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Secure input validation in Rust with parsing-expression grammars

Published in:
Thesis (M.E.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019.


Accepting input from the outside world is one of the most dangerous things a system can do. Since type information is lost across system boundaries, systems must perform type-specific input handling routines to recover this information. Adversaries can carefully craft input data to exploit any bugs or vulnerabilities in these routines, thereby causing dangerous memory errors. Including input validation routines in kernels is especially risky. Sensitive memory contents and powerful privileges make kernels a preferred target of attackers. Furthermore, the fact that kernels must process user input, network data, as well as input from a wide array of peripheral devices means that including such input validation schemes is unavoidable. In this thesis we present Automatic Validation of Input Data (AVID), which helps solve the issue of input validation within kernels by automatically generating parser implementations for developer-defined structs. AVID leverages not only the unambiguity guarantees of parsing expression grammars but also the type safety guarantees of Rust. We show how AVID can be used to resolve a manufactured vulnerability in Tock, an operating system written in Rust for embedded systems. Using Rust’s procedural macro system, AVID generates parser implementations at compile time based on existing Rust struct definitions. AVID exposes a simple and convenient parser API that is able to validate input and then instantiate structs from the validated input. AVID's simple interface makes it easy for developers to use and to integrate with existing codebases.


Accepting input from the outside world is one of the most dangerous things a system can do. Since type information is lost across system boundaries, systems must perform type-specific input handling routines to recover this information. Adversaries can carefully craft input data to exploit any bugs or vulnerabilities in these...


Security and performance analysis of custom memory allocators

Published in:
Thesis (M.E.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019.


Computer programmers use custom memory allocators as an alternative to built-in or general-purpose memory allocators with the intent to improve performance and minimize human error. However, it is difficult to achieve both memory safety and performance gains on custom memory allocators. In this thesis, we study the relationship between memory safety and custom allocators. We analyze three popular servers, Apache, Nginx, and Appweb, and show that while the performance benefits might exist in the unprotected version of the server, as soon as partial or full memory safety is enforced, the picture becomes much more complex. Based on the target, using a custom memory allocator might be faster, about the same, or slower than the system memory allocator. Another caveat is that custom memory allocation can only be protected partially (at the allocation granularity) without manual modification. In addition, custom memory allocators may also introduce additional vulnerabilities to an application (e.g., OpenSSL Heartbleed). We thus conclude that using custom memory allocators is very nuanced, and that the challenges they pose may outweigh the small performance gains in the unprotected mode in many cases. Our findings suggest that developers must carefully consider the trade-offs and caveats of using a custom memory allocator before deploying it in their project.


Computer programmers use custom memory allocators as an alternative to built-in or general-purpose memory allocators with the intent to improve performance and minimize human error. However, it is difficult to achieve both memory safety and performance gains on custom memory allocators. In this thesis, we study the relationship between memory...


Leveraging Intel SGX technology to protect security-sensitive applications

Published in:
17th IEEE Int. Symp. on Network Computing and Applications, NCA, 1-3 November 2018.


This paper explains the process by which Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) can be leveraged into an existing codebase to protect a security-sensitive application. Intel SGX provides user-level applications with hardware-enforced confidentiality and integrity protections and incurs manageable impact on performance. These protections apply to all three phases of the operational data lifecycle: at rest, in use, and in transit. SGX shrinks the trusted computing base (and therefore the attack surface) of the application to only the hardware on the CPU chip and the portion of the application's software that is executed within the protected enclave. The SDK enables SGX integration into existing C/C++ codebases while still ensuring program support for legacy and non-Intel platforms. This paper is the first published work to walk through the step-by-step process of Intel SGX integration with examples and performance results from an actual cryptographic application produced in a standard Linux development environment.


This paper explains the process by which Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) can be leveraged into an existing codebase to protect a security-sensitive application. Intel SGX provides user-level applications with hardware-enforced confidentiality and integrity protections and incurs manageable impact on performance. These protections apply to all three phases of the...


