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Comparison of Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model crosswinds with LIDAR crosswind measurements at St. Louis Lambert International Airport

Published in:
13th Conf. on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, ARAM, 20-24 January 2008.


Turbulence associated with wake vortices generated by arriving and departing aircraft pose a potential safety risk to other nearby aircraft, and as such this potential risk may apply to aircraft operating on Closely Spaced Parallel Runways (CSPRs). To take wake vortex behavior into account, current aircraft departing/landing standards require a safe distance behind the wake generating aircraft at which operations can be conducted. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have initiated an improved wake avoidance solution, referred to as Wake Turbulence Mitigation for Departures (WTMD). The process is designed to safely increase runway capacity via actively monitoring wind conditions that impact wake behavior (Hallock, et al., 1998; Lang et al., 2005). An important component of WTMD is a Wind Forecast Algorithm (WFA) being developed by MIT Lincoln Laboratory (Cole & Winkler, 2004). The WFA predicts runway crosswinds from the surface up to a height of approximately ~300 m (1000 ft) once per minute and thus forecasts when winds favorable for WTMD will persist long enough for safe procedures for a particular runway (Lang et al., 2007). The algorithm uses 1–4 hr wind forecasts from the Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NOAA/NCEP) for upper atmospheric wind profiles. Detailed description of the RUC model can be found elsewhere (Benjamin et al., 1994; 2004a; 2004b). Briefly, the RUC model inputs are assimilations of high frequency observations from a suite of meteorological sensors, including Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS), rawinsonde profiles, satellite, airborne sensors from commercial aircraft, etc. The vertical layers of the atmosphere are resolved approximately isentropically. The model is run hourly, producing hourly forecasts out to 24 hours. The coverage of the RUC grid includes the continental United States, southern Canada, northern Mexico, and adjacent coastal waters. Here we evaluate the performance of RUC in predicting crosswinds with reliability sufficient to support WTMD. For RUC validation, in situ wind profile data were obtained from a Light Imaging Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) deployed at St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL). The focus of this study is to provide a general quantitative characterization of the difference between RUC predictions and LIDAR measurements of the runway crosswinds. Particular attention was given to cases with inaccurate RUC crosswind forecasts, and cases when significant horizontal and vertical shears occur during situations of convective weather or proximity to large scale weather features, e.g., air mass fronts. (In practice, WTMD procedures and existing weather sources in the Control Tower will manage, to an acceptable level of risk, the hazard exposure associated with the extreme wind shift examples presented here.) Also included was examination of performance degradation with longer RUC forecast horizons and coarser horizontal resolutions, which may be relevant with regard to actual operational forecast data availability, or future applications of the operational concept to include arrival operations. A detailed report for this study is also available (Huang et al., 2007).


Turbulence associated with wake vortices generated by arriving and departing aircraft pose a potential safety risk to other nearby aircraft, and as such this potential risk may apply to aircraft operating on Closely Spaced Parallel Runways (CSPRs). To take wake vortex behavior into account, current aircraft departing/landing standards require a...


Consolidated storm prediction for aviation (CoSPA)

Published in:
Proc. of the 2008 Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Conf., 20-24 January 2008.


Research over the last 10 years primarily funded by the FAA Aviation Weather Research Program (AWRP) has led to very successful development of forecasts of both convective and winter storms, using heuristic and numerical models, for aviation applications. We have reached a point where there are several overlapping capabilities, and the smorgasbord of choices has become confusing. Moreover, aviation-impacting winter and summer conditions can exist simultaneously - even within a single terminal area - so a consolidated forecast must work equally well for all storm conditions. Advances in computing and communications allow incorporation of new observing systems and scientific advancements in data assimilation and modeling toward large-scale, very high resolution forecast systems that were prohibitive just 10 years ago. Other government agencies, in addition to FAA, have needs for aviation-oriented forecasts, including at least the National Weather Service, NASA, Homeland Defense, Air Force and other DoD agencies. Further efficiencies will be realized by consolidating such efforts as well. These goals are well-aligned with the goals of the Next Generation Air Transportation System and its Joint Program and Development Office. The FAA Aviation Weather Research Program is leading development of the new Consolidated Storm Prediction for Aviation (CoSPA) effort, which will combine aviation-oriented storm research in a coordinated fashion, with the goal of eventually replacing operational legacy storm diagnostic and forecast products, as appropriate, that are also geared toward aviation (see Appendix A). While many of the current storm prediction products are derived using NOAA model forecast data, especially from the hourly updated 13-km Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model over CONUS, CoSPA products will be related to a new generation of NOAA models now assimilating radar reflectivity and lightning, including the Rapid Refresh, its proposed nest - the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR), and ensemble-based products from both. A kick-off meeting was held in June 2006 to discuss AWRP?s concepts for a consolidated aviation forecast, and to understand unmet user needs, major scientific development issues, and also to begin to explore issues associated with production and dissemination of a consolidated forecast. These findings are summarized below.


