Precision Clock Synchronization for Advanced Sensing
Combined quantum networking and lasercom optical signaling techniques could impact advanced sensing applications such as geolocation with distributed systems.
Aircraft Rerouting for Reduced Climate Impact (ARRCI)
With MIT AeroAstro, we are developing forecasts and decision support tools to aid air traffic controllers in avoiding the formation of persistent contrails, which are increasingly considered to have a substantial impact on climate warming.
Portable Aircraft-Derived Weather Observation System
A low-cost technology can increase the number and quality of wind and temperature atmospheric observations made by aircraft to improve forecasts.
Low-Cost Methane Sensor Network
Deploying large networks of ground-based methane detectors could help detect pipeline leaks, improve climate models, and regulate emission sources.
Networking for a New Era of Global Satellite Connectivity
Large constellations of satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO) allow for unparalleled global coverage but require new networking approaches.
Mitigating cellular network congestion through adaptive beamforming with reflectarrays
A low-cost, reconfigurable radio receiver architecture provides an alternative approach to filter out unwanted transmissions in millimeter-wave (MMW) signals.
Vine Robots for Collapsed Structure Mapping
These robots can navigate difficult urban disaster terrain to help responders locate and access victims for rescue.
Multi-label Dataset and Classifiers for Low-Altitude Disaster Imagery
This software program helps disaster responders extract actionable information from post-disaster aerial images.
Healthcare-Based Multimodal Recovery Prediction for the Servicemember
This machine learning model will help military and hospital personnel predict when servicemembers and patients may recover following an injury or surgery.
Wind Turbine Interference–Mitigation Study
A strategy for lessening wind turbines’ effects on the performance of an aircraft measurement system at a naval air station on the Chesapeake Bay could inform future research into interference mitigation for other radar applications.