The Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) storm cell information and weather impacted airspace detection algorithm
The Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) is an FAA-sponsored program (Sankey, 1993; Ducot, 1993) whose objective is to acquire data and products from a variety of weather sensors, integrate the data and create aviation weather products for users, such as Air Traffic (AT) controllers and traffic managers, pilots, and airline...
Status of the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar with deployment underway
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) initiated the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) program in the mid-1980's in response to the need for improved real-time hazardous weather (especially low-altitude wind shear) surveillance in the terminal area (Turnbull, et al., 1989). The initial focus for the TDWR was to provide reliable, fully...
Effects of metering precision and terminal controllability on runway throughput
In order to efficiently use available runway capacity while avoiding undue congestion within terminal airspace, systems of flow control and en route metering have been implemented. Recent work in automation has attempted to extend traffic flow planning to provide precise scheduling of traffic flow within the terminal area itself (from...
Mode-S data link
Mode-S is an enhancement of the ATCRBS secondary surveillance radar (SSR) system which adds selective interrogation of individual aircraft, monopulse processing of the replies and a digital data link between the ground station and the aircraft. These features result in greatly improved surveillance accuracy, virtual elimination of synchronous garble of...
ATCRBS Reply Environment at Memphis International Airport
This report demonstrates, through data and analysis, how the airport environment can affect ATCRBS surveillance. The Lincoln Laboratory ATCRBS Monopulse Processing Subsystem was used to collect reply data at Memphis International Airport during March 1991. These data show a correlation between aircraft density, potential reflectors, and ATCRBS reply integrity. The...
A shear-based microburst detection algorithm for the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS)
This paper explains the initial design of the ITWS microburst detection algorithm and illustrates some early results. The final section concentrates on the plans for algorithm testing and the planned enhancements to its capabilities.
A machine intelligent gust front algorithm for Doppler weather radars
Gust fronts generated by thunderstorms can seriously affect the safety and efficiency of airport operations. Lincoln Laboratory, under contract with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), has had a significant role in the development of two Doppler radar systems that are capable of detecting low altitude wind shears, including gust fronts...
Adjoint-method retrievals of microburst winds from TDWR data
The simple adjoint (SA) method of Qiu and Xu (1992, henceforth referred to as QX92) was recently upgraded and tested with the Phoenix-II data for retrieving the low-altitude winds from single-Doppler scans (Xu et al. 1993a,b henceforth referred to as XQY93a,b). The major results can be briefly reviewed as follows...
Anomalous propagation associated with thunderstorm outflows
Battan noted that ducting of radar energy by anomalous atmospheric refractive index profiles and resulting abnormally strong ground clutter can occur during three types of meteorological circumstance: (i) large scale boundary layer temperature inversions and associated sharp decrease in moisture with height -- these are often created by nocturnal radiative...
Clutter filter design for multiple-PRT signals
The trade-off of range vs. velocity ambiguity is fundamental and operationally significant for many S- and C-band pulsed Doppler weather radars. Transmission schemes using multiple pulse repetition times (PRTs) (i.e., nonuniform pulse spacing) offer the potential for extending the unambiguous measurement range by resolving intervals of velocity ambiguity. Unfortunately, multiple...