Research over the last 10 years primarily funded by the FAA Aviation Weather Research Program (AWRP) has led to very successful development of forecasts of both convective and winter storms, using heuristic and numerical models, for aviation applications. We have reached a point where there are several overlapping capabilities, and...


Evaluation of weather impact models in departure management decision support: operational performance of the Route Availability Planning Tool (RAPT) prototype

Published in:
13th Conf. on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, ARAM, 20-24 January 2008.


In this paper, the revised RAPT algorithm and display are described and evaluated. The fidelity of the RAPT operational model is assessed by comparing RAPT departure status with observed departure flows (i.e., trajectories, weather avoidance maneuvers and storm penetrations) on several days when convective weather SWAPs were in effect in New York. Real-time in-situ observations at RAPT facilities (described in a companion paper at this conference; Robinson, 2008), user feedback from RAPT playbacks and the REPEAT web site are used to support this post-event evaluation. For example, real time observations provide the time and operational rationale for a specific departure route closure identified in the traffic flow analysis. This information is necessary to identify closures or flow restrictions that are the result of factors outside of the current RAPT algorithm domain (e.g., traffic restrictions due to volume, downstream congestion, etc.). Real time observations are also used to identify specific times when critical, weather-related operational decisions were made. The RAPT guidance at these critical decision points is analyzed to determine if RAPT provided information that enabled (or could have enabled, had it been used) more timely or effective decisions. The effect of forecast uncertainty on RAPT performance is also examined, particularly in convective weather situations where the location, severity and operational impact were difficult to predict. Strategies that mitigated risks associated with forecast uncertainty are presented. These include the use of additional information provided in the RAPT display, such as echo top heights encountered along the departure route, to confirm or modify RAPT guidance and the consideration of the departure status of two or more adjacent routes to 'average out' variations in the departure status timelines.


In this paper, the revised RAPT algorithm and display are described and evaluated. The fidelity of the RAPT operational model is assessed by comparing RAPT departure status with observed departure flows (i.e., trajectories, weather avoidance maneuvers and storm penetrations) on several days when convective weather SWAPs were in effect in...


Key research issues for near term operational use of integrated convective weather-ATM decision support systems

Published in:
13th Conf. on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, ARAM, 20-24 January 2008.


Thunderstorm-related delays dominate the overall U.S. airspace delay statistics and continue to increase, even though a number of new weather information systems and air traffic management (ATM) decision support tools have been deployed since 1999. Operational decision makers must mitigate the network congestion that arises from rapidly varying capacity loss in both en route and terminal airspace. Improving decision making in such an environment requires explicitly considering airspace structure, network impacts, forecast uncertainty and pilot preferences for weather avoidance. To date, the NextGen initiative has focused on envisioning an operational concept and research agenda for 2025 where it is assumed that aircraft separation and weather avoidance is accomplished using a high degree of automation. In this paper, we consider research to achieve significant improvements in the near term (2010-2015) where aircraft separation is provided largely by controllers and hazardous weather avoidance is accomplished by pilots using visual cues, reports from other aircraft, on board weather radar and ATC advisories. We briefly review the current status of work in key areas and then suggest major near term initiatives. Key elements of the research program to be discussed include: 1. Translation of convective weather products into ATC impacts (including handling of uncertainty in the convective weather forecasts). Initial models for en route pilot avoidance of storms and sector capacity in convective weather have shown promising results, but clearly much more research is needed in this area. 2. Determining when and where available capacity was not appropriately utilized during convective events, based on both facility observations during storm events and computations of avoidable delay. Preliminary results suggest that much of today's delay is in fact avoidable. 3. Developing integrated weather-ATM decision support tools (DST) to enable decision makers to more fully utilize available capacity. The accuracy of contemporary convective weather forecasts is a key issue in the design of such systems. Initial operational experience with a departure decision support tool will be discussed to illustrate key points. 4. Explicitly considering the human side of convective weather ATM [e.g., how individuals make real time decisions in collaboration with other decision makers (e.g., ATC, airlines, dispatch, pilots)]. Recent results from field usage of convective weather decision support tools will be interpreted in the context of recent literature on how people actually make decisions and perform cognitively complex functions in demanding situations.


Thunderstorm-related delays dominate the overall U.S. airspace delay statistics and continue to increase, even though a number of new weather information systems and air traffic management (ATM) decision support tools have been deployed since 1999. Operational decision makers must mitigate the network congestion that arises from rapidly varying capacity loss...


