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GPS-squitter channel access analysis
GPS-Squitter is a system concept that merges the capabilities of Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) and the Mode S beacon radar. The result is an integrated concept for seamless surveillance and data link that permits equipped aircraft to participate in ADS and/or beacon ground environments, offering many possibilities for transition from...
The enhanced Airborne Measurement Facility recording system
The Airborne Measurement Facility (AMF) is a data collection system that receives and records pulse and other information on the 1030/1090-MHz frequencies used by the FAA's secondary surveillance radar and collision avoidance systems. These systems include the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS), the Mode Select (Mode S) Beacon...
An advanced weather surveillance processor for airport surveillance radars
This paper describes an enhanced weather processor for the Federal Aviation Administration's Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR-9) that will include Doppler wind estimation for the detection of low altitude wind shear, scan-to-scan tracking to provide estimates of the speed and direction of storm movement and suppression of spurious weather reports currently...
Obtaining low sidelobes using non-linear FM pulse compression
Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) manufacturers are proposing the use of non-linear FM pulse compression in their all solid state radars. However there is concern that the use of pulse compression will limit the radar's performance. High range sidelobes can cause poor performance in both target and weather detection. The theory...
Solid state radar demonstration test results at the FAA technical center
In 1992 and 1993 ITT Gilfillan teamed with Thomson CSF to develop a solid state transmitter system for airport surveillance radar applications. Because of the low peak power limitations of the solid state transmitter, the radar uses pulse compression techniques to obtain 55 nmi detection performance. In the Fall of...
Demonstration of GPS Automatic Dependent Surveillance of aircraft using spontaneous Mode S broadcast messages
A new Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) system concept combining GPS-based positions with Mode S data communications is described. Several potential applications of this concept are presented with emphasis on surface surveillance at airports. The navigation and data link performance are analyzed. Compact ADS position formats are included. The results of...
GPS-squitter capacity analysis
GPS-Squitter is a system concept that merges the capabilities of Automatic Dependent SurveiIlance (ADS) and the Mode S beacon radar. The resuit is an integrated concept for seamless surveillance and data link that permits equipped aircraft to participate in ADS and/or beacon ground environments. This concept offers many possibilities for...
Connected components and temporal association in airport surface radar tracking
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, under sponsorship of the FAA, has installed a modified Raytheon pathfinder x-band marine radar at Logan Airport in Boston, Mass. and has developed a real- time surveillance system based on the pathfinder's digitized output. The surveillance system provides input to a safety logic system that will ultimately...
Radar images of Logan Airport and application in automated aircraft tracking
To enhance safety and expedite aircraft traffic control at airports, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is in the process of developing automation aids for controllers and pilots. These automation improvements depend on reliable surveillance of the airport traffic, in the form of computerized target reports for all aircraft. One means...
Low altitude wind shear detection using airport surveillance radars
This paper describes an enhanced weather processor for the Federal Aviation Administration's Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR-9) that will include Doppler wind estimation for the detection of low altitude wind shear, scan-to-scan tracking to provide estimates of the speed and direction of storm movement and suppression' of spurious weather reports currently...