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Network management

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-45


This report provides a discussion of the design of the DABS network management function. Network management is responsible for the interaction between the local sensor and the adjacent connected sensors. Based on a dynamic interpretation of the coverage map and the status of the network, network management determines (a) the coverage responsibility of the local sensor, (b) which other sensors are covering the same area, and (c) which of the sensors has principal data link responsibility. Interaction is effected through message exchange over ground communication links connecting the DABS sensors.


This report provides a discussion of the design of the DABS network management function. Network management is responsible for the interaction between the local sensor and the adjacent connected sensors. Based on a dynamic interpretation of the coverage map and the status of the network, network management determines (a) the...


DABS link performance considerations

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-41


The DABS link performance is computed using the present values for the system operating parameters and the available models that describe environment and aircraft antenna effects. The various fade mechanisms are described, and a statistical determination of performance is proposed. The performance is computed for various sets of conditions including different ground antennas, aircraft maneuvers, antenna obstructions and the performance when aircraft are in the cone of silence. The DABS link is found to have very good overall performance with only small regions of reduced reliability that are at low angles or due to maneuvers. Those missed replies due to maneuvers are found to be sporadic from scan to scan.


The DABS link performance is computed using the present values for the system operating parameters and the available models that describe environment and aircraft antenna effects. The various fade mechanisms are described, and a statistical determination of performance is proposed. The performance is computed for various sets of conditions including...


Scale model pattern measurements of aircraft L-band beacon antennas

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-47


This report describes the techniques and apparatus used to measure the directional patterns of aircraft ATC transponder antennas (L-Band) using digital techniques and magnetic tapes for data storage. Algorithms involved in data normalization, cross-polarization correction and coordinate conversations are discussed. Some typical applications of the data are illustrated with actual computer outputs obtained from the model measurements.


This report describes the techniques and apparatus used to measure the directional patterns of aircraft ATC transponder antennas (L-Band) using digital techniques and magnetic tapes for data storage. Algorithms involved in data normalization, cross-polarization correction and coordinate conversations are discussed. Some typical applications of the data are illustrated with actual...


Improved MTI radar signal processor

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-39


A new type of radar digital signal processor for use with ASR radars is described. It features spectral processing accomplished by combining a 3-pulse canceller with an 8-point, weighted, discrete Fourier transform and adaptive thresholds. This combination of circuits provides a 20-dB increase in MTI improvement factor over present ASR's and is within 2 dB of optimum processing results. An auxiliary channel is provided to allow detection of any target traveling tangentially if its return exceeds the level of ground clutter return in the occupied range/azimuth cell. The spectral processing technique provides discrimination against weather clutter if the returns from weather and from the target fall into different Doppler frequency regions. The output from this equipment is digital hit reports for transmittal to the ARTS-III IOP computer.


A new type of radar digital signal processor for use with ASR radars is described. It features spectral processing accomplished by combining a 3-pulse canceller with an 8-point, weighted, discrete Fourier transform and adaptive thresholds. This combination of circuits provides a 20-dB increase in MTI improvement factor over present ASR's...


DABS uplink encoder

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-40


This report explains the operation of the DABS uplink encoder and provides information useful in diagnosing its performance. Several techniques which may be useful in analyzing encoder operation are presented. One technique involves only the use of address-parity tables and modulo-2 addition. The address-parity tables included are based upon the encoding polynomial prescribed in "Provisional Signal Formats for the Discrete Address Beacon System," Lincoln Laboratory Project Report ATC-30 Rev. 1, dated 25 April 1974. The error detection and correction properties of polynomial encoding schemes are not the subject of this report.


This report explains the operation of the DABS uplink encoder and provides information useful in diagnosing its performance. Several techniques which may be useful in analyzing encoder operation are presented. One technique involves only the use of address-parity tables and modulo-2 addition. The address-parity tables included are based upon the...


An analysis of aircraft L-band beacon antenna patterns

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-37


Radiation patterns are examined for L-Band beacon antennas mounted on aircraft ranging from small, single-engine, general aviation aircraft to the Boeing 747. The data analyzed consists of antenna gain values taken in two degree steps over a spherical surface centered at the antenna location. Data from three representative scale model aircraft are studied in detail and show the effects of various airframe structural members on the radiation lobing patterns and the relative performance of antennas located at a number of positions on each scale model aircraft. Significant observations were that: -Landing gear and flaps complicate the lobing structure but do not introduce many more low gain values. -In general, antennas mounted forward of the leading edge of the wing and on fuselage bottom centerline (not too close to nosewheel) provide the best overall performance. -As an aircraft maneuvers, antenna performance degrades in direct relationship with the severity of the roll or pitch.


Radiation patterns are examined for L-Band beacon antennas mounted on aircraft ranging from small, single-engine, general aviation aircraft to the Boeing 747. The data analyzed consists of antenna gain values taken in two degree steps over a spherical surface centered at the antenna location. Data from three representative scale model...