OS independent and hardware-assisted insider threat detection and prevention framework


Governmental and military institutions harbor critical infrastructure and highly confidential information. Although institutions are investing a lot for protecting their data and assets from possible outsider attacks, insiders are still a distrustful source of information leakage. As malicious software injection is one among many attacks, turning innocent employees into malicious attackers through social attacks is the most impactful one. Malicious insiders or uneducated employees are dangerous for organizations that they are already behind the perimeter protections that guard the digital assets; actually, they are trojans on their own. For an insider, the easiest possible way for creating a hole in security is using the popular and ubiquitous Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices due to its versatile and easy to use plug-and-play nature. USB type storage devices are the biggest threats for contaminating mission critical infrastructure with viruses, malware, and trojans. USB human interface devices are also dangerous as they may connect to a host with destructive hidden functionalities. In this paper, we propose a novel hardware-assisted insider threat detection and prevention framework for the USB case. Our novel framework is also OS independent. We implemented a proof-of-concept design on an FPGA board which is widely used in military settings supporting critical missions, and demonstrated the results considering different experiments. Based on the results of these experiments, we show that our framework can identify rapid-keyboard key-stroke attacks and can easily detect the functionality of the USB device plugged in. We present the resource consumption of our framework on the FPGA for its utilization on a host controller device. We show that our hard-to-tamper framework introduces no overhead in USB communication in terms of user experience.


Governmental and military institutions harbor critical infrastructure and highly confidential information. Although institutions are investing a lot for protecting their data and assets from possible outsider attacks, insiders are still a distrustful source of information leakage. As malicious software injection is one among many attacks, turning innocent employees into malicious...


Cross-app poisoning in software-defined networking

Published in:
Proc. ACM Conf. on Computer and Communications Security, CCS, 15-18 October 2018, pp. 648-63.


Software-defined networking (SDN) continues to grow in popularity because of its programmable and extensible control plane realized through network applications (apps). However, apps introduce significant security challenges that can systemically disrupt network operations, since apps must access or modify data in a shared control plane state. If our understanding of how such data propagate within the control plane is inadequate, apps can co-opt other apps, causing them to poison the control plane's integrity. We present a class of SDN control plane integrity attacks that we call cross-app poisoning (CAP), in which an unprivileged app manipulates the shared control plane state to trick a privileged app into taking actions on its behalf. We demonstrate how role-based access control (RBAC) schemes are insufficient for preventing such attacks because they neither track information flow nor enforce information flow control (IFC). We also present a defense, ProvSDN, that uses data provenance to track information flow and serves as an online reference monitor to prevent CAP attacks. We implement ProvSDN on the ONOS SDN controller and demonstrate that information flow can be tracked with low-latency overheads.


Software-defined networking (SDN) continues to grow in popularity because of its programmable and extensible control plane realized through network applications (apps). However, apps introduce significant security challenges that can systemically disrupt network operations, since apps must access or modify data in a shared control plane state. If our understanding of...


Designing secure and resilient embedded avionics systems


With an increased reliance on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) as mission assets and the dependency of UAS on cyber resources, cyber security of UAS must be improved by adopting sound security principles and relevant technologies from the computing community. On the other hand, the traditional avionics community, being aware of the importance of cyber security, is looking at new architecture and designs that can accommodate both the safety oriented principles as well as the cyber security principles and techniques. The Air Force Research Laboratories (AFRL) Information Directorate has created the Agile Resilient Embedded System (ARES) program to investigate mitigations that offer a method to "design-in" cyber protections while maintaining mission assurance. ARES specifically seeks to 'build security in' for unmanned aerial vehicles incorporating security and hardening best practices, while inserting resilience as a system attribute to maintain a level of system operation despite successful exploitation of residual vulnerabilities.


With an increased reliance on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) as mission assets and the dependency of UAS on cyber resources, cyber security of UAS must be improved by adopting sound security principles and relevant technologies from the computing community. On the other hand, the traditional avionics community, being aware of...


Functionality and security co-design environment for embedded systems

Published in:
IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conf., HPEC, 25-27 September 2018.


