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The effects of interference on monopulse performance
The first and second moments of the monopulse azimuth estimates are used to characterize the estimator performance in a background of mainbeam or sidelobe multipath or ATCRBS interference. An exact expression for the bias error is obtained that not only accounts for the bias due to targets separated in azimuth...
Recent advances in air traffic control radars
This paper describes recent improvements in microwave radars used for air traffic control. These improvements have been designed to increase the target-to-clutter ratio so that adaptive thresholding can be used to give a very low false alarm rate and high probability of detection even when the aircraft target is in...
Dual lane runway study, final report
The issues in the dual lane runway problem were investigated via computer real time (man in the loop) and fast time (no human input during the simulation run) simulations in order to identify a dual lane runway configuration and determine operation strategies. The real time experiments were conducted using experienced...
Accuracy limitations of hyperbolic multilateration systems
This report is an analysis of the accuracy limitations of hyperbolic multilateration systems. A central result is a demonstration that the inverse of the covariance matrix for positional errors corresponds to the moment of inertia matrix of a simple mass configuration. The insight afforded by this fact is used to...
A high performance, low cost, air traffic control radar
Recent improvements in the technology of electronically switched antennas and digital signal processing make possible a relatively high performance, low cost, surveillance radar. The radar described employs an electronically step-scanned, cylindrical antenna together with an advanced digital signal processor to give superior MTI performance at an estimated cost of less...
A maximum-likelihood multiple-hypothesis testing algorithm, with an application to monopulse data editing
A simple algorithm for multiple-hypothesis testing, based on a generalization of likelihood ratio testing between pairs of hypotheses, is developed and applied to a specific problem. The problem arises in connection with an amplitude comparison monopulse system in an Air Traffic Control application. In particular, it is desired to measure...
A decision-directed adaptive tracker
In the design of a tracking filter for air traffic control (ATC) applications, a maneuvering aircraft can be modelled by a linear system with random noise accelerations. A Kalman filter tracker, designed on the basis of a variance chosen according to the distribution of the potential maneuver accelerations, will maintain...
Multiple-access considerations - a satellite example
Increased air traffic coupled with the proliferation of sophisticated avionics can be expected to stimulate increased demand for air traffic control (ATC) services over the next few decades. New challenges for the design of communication, surveillance, and navigation subsystems is an anticipated consequence. Since it is unlikely that significantly larger...
The influence of surveillance system parameters on automated conflict detection and resolution
The effects of sensor accuracy, data rate, and message delivery delay upon automated conflict detection,and resolution processing is analyzed and particular considerations for DABS/IPC operation are discussed. Various options in the design of the algorithmic logic are enumerated and a particular logic is chosen for quantitative inspection. Performance sensitivity calculations...
The effect of staggered PRF's on MTI signal detection
Long-range surveillance radars use MTI techniques to detect moving targets in a clutter background. The transmitter PRF is usually staggered to eliminate the blind speeds due to aliasing of the target and clutter spectra. A spectral analysis of the target and clutter signals is performed for the case of nonuniform...