that have been performed since Fujita (1976) first introduced the concept. Taken as a whole, this body of work actually defines microbursts, and begins to take some of the initial steps toward...
Characteristics of microbursts in the continental United States
Microbursts - powerful downdrafts generally associated with thunderstorms that occur in hot, humid weather - have caused a number of aircraft crashes. To prevent future accidents, air traffic controllers must be able to detect, and predict, microburst events. All microbursts are not alike, however; several distinct weather patterns can produce...