For decades, embedded systems, ranging from intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) sensors to electronic warfare and electronic signal intelligence systems, have been an integral part of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) mission systems. These embedded systems are increasingly the targets of deliberate and sophisticated attacks. Developers thus need to focus equally on functionality and security in both hardware and software development. For critical missions, these systems must be entrusted to perform their intended functions, prevent attacks, and even operate with resilience under attacks. The processor in a critical system must thus provide not only a root of trust, but also a foundation to monitor mission functions, detect anomalies, and perform recovery. We have developed a Lincoln Asymmetric Multicore Processing (LAMP) architecture, which mitigates adversarial cyber effects with separation and cryptography and provides a foundation to build a resilient embedded system. We will describe a design environment that we have created to enable the co-design of functionality and security for mission assurance.


For decades, embedded systems, ranging from intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) sensors to electronic warfare and electronic signal intelligence systems, have been an integral part of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) mission systems. These embedded systems are increasingly the targets of deliberate and sophisticated attacks. Developers thus need to focus...


TabulaROSA: tabular operating system architecture for massively parallel heterogeneous compute engines


The rise in computing hardware choices is driving a reevaluation of operating systems. The traditional role of an operating system controlling the execution of its own hardware is evolving toward a model whereby the controlling processor is distinct from the compute engines that are performing most of the computations. In this context, an operating system can be viewed as software that brokers and tracks the resources of the compute engines and is akin to a database management system. To explore the idea of using a database in an operating system role, this work defines key operating system functions in terms of rigorous mathematical semantics (associative array algebra) that are directly translatable into database operations. These operations possess a number of mathematical properties that are ideal for parallel operating systems by guaranteeing correctness over a wide range of parallel operations. The resulting operating system equations provide a mathematical specification for a Tabular Operating System Architecture (TabulaROSA) that can be implemented on any platform. Simulations of forking in TabularROSA are performed using an associative array implementation and compared to Linux on a 32,000+ core supercomputer. Using over 262,000 forkers managing over 68,000,000,000 processes, the simulations show that TabulaROSA has the potential to perform operating system functions on a massively parallel scale. The TabulaROSA simulations show 20x higher performance as compared to Linux while managing 2000x more processes in fully searchable tables.


The rise in computing hardware choices is driving a reevaluation of operating systems. The traditional role of an operating system controlling the execution of its own hardware is evolving toward a model whereby the controlling processor is distinct from the compute engines that are performing most of the computations. In...


Don't even ask: database access control through query control


This paper presents a vision and description for query control, which is a paradigm for database access control. In this model, individual queries are examined before being executed and are either allowed or denied by a pre-defined policy. Traditional view-based database access control requires the enforcer to view the query, the records, or both. That may present difficulty when the enforcer is not allowed to view database contents or the query itself. This discussion of query control arises from our experience with privacy-preserving encrypted databases, in which no single entity learns both the query and the database contents. Query control is also a good fit for enforcing rules and regulations that are not well-addressed by view-based access control. With the rise of federated database management systems, we believe that new approaches to access control will be increasingly important.


This paper presents a vision and description for query control, which is a paradigm for database access control. In this model, individual queries are examined before being executed and are either allowed or denied by a pre-defined policy. Traditional view-based database access control requires the enforcer to view the query...


Mission assurance: beyond secure processing

Published in:
18th IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security, QRS 2018, 16-20 July 2018, pp. 593-8.


The processor of a drone runs essential functions of sensing, communications, coordination, and control. This is the conventional view. But in today's cyber environment, the processor must also provide security to assure mission completion. We have been developing a secure processing architecture for mission assurance. A study on state-of-the-art secure processing technologies has revealed that no one-size-fits-all solution can fully meet our requirements. In fact, we have concluded that the provision of a secure processor as a mission assurance foundation must be holistic and should be approached from a systems perspective. We have thus applied a systems analysis approach to create a secure base for the system. This paper describes our journey of adapting and synergizing various secure processing technologies into a baseline asymmetric multicore processing architecture. We will also describe a functional and security co-design environment, created to customize and optimize the architecture in a design space consisting of hardware, software, performance, and assurance.


The processor of a drone runs essential functions of sensing, communications, coordination, and control. This is the conventional view. But in today's cyber environment, the processor must also provide security to assure mission completion. We have been developing a secure processing architecture for mission assurance. A study on state-of-the-art secure...