DABS channel management

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-43


This report provides a full discussion of the design of the DABS channel management function. Channel management regulates all activity on the RF channel, scheduling ATCRBS interrogations and DABS roll-call interrogations and replies. Channel management arranges for multiple interrogations when required to satisfy both the surveillance and the communications functions of the sensor, and for reinterrogations in the event of link failure. The report consists of three major parts: Part I, Channel Control; Part II, Roll-Call Scheduling; and Part III, Transaction Preparation, Target List Update, and Transaction Update. Together they encompass the five basic subfunctions of channel management.


This report provides a full discussion of the design of the DABS channel management function. Channel management regulates all activity on the RF channel, scheduling ATCRBS interrogations and DABS roll-call interrogations and replies. Channel management arranges for multiple interrogations when required to satisfy both the surveillance and the communications functions...


DABS timing: clocks, synchronization and restart

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-29


The DABS sensor timing subsystem, which consists of two clocks driven from a common station standard, is the subject of this paper. The subsystem configuration is described and the rationale for this design briefly given. Emphasis is on the techniques for sychronization to an external standard, coordination with other sensors and system restart after a failure or deliberate shut-down.


The DABS sensor timing subsystem, which consists of two clocks driven from a common station standard, is the subject of this paper. The subsystem configuration is described and the rationale for this design briefly given. Emphasis is on the techniques for sychronization to an external standard, coordination with other sensors...


Further studies of ATCRBS based on ARTS-III derived data

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-38


Lincoln Laboratory has been examining digital data extracted from operational ARTS-III radar beacon processing systems for the past eighteen months, in an attempt to determine the capabilities of today's civil Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System. Our original report on the subject, "Empirical Assessment of ATCRBS," (Ref. [1]), covered data gathered during the first six months of the study from the Andrews AFB (ADW), Boston (BOS), and Las Vegas (LAS) ARTS-III eqUipment. This report discusses analysis of data received since the completion of that initial report, which was gathered at the Ontario, California (ONT), Albuquerque (ABQ), Minneapolis St. Paul (MSP), Milwaukee (MKE), and Boston (BOS) ARTS-III sites, and also the Suitland, Md. en route radar site. The major topics considered here are false targets caused by multipath reflections, and asynchronous interference (fruit). Four different mechanisms resulting in false targets were observed in the data and are discussed in detail in the report. In addition, levels of asynchronous interference as measured and analyzed, and two procedures are discussed by which the characteristics of the interrogators responsible for the fruit (including location) can be determined. One of these is described in detail, and shown to yield results that agree closely with known parameters. Several other topics, including improper reply decoding, are also discussed.


Lincoln Laboratory has been examining digital data extracted from operational ARTS-III radar beacon processing systems for the past eighteen months, in an attempt to determine the capabilities of today's civil Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System. Our original report on the subject, "Empirical Assessment of ATCRBS," (Ref. [1]), covered data...


DABS: A System Description

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-42


The Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS) is a cooperative surveillance and communication system for air traffic control. It employs ground-based sensors (interrogators) and airborne transponders. Ground-to-air and air-to-ground data-link communications are accommodated integrally with the surveillance interrogations and replies. DABS has been designed as an evolutionary replacement for the current Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) to provide the enhanced surveillance and communication capability required for air traffic control in the 1980s and 1990s. Compatibility with ATCRBS has been emphasized to permit an extended, economical transition. A principal feature of DABS is that each aircraft is assigned a unique address code. Using this unique code, interrogations can be directed to a particular aircraft, and replies unambiguously identified. Channel interference is minimized because a sensor can limit its interrogation to targets of interest. In addition, by proper timing of interrogations, replies from closely-spaced aircraft can be received without mutual interference. The unique address in each intertogation and reply also permits the inclusion of data-link messages to or from a particular aircraft. DABS uses the same frequencies for interrogations and replies as ATCRBS (1030 and 1090 MHz, respectively). The DABS interrogation is transmitted using DPSK at a 4 Mbps rate, and comprises 56 or 112 bits including the 24-bit discrete address. The reply also comprises 56 or 112 bits including address, and is transmitted at 1 Mbps using binary pulse-position modulation. Coding is used on both interrogations and replies to protect against errors. The DABS sensor provides surveillance of DABS- and ATCRBS-equipped aircraft, and data-link service to DABS aircraft. In addition, it performs radar/beacon correlation of radar target reports from a collocated radar. The DABS sensor transmits surveillance data to, and exchanges messages with, air traffic control facilities (TRACONs and ARTCCs) via low-rate digital circuits. The DABS sensor communicates directly with adjacent DABS Sensors to hand off targets and to provide surveillance and communication backup in the event of momentary link failures. Each DABS service to DABS-equipped aircraft via the ground-air data link. The DABS transponder replies to both ATCRBS and DABS interrogations, and interfaces with a variety of data-link messaged display and input devices. The rms surveillance accuracy provided by DABS is the order of 100 ft and 0.1 degree in range and azimuth, respectively. Surveillance and data-link communication capacities exceed by a substantial margin projected ATC requirements through the remainder of this century.


The Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS) is a cooperative surveillance and communication system for air traffic control. It employs ground-based sensors (interrogators) and airborne transponders. Ground-to-air and air-to-ground data-link communications are accommodated integrally with the surveillance interrogations and replies. DABS has been designed as an evolutionary replacement for the current...