GROK: a practical system for securing group communications
We have designed and implemented a general-purpose cryptographic building block, called GROK, for securing communication among groups of entities in networks composed of high-latency, low-bandwidth, intermittently connected links. During the process, we solved a number of non-trivial system problems. This paper describes these problems and our solutions, and motivates and...
Weighted nuisance attribute projection
Nuisance attribute projection (NAP) has become a common method for compensation of channel effects, session variation, speaker variation, and general mismatch in speaker recognition. NAP uses an orthogonal projection to remove a nuisance subspace from a larger expansion space that contains the speaker information. Training the NAP subspace is based...
Voice production mechanisms following phonosurgical treatment of early glottic cancer
Although near-normal conversational voices can be achieved with the phonosurgical management of early glottic cancer, there are still acoustic and aerodynamic deficits in vocal function that must be better understood to help further optimize phonosurgical interventions. Stroboscopic assessment is inadequate for this purpose. A newly discovered color high-speed videoendoscopy (HSV)...
The application of statistical relational learning to a database of criminal and terrorist activity
We apply statistical relational learning to a database of criminal and terrorist activity to predict attributes and event outcomes. The database stems from a collection of news articles and court records which are carefully annotated with a variety of variables, including categorical and continuous fields. Manual analysis of this data...
Data diodes in support of trustworthy cyber infrastructure
Interconnections between process control networks and enterprise networks has resulted in the proliferation of standard communication protocols in industrial control systems which exposes instrumentation, control systems, and the critical infrastructure components they operate to a variety of cyber attacks. Various standards and technologies have been proposed to protect industrial control...
Detection and simulation of scenarios with hidden Markov models and event dependency graphs
The wide availability of signal processing and language tools to extract structured data from raw content has created a new opportunity for the processing of structured signals. In this work, we explore models for the simulation and recognition of scenarios - i.e., time sequences of structured data. For simulation, we...
Preserving the character of perturbations in scaled pitch contours
The global and fine dynamic components of a pitch contour in voice production, as in the speaking and singing voice, are important for both the meaning and character of an utterance. In speech, for example, slow pitch inflections, rapid pitch accents, and irregular regions all comprise the pitch contour. In...
Multi-class SVM optimization using MCE training with application to topic identification
This paper presents a minimum classification error (MCE) training approach for improving the accuracy of multi-class support vector machine (SVM) classifiers. We have applied this approach to topic identification (topic ID) for human-human telephone conversations from the Fisher corpus using ASR lattice output. The new approach yields improved performance over...
Kalman filter based speech synthesis
Preliminary results are reported from a very simple speech-synthesis system based on clustered-diphone Kalman Filter based modeling of line-spectral frequency based features. Parameters were estimated using maximum-likelihood EM training, with a constraint enforced that prevented eigenvalue magnitudes in the transition matrix from exceeding 1. Frames of training data were assigned...
The MITLL NIST LRE 2009 language recognition system
This paper presents a description of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory language recognition system submitted to the NIST 2009 Language Recognition Evaluation (LRE). This system consists of a fusion of three core recognizers, two based on spectral similarity and one based on tokenization. The 2009 LRE differed from previous ones in...