Improving weather radar data quality for aviation weather needs

Published in:
13th Conf. on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, ARAM, 20-24 January 2008.


A fundamental function of any aviation weather system is to provide accurate and timely weather information tailored to the specific air traffic situations for which a system is designed. Weather location and intensity are of prime importance to such systems. Knowledge of the weather provides "nowcasting" functionality in the terminal and en route air spaces. It also is used as input into aviation weather forecasting applications for purposes such as storm tracking, storm growth and decay trends, and convective initiation. Weather radar products are the primary source of the weather location and intensity information used by the aviation weather systems. In the United States, the primary radar sources are the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) and the Weather Surveillance Radar 1988 Doppler (WSR-88D, known as NEXRAD). Additional weather radar products from the Canadian network are used by some of the aviation weather systems. Product quality from all these radars directly impacts the quality of the down stream products created by the aviation weather systems and their utility to air traffic controllers. Four FAA weather systems use some combination of products from the aforementioned radars. They are the Corridor Integrated Weather System (CIWS), the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS), the Weather and Radar Processor (WARP), and the Medium Intensity Airport Weather System (MIAWS). This paper focuses on the improvement of weather radar data quality specific to CIWS. The other mentioned FAA aviation weather systems also benefit either directly or indirectly from the improvements noted in this paper. For CIWS, the legacy data quality practices involve two steps. Step one is the creation of weather radar products of highest possible fidelity. The second step involves creating a mosaic from these products. The mosaic creation process takes advantage of inter-radar product comparisons to interject a further level of improved data quality. The new CIWS data quality plan will use a mounting evidence data quality classifier technique currently being developed. The technique applies a multi-tiered approach to weather radar data quality. Its premise is that no single data quality improvement technique is as effective as a collaboration of many. The evidence will be expanded to include data and products from the radars along with data from additional sensing platforms. The mosaic creation process will correspondingly expand to take advantage of the additional evidence. Section 2 covers data quality of products from the single radar perspective. Section 3 focuses on the use of satellite data as the first additional sensing platform to augment removal of problematic radar contamination. Section 4 describes the data quality procedures associated with creation of mosaics from the single radar products augmented with new satellite masking information. Last, Section 5 discusses future plans for the mounting evidence data quality improvement technique.


A fundamental function of any aviation weather system is to provide accurate and timely weather information tailored to the specific air traffic situations for which a system is designed. Weather location and intensity are of prime importance to such systems. Knowledge of the weather provides "nowcasting" functionality in the terminal...


Measuring the utilization of available aviation system capacity in convective weather

Published in:
13th Conf. on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, ARAM, 20-24 January 2008.


There is currently great interest in improving the ability to quantitatively assess how well U.S. Air Traffic Control (ATC) services are being provided as new weather-air traffic management (ATM) decision support capabilities are added. One of the three proposed metrics currently under study by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and airlines is resource utilization, which has been defined as "the safe and efficient use of available airport or airspace capacity." Measurement of capacity utilization is particularly difficult during convective weather since storms cause capacity reductions in both en route and terminal airspace. In particular, en route capacity loss results in network congestion that cannot be readily characterized by scalar metrics. This paper proposes the use of (i) models for translating 3-D weather radar data into time-varying estimates of the capacity reductions in affected en route sectors, terminal airspace, and airports, together with (ii) automatically-generated, broad-area ATM strategies that utilize the time-varying estimates of airspace capacity and demand to determine optimal reroute strategies or, when necessary, minimally disruptive ground or airborne delay programs to assess how the available capacity could best been utilized. By comparing actual vs. optimal capacity utilization, one can assess how effective the actual weather-ATM system was at utilizing the available capacity. Examples of applying this methodology to severe convective weather events from 2005 and 2006 will be presented.


There is currently great interest in improving the ability to quantitatively assess how well U.S. Air Traffic Control (ATC) services are being provided as new weather-air traffic management (ATM) decision support capabilities are added. One of the three proposed metrics currently under study by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and...


The next-generation multimission U.S. surveillance radar network

Published in:
Bull. American Meteorological Society, Vol. 88, No. 11, November 2007, pp. 1739-1751.


