Dynamic buffer overflow detection
The capabilities of seven dynamic buffer overflow detection tools (Chaperon, Valgrind, CCured, CRED, Insure++, ProPolice and TinyCC) are evaluated in this paper. These tools employ different approaches to runtime buffer overflow detection and range from commercial products to open source gcc-enhancements. A comprehensive test suite was developed consisting of specifically-designed...
Application of a development time productivity metric to parallel software development
Evaluation of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems should take into account software development time productivity in addition to hardware performance, cost, and other factors. We propose a new metric for HPC software development time productivity, defined as the ratio of relative runtime performance to relative programmer effort. This formula has...
Measuring translation quality by testing English speakers with a new Defense Language Proficiency Test for Arabic
We present results from an experiment in which educated English-native speakers answered questions from a machine translated version of a standardized Arabic language test. We compare the machine translation (MT) results with professional reference translations as a baseline for the purpose of determining the level of Arabic reading comprehension that...
Using leader-based communication to improve the scalability of single-round group membership algorithms
Sigma, the first single-round group membership (GM) algorithm, was recently introduced and demonstrated to operate consistently with theoretical expectations in a simulated WAN environment. Sigma achieved similar quality of membership configurations as existing algorithms but required fewer message exchange rounds. We now consider Sigma in terms of scalability. Sigma involves...
An annotated review of past papers on attack graphs
This report reviews past research papers that describe how to construct attack graphs, how to use them to improve security of computer networks, and how to use them to analyze alerts from intrusion detection systems. Two commercial systems are described [I, 2], and a summary table compares important characteristics of...
Speaker adaptive cohort selection for Tnorm in text-independent speaker verification
In this paper we discuss an extension to the widely used score normalization technique of test normalization (Tnorm) for text-independent speaker verification. A new method of speaker Adaptive-Tnorm that offers advantages over the standard Tnorm by adjusting the speaker set to the target model is presented. Examples of this improvement...
Measuring human readability of machine generated text: three case studies in speech recognition and machine translation
We present highlights from three experiments that test the readability of current state-of-the art system output from (1) an automated English speech-to-text system (2) a text-based Arabic-to-English machine translation system and (3) an audio-based Arabic-to-English MT process. We measure readability in terms of reaction time and passage comprehension in each...
The 2004 MIT Lincoln Laboratory speaker recognition system
The MIT Lincoln Laboratory submission for the 2004 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation (SRE) was built upon seven core systems using speaker information from short-term acoustics, pitch and duration prosodic behavior, and phoneme and word usage. These different levels of information were modeled and classified using Gaussian Mixture Models, Support Vector...
Evaluating static analysis tools for detecting buffer overflows in C code
This project evaluated five static analysis tools using a diagnostic test suite to determine their strengths and weaknesses in detecting a variety of buffer overflow flaws in C code. Detection, false alarm, and confusion rates were measured, along with execution time. PolySpace demonstrated a superior detection rate on the basic...
Advances in channel compensation for SVM speaker recognition
Cross-channel degradation is one of the significant challenges facing speaker recognition systems. We study the problem for speaker recognition using support vector machines (SVMs). We perform channel compensation in SVM modeling by removing non-speaker nuisance dimensions in the SVM expansion space via projections. Training to remove these dimensions is accomplished...