Assessment of the weather detection capability of an Airport Surveillance Radar with solid-state transmitter
The Federal Aviation Administration may acquire a new Airport Surveillance Radar-ASR-11-to replace aging ASR-7s and ASR-8s with a digital terminal radar consistent with Advanced Automation System requirements. A survey of the radar manufacturing industry suggests that a solid-state transmitter will likely be a component of this radar. The ASR-11 will...
Analysis of surveillance performance at Chicago O'Hare Airport
This report describes the results of RF measurements of the 1030 and 1090 MHz environment in the Chicago terminal area conducted by Lincoln Laboratory in October 1991. The measurements were made at the request of the FAA in response to reports by controllers in Chicago that TCAS interrogations are affecting...
Aircraft surveillance based on GPS position broadcasts from mode S beacon transponders
Flight testing of a new air surveillance concept, GPS-Squitter, is reported. It integrates GPS receivers with the existing secondary surveillance radar beacon equipment carried by most aircraft. Simple, inexpensive, non-scanning ground stations listen for GPS position reports broadcast by the Mode S beacon transponders on the aircraft and send them...
Encoding approaches for data link transmission of weather graphics
To provide pilots with necessary information to make informed decisions on the avoidance of hazardous weather and to maintain situational awareness of the weather conditions, the FAA is actively developing the capability to provide real-time graphical weather information to aircraft through the use of bandwidth-limited data links such as Mode...
Machine Intelligent Gust Front Algorithm
The Federal Aviation Administration has sponsored research and development of algorithms for automatic gust front detection as part of a suite of hazardous weather detection capabilities for airports. These algorithms are intended for use with Doppler radar systems, specifically the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) and the Airport Surveillance Radar...
ADS-Mode S system overview
ADS-Mode S is a system concept that merges the capabilities of Automatic Dependent Surveillance and the Mode S beacon radar. The result is an integrated system for seamless surveillance and data link that permits equipped aircraft to participate in ADS or beacon ground environments. This offers many possibilities for transitioning...
ADS-Mode S
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has defined a concept for communications, navigation, and surveillance for the next century known as the Future Air Navigation System (FANS). A cornerstone, of the FANS is an increasing reliance on satellite-based position-determining systems such as the Global Positioning System (GPS). In the case...
ASR-9 Microburst Detection Algorithm
The ASR-9 Wind Shear Processor (WSP) is intended as an economical alternative for those airports that have not been slated to receive a Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) but have, or will be receiving, an ASR-9 radar. Lincoln Laboratory has developed a prototype ASR-9 WSP system which has been demonstrated...
The gust-front detection and wind-shift algorithms for the Terminal Doppler weather radar system
The Federal Aviation Administration's Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system was primarily designed to address the operational needs of pilots in the avoidance of low-altitude wind shears upon takeoff and landing at airports. One of the primary methods of wind-shear detection for the TDWR system is the gust-front detection algorithm...
Estimation of wake vortex advection and decay using meteorological sensors and aircraft data
The lift-generated wake vortices trailing behind an aircraft present a danger to aircraft following the same or nearby path. The degree of hazard to the following aircraft depends on the nature of the wake encountered in its flight path and on the ability of the aircraft to counter its effects...