Current U.S. weather and aircraft surveillance radar networks vary in age from 10 to more than 40 years. Ongoing sustainment and upgrade programs can keep these operating in the near to mid-term, but the responsible agencies National Weather Service (NWS), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the Departments of Defense (DoD) and Homeland Security (DHS) recognize that large-scale replacement activities must begin during the next decade. The National Weather Radar Testbed (NWRT) in Norman, Oklahoma, is a multiagency project demonstrating operational weather measurements capability enhancements that could be realized using electronically steered phased-array radars as a replacement for the current Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D). FAA support for the NWRT and related efforts address air traffic control (ATC) and homeland defense surveillance missions that could be simultaneously accomplished using the agile-beam capability of a phased array weather radar network. In this paper, we discuss technology issues, operational considerations, and cost trades associated with the concept of replacing current national surveillance radars with a single network of multimission phased array radars (MPAR). We begin by describing the current U.S. national weather and aircraft surveillance radar networks and their technical parameters. The airspace coverage and surveillance capabilities of these existing radars provide a starting point for defining requirements for the next-generation airspace surveillance system. We next describe a conceptual MPAR high-level system design and our initial development and testing of critical subsystems. This work, in turn, has provided a solid basis for estimating MPAR costs for comparison with existing, mechanically scanned operational surveillance radars. To assess the numbers of MPARs that would need to be procured, we present a conceptual MPAR network configuration that duplicates airspace coverage provided by current operational radars. Finally, we discuss how the improved surveillance capabilities of MPAR could be utilized to more effectively meet the weather and aircraft surveillance needs of U.S. civil and military agencies.


Current U.S. weather and aircraft surveillance radar networks vary in age from 10 to more than 40 years. Ongoing sustainment and upgrade programs can keep these operating in the near to mid-term, but the responsible agencies National Weather Service (NWS), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the Departments of Defense (DoD)...


An approach to verify a model for translating convective weather information to air traffic management impact

Published in:
7th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conf., 18-20 September 2007.


This paper describes a method to determine the accuracy of the Convective Weather Avoidance Model which predicts the likelihood that pilots will deviate away from specific areas of convective activity. Visual inspection with a reduced data set helped refine the algorithms used in the verification and offered some preliminary results of the model's accuracy in today's airspace. This model has some explanatory power in predicting regions of airspace where pilots are willing to deviate or fly through. In some instances, pilots appeared not to make an early decision to deviate around convective weather and continued on course as the region appeared more passable when they reached it. In other instances, pilots skirted the edges of regions where the model expected pilots avoid. This behavior suggests edge areas of those model regions were more passable and the convection in that region was not uniform in intensity.


This paper describes a method to determine the accuracy of the Convective Weather Avoidance Model which predicts the likelihood that pilots will deviate away from specific areas of convective activity. Visual inspection with a reduced data set helped refine the algorithms used in the verification and offered some preliminary results...


Model estimates of traffic reduction in storm impacted en route airspace

Published in:
7th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conf., 18-20 September 2007.


An understanding of convective weather impacts on en route airspace capacity is a first step toward development of predictive tools to support both tactical and strategic routing decisions in storm-impacted airspace. This study presents a model for traffic reductions in en route sectors that result from convective weather impacts. A model to predict the impact of convective weather on en route traffic, Traffic Normalized Fractional Route Availability (TNFRA), combines Weather Avoidance Fields (WAF) from the Convective Weather Avoidance Model (CWAM) with a model for route usage in air traffic control (ATC) sectors. The model estimates the number of flights that will be able to pass through convective weather in a given sector. Results show that TNFRA provides a relatively unbiased estimate of sector traffic when compared to actual operations during high impact - convective weather events.


An understanding of convective weather impacts on en route airspace capacity is a first step toward development of predictive tools to support both tactical and strategic routing decisions in storm-impacted airspace. This study presents a model for traffic reductions in en route sectors that result from convective weather impacts. A...


Evaluation of potential NEXRAD dual polarization products

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-336


The NEXRAD program will begin fielding a dual polarization capability in 2009. Three additional base data parameters and two additional derived parameters from the dual polarization capability will be produced to complement the traditional three radar moments. The initial use of the added data is to provide a dual-polarization-based quantitative precipitation estimate (QPE) algorithm. Other NEXRAD algorithms will have access to the new dual polarization parameters as well as the derived products. The National Severe Storms Laboratory coordinated a dual polarization product evaluation to solicit NEXRAD agency participant feedback regarding potential dual polarization products. The evaluation consisted of analyzing dual polarization data from seven weather cases. MIT Lincoln Laboratory participated in the evaluation. The evaluation opportunity was used to have early access to prototypical dual polarization data to consider the potential benefit to FAA weather systems. This report introduces the new dual polarization pararmeters, presents some of the relevant weather cases, and provides recommendations regarding use of the dual polarization parameters.


The NEXRAD program will begin fielding a dual polarization capability in 2009. Three additional base data parameters and two additional derived parameters from the dual polarization capability will be produced to complement the traditional three radar moments. The initial use of the added data is to provide a dual-polarization-based